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What Do You Say When You See Someone?



Who knew this factoid, though it does make sense...


So unless you plan on calling me, don't plan on me responding with a "hello!"  It would not be appropriate.  Something more along the lines of, "Get the hell off my foot!" might be the reaction you get.  Or maybe "WTF?!?!?!"

Just sayin...

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Posted (edited)

"Salve" or "Ciao".

ETA at the phone we say "Pronto" that means " I'm ready".

Edited by laPapessaGiovanna
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Believe it or not I have lovely manners irl, most of the time.  I chew quietly and with my mouth closed, I apologize profusely when I accidentally shove someone off of a curb, I remove my opera gloves before shaking hands with heads of state and the Pope...but at no other time.

But I am sure my sainted mother is glad she never lived to hear how rude I am when I answer the phone.  I have two greetings and you can tell my mood by which one I use:

"This is Buffy*"  I'm in a good mood.  I took the time to speak an entire sentence fragment to you...clearly welcoming.  If you insist on saying hello or asking how I am I will sigh and humor your need for insipid niceties.

"Buffy*"  Clipped tone - get to it.  Ask me how I'm doing and you will get a "fine - you? what do you need?" in rapid fire which allows no time for you to answer indicates I don't care how you are and am annoyed at the intrusion.

*Although I do use my actual name - although I'm thinking if I start using Buffy maybe people will get confused and stop calling me.  Something to think about.

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  • Posts

    • 47of74


      With all the problems in my life I just told God this afternoon that if he helped me with all of them - health, bar exam, financial, new home, etc - I'd study for the priesthood.  Episcopal priesthood, that is.  Maybe if the Roman church got out of the goddamn stone age when it came to women and married people in the priesthood I and a lot of others would consider it.  Hell, I think if it did there might still be a priest shortage but I don't think it would be acute because the Romans want to force people to choose between serving God and human companionship and being part of families.

    • JermajestyDuggar


      Just name them all Pretentious Christian and get it over with. 

    • princessleia


      Just now, ptm6114 said:

      Yes they’re on a drive and a few of us have the access link. I personally think they should be made public but that’s not up to me. Dude is a whack job. His new thing is calling baby mama “darling,” after everything that happened with court (I’m assuming you, Leia are aware), having a whole ass girlfriend I mean partner 💀 and it’s all recorded 🥴🥴🥴

      Yessir I have heard a few things. Good I’m glad you guys have access to that. Someone needs to. Lol baby mama. I’m gonna call her that next time I see her 🤣

      • Haha 1
    • ptm6114


      13 minutes ago, princessleia said:

      Same 🤬 and from what I understand she’s not the only girl he’s creeped out. That’s the only page I saw of much significance. The rest was your standard custody babble. I went ahead and removed the red “not an authorized copy” and blotted out the other names but it was really easy to find if you know what county it is. 

      I wasn’t aware other people knew about the recordings. I’m afraid I can’t be of much help other than I’m just patiently waiting for other women to come forward. We would be more than happy to give our support and testimony. 

      Yes they’re on a drive and a few of us have the access link. I personally think they should be made public but that’s not up to me. Dude is a whack job. His new thing is calling baby mama “darling,” after everything that happened with court (I’m assuming you, Leia are aware), having a whole ass girlfriend I mean partner 💀 and it’s all recorded 🥴🥴🥴

    • viii


      Loyal Cromwell??? Oh lawdy, I can't with these people. 

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