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Buffy's Commentary

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Because I don't opine nearly enough elsewhere.  Actually this is a weird little repository for things that amuse me...which don't always amuse other people but I'm okay with that.

Entries in this blog

PSA - Warning Against Slipperiness

There are three things you need to know about me to appreciate how I spent part of my early evening: I am clumsy I have a deep bathtub I am an idiot Muscle aches and anxiety I took a nice hot bath with salts...two birds one stone, right?  I am nothing if not efficient. And smart enough to take the bath mat out so I could sink into the tub with no annoying friction getting in the way.  It was a lovely bath...until I drained the tub and reached for my moisturizer.  Th



My Dog the Therapist

The TLDR of exposition is I've never struggled with anxiety until this year, so this is a new adventure in hell for me.  The combination of my life falling to shit at the same time peri-menopause decided to commandeer my hormones to attack me emotionally...let's just say I'm not the happiest I've ever been lately. I got a few hours of broken sleep last night and woke up feeling unrested and full on anxious.  The kind of anxiety you can feel in your skin...that sickening tingly feeling that



27 Kids - Famewhoring Before TLC

31 years of marriage 27 children.  All single births. No appliances That not only means cooking over a wood burning stove, but laundry by hand.  Before disposable diapers. Heliodore Cyr from New Brunswick, Canada....Duggaring before TLC. It's noted in the comments that only 19 survived to adulthood.  I cannot imagine losing one child much less 6 and continuing to function.      



I Am Not an Incontinent Snow Woman

Two things about me:  One of my favorite feelings is snuggling under the covers when the room is chilly.  I blame reading Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Long Winter during a particularly impressionable part of my childhood. Upon waking I am always discombobulated to the degree it takes me a few to figure out who and where I am. So this morning I woke and happily dug deep enjoying the warmth of my bed against the fall morning, cuddled on three sides by a giant dog and two cats (my



Uneventful Events

I know this is a boring blog, but I don't have an Instagram with which to be publicly annoying. Today was okay.  I did not do the new terrifying/exciting thing I was going to try, but I will.   Today had other plans. The tire pressure light lit up on the car so had to figure out what to do about that.  Between google, @Destiny, my son, and a new tire gauge* got that squared away.   I paid a couple bills and instead of despair remembering how much easier this used to be, I was fill



TLDR: Life Continues to Suck but This Will Never Be My New Normal

So another rough day yesterday, what else is new?  I had an all canine nursing team at the beginning of the evening ...I swear these guys are having meetings and setting shift schedules. I think I'm on some kind of watch. I have been making a concerted effort to isolate less, so against character I picked up when one of my sisters called.  Normally I'd have ignored it making a mental note to call her when I was in a better place, and on a good day text her to tell her that.  But pick up I d



A Nightmare and a Not So Random Aftermath

I had a bad day and into the evening anxiety wise so it would seem like going to sleep early was a good thing. Well, I didn't so much 'go to sleep' as 'crash while reading on top of the covers' but I'll take what I can get these days. And it might have been a good thing if I didn't have a nightmare from hell, worse than any I've had in years.  It was as if my individual worries and anxieties all came to be in lifelike powerful manifestations and attacked me at once. I literally felt vi



SAHD are like indoor cats

I have two indoor cats.  Griffin is perfectly content to remain so and flees in fear from any open external door.  Sham-Wow*, on the other hand, casually stalks the back door when we let the dogs in and out awaiting an opportunity to pop out into the real world and have an adventure. After thwarting him again today I did what I often do and picked him up for a cuddle and I explained to him how I keep him inside because I love him so much I couldn't bear if anything happened to him. Tha



Uncooperative Ice Packs

It is hard to keep an ice pack on an elbow without slipping.  I keep having flashbacks to this scene from the original Bad News Bears... What I need is not so much an icepack but a beer cooler.



No matter how bad life gets...

There is always love.  Idk what I would do without them. (I feel bad the flash woke them,  but I couldn’t help myself.  They are being snuggled to sleep to make up for it.)




So my son had a mishap at work with only one logical explanation To the person who found them, put them in a managers office, which was going to be locked and no on there to open it when his shift was over... They are CAR KEYS.  Anyone who found them knew someone needed them to get home.  It wasn't even complicated.  They have a bright chrome symbol on the fob indicating it they belong to a fairly recognizable vehicle... Parked in eye shot of the front door of the building.



I should have named him Carnac

I've been struggling.  I've been going through a massive upheaval both in my life and internally the last year or so and every day I do the best I can to manage my stress. One of the things that helps when I can engage is mindfulness.  So tonight I was doing dishes and strong in the mindfulness zone.  I had one of my favorite soothing videos playing in the background and I was very conscious of the warmth of the water, the pretty scent of what my British friend calls fairy liquid...the opal



My Lost Day

I woke up this am feeling kind of crappy.  Sore throat, groggy...remnants of a lousy night's sleep. I haven't been sleeping well lately due to some pain.  Not significant enough to complain about, but too much to sleep sometimes.  Anyway... So I get dressed, update my to-do list, get a couple things done, and decide to do a session of guided meditation which I've been using the last several months which usually really helps.   I lie down and begin, planning 20 minutes and will get




Today is National Pecan Cookie Day.   I wonder how a certain fundy family is celebrating. I believe one of my first blog posts here was about pecans.  Confirmation that I've shown zero growth as a person in however many years.   I don't even like them.  



The Grandmother

No, not either of my grandmothers.  Mine didn't lock us in attics, but if they had the food in the those picnic baskets would have been amazing.  (And we would have been killed off straight away as we were neither compliant nor quiet when displeased, but enough about my family.) This is about the grandmother from the Dollanganger series by VC Andrews.  @Maggie Mae has written a series of fabulous reviews of Flowers in the Attic and wondered in one of the comments what the bastions of evil w



A paranormal podcast needs to cover this...

I was reorganizing my bookshelves after taking down my Christmas stuff and I found something unexplained. A bible. I know what you're thinking.  "So?  Buffy, you're a lapsed Catholic, you come from a religious family of course you'd have a bible or two around the house." Because of course you all know my religious background well enough to mock my incredulity. And you'd be right...I have plenty of bibles around here.  The big family one my mom gave me when I married, a bunch



My Delusions > Exended Family Every Time

I haven't had any contact with my mom's family since she died in the mid-90s, unless you count getting Happy Insert Holiday here message from her sister and my liking it when I eventually log in if I see it. But aside from that deep bond, nothing.  Every so often some busybody part of my brain nudges me to send a note to her brother and his wife.  They were the closest to my mom and sometimes I have this annoying longing for contact with people who knew and loved her. I'm usually prett



Another reason to be glad I wasn't a member of the Donner party...

I've spent a lot of time lately being grateful I wasn't a member of the Donner party.  In my attempts to embrace stoicism I've been trying to truncate my self pity by thinking of how any given situation could be worse.  And freezing cold, in isolation with other people not of my choosing, and dining on the aforementioned other people is always worse than whatever I'm complaining about. I won't even eat licorice...do you think I'm going to have some person for lunch?  Honestly, Heinz wouldn'



Pop-Tarts and the Legacy of a Monster

I was listening to a podcast about John Kellogg and learned he was an advocate of marriage in the friendzone. He had what they call a chaste marriage and felt sex was "barely acceptable even within marriage, and then very infrequently." Apparently Seventh Day Adventists, of which he was one of the devout, have a slightly different take on maritial shenanigans than fundies of the Duggar and Batesesses variety.  In fact when it came to sex Dr. Kellogg... "He personally abstained fro



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