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Midwest Weather Report

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Weather reports from the upper Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc)....

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One Two Punch

Well it looks like we've got a one two punch coming here in the upper Midwest, with a storm coming today into tomorrow, then another one coming Monday into Tuesday.  Depending on who you go to for weather and where in Iowa you're located it looks like it'll be anywhere from one to four inches tonight into tomorrow.  They don't know yet how much snow we'll get next week or where exactly it's going.  The local ABC station is thinking it'll be centered south of US 20. So this winter we had a g



After the storm

Well the latest storm has passed through on its way out east.  We had about 7.4 inches where I live.  Looks like the heaviest snow was in the Cedar Rapids, Williamsville, Charlotte, and Solon areas with 11 inches of snow.  My sister in Waukee said they had about 10 inches where they were. And of course some moron was clocked going 114 miles an hour on Interstate 35 cause they wanted to get back to school.



There be a snowstorm a brewin'

We had just over an inch of snow yesterday around here.  Road conditions went downhill fast.  My dad said he measured about 1.2 inches this morning.  And tomorrow the forecasters are thinking we're going to get hit with some heavy snow here in eastern Iowa.  Right now they think we'll get anywhere from 3 to 8 inches with higher amounts possible in places.  Yay. So tonight after dinner I'm going to head in to get some provisions.  Including the dijion potater salad I'm craving once agai



Sunrise at the Solstice

We’ve had a couple days of great sunrises. Especially yesterday morning. I took this as the sun was starting to appear yesterday. 



Our first Winter 2020 snow storm

We had our first snowstorm of the season here Friday into Saturday.  There was anywhere from 4.5 inches up to a little over 9 inches of snow.  (We were in the spot that had 9 inches).  They had about 50 cars going off the road during the storm.  I went in town Friday afternoon to send in my work computer and take care of a couple other things.  Including getting dinner for Saturday in case the weather was still bad Saturday evening.  It was pretty much over by noon on Saturday and the roads



Had some snow these past few hours

We had about 2.5 inches of snow last night into this morning where I am here in Iowa and our first winter weather advisory of the season locally.   As usual with early season snowfalls it probably won't last all that long and melt right away.   I knew something weather related was about to hit the fan yesterday when I saw a DOT truck out on the highway spraying down the northbound lanes with pre-treat and the southbound lanes had the streaks from that treatment already. If it does melt



Warm November day

Currently it’s 72° F here in Dubuque.  So I’m sitting at the winery on their patio having a cold one. No one else here right now and no TVs with the latest news on either.  It’s a bit windy out but otherwise not too bad.  Not too many more nice days like this for a while so sitting out here beats the fuck out of waiting for the inevitable. (Which hopefully is fuck face finding out he’s a one term Pres and future convict).  And I got a good ride in today as well. 



October Iowa Snowstorm

And down in Des Moines today they got pelted with up to nine inches of snow today. I have a friend in Cedar Rapids who had a picture of her back yard, which was completely covered with snow.  We just had a slight dusting up here - my dad is a spotter for the NWS and he said we just had three tenths today. Seriously, Mother Nature, can you at least wait a few more weeks with the snow.  Like in to November? Of course it's supposed to be pretty warm mid week.  All four seasons in o



First snow of the season

Got some snow this morning here in eastern Iowa.  It was coming down pretty good this morning but most of it didn't stick since the ground is still fairly warm. Looks like the next few days the weather will be cold and windy before warming up a bit by Thursday.  Mother Nature, couldn't you have waited until November before doing all this. 



Out with the AC for the season

Yesterday I decided to pull out the window AC from my room. Because of the way the HVAC in the house was laid out my room doesn't get as much from the HVAC as the rest of the house, and I didn't want to switch to another room just because of that after fixing it up the way I liked.  So in the summer I have a window unit in and in the winter a space heater going.  So if it's 1000 degrees in the shade next week in Iowa, here's why.  We have a joke here in Iowa that one can experien



Now the rain hits

Last night into today we got two inches of rain.  That might make the yard perk up again since it's been kind of dry lately so when I get back from Des Moines I might have some grass to cut.  I haven't had to mow the lawn in a couple weeks because of how dry it's been, which slows the growth down quite a bit.  (That just prompted me to ask my sister in law if she's still interested in learning how to run the mower here like she offered one time.  If I have to move for work then I'd want someone



We got hit by a derecho

We had a line of thunderstorms roar through Iowa today. Bunch of trees are down throughout the state and a number of buildings were damaged - all by the high winds.  Here's a slideshow of some of the damage from the NBC station, and one from the ABC station. A couple spots in our yard had some water but we didn't have much damage here.  We didn't lose any trees or have other damage.  My sister had called us from Des Moines to let us know the storms were pretty bad so we were able to



Yeah summer is here now

Yes summer has arrived. Supposed to be up in the high 80s and 90s (plus 30c) the next couple weeks.  I think most of my bike riding for the next couple weeks will be early in the morning or later on in the day.  Most of my trips around the yard on the industrial strength salad shooter (aka the lawnmower) will also be in the evening. Too goddamn hot out to be fooling around outside right now.  



The insects have arrived

Now that it's getting warmer out the insects are out in force now.  Had to get a trusty bottle of bug soother from the local Hy-Vee to hose myself down with before going out on rides or walks to keep from having all the bugs (gnats, flies, etc) away.   Still I almost feel like I have to do this some days before heading out....



Yeah Summer is Coming

I finally got around to putting in the window unit in my room today.  (We have central air but the way the HVAC was designed I need a window unit to cool my room as my room is at the end and it can't keep up).  I think this is about the latest I've put it in.  Usually I put it in earlier so I'm not putting it in when it's 1,000 degrees in the shade.



Winter isn't quite done with us yet

Winter isn't quite done with Iowa yet.  We had snow off and on all day.  It didn't amount to much and did not stick though when it hit the ground.  What little did stick melted right away once the snow came out.  I went for a quick bike ride this afternoon and the pavement was dry.  Of course the wind gusts probably helped with that. On Easter Sunday it looks like we could have some more snow which might even be accumulating.  A few inches are possible.  I do have to say since we're all goi



If you don’t like the weather forecast just wait

The old saying here in Iowa is if you don’t like the weather forecast just wait 24 hours.  It’ll either ge much better or worse.  Case in point tomorrow. Yesterday it sounded like we were going to get hit with a snowpocalypse here. Fast forward 24 hours and now it looks like most of it is going south of us. 



Got a bit nicer today

After a couple days of it being fornicating cold out it got a bit nicer today.  I got my vehicle washed.  Yeah I know it won't stay clean for very long but she had a layer of dirt that I was getting tired of looking at.  Meanwhile, several members of my family are on their way to a Caribbean cruise so they'll be in for several days of it being nice and warm.  So I'll be going over to my brother and sister in law's place reguarly over the next week to do some cat/house sitting.  I already go



Like I said, really fornicating cold

And the forecast around here is so cold tonight that I got the first one of these alerts for the season... It's supposed to drop to about -8 below tonight.  Cold enough to freeze one's reproductive equipment off along with other extremeties.  Have I mentioned lately my desire to be back in Lima, Peru lately?  



I cannot wait for spring

We might have some more winter weather coming in this week.  In addition to it getting really fornicating cold this week we also might have some more winter precipitation coming in too. I am so ready for spring to come now.  I am so fornicating sick of winter.  I need to get off my fat you know what and get riding my bike again.  I need the exercise and I need to resume my nasty and disgusting habit of posting GoPro timelapse videos of my bike ride adventures.



After the storm

Last Friday in to Saturday we had freezing rain followed by a couple inches of snow here in Iowa.  Where I live we had two inches of snow by Saturday morning.  Not much but enough to cover the ground and make travel interesting.  It was mostly done by Saturday evening but I had picked up pizza since I didn't want to risk going out and having the weather take a turn for the crappy. It sounds like tomorrow we're going to have some freezing drizzle which has the potential to make the morning c



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      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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    • Kiki03910


      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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      From a Dodgers fan friend:

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    • klein_roeschen


      After starting to feel under the weather this morning, I decided to take a Covid test after lunch, to just be sure. A big, fat positive beam and since then I started to really feel sick with a rising temperature. At the moment I feel like Jill Rods used eyeliner after she prepared herself for a date night 😷
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