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Baby Birdies came out to play!



Yay, the baby birdies at my mum and dad's came out for the first time today. I missed the first 3 but managed to get there in time for the 4th to come out. First pic is mum calling baby out of the nest. Second pic is mum trying to coax baby out. Third pic is baby looking right at me. Fourth pic is baby in a bush after it was brave enough to fly for the first time. The pictures do not show just how teeny tiny the baby birds are, when I left my mum and dad's there were at least 2 or more babies still in the nest. We looked online and found that the babies will stay with their parents for 2 weeks after they first leave the nest then all the birds will leave and not come back :-( I hope to be able to see them a couple more times before then and try and get some more pictures.




Screenshot_2016-06-05-19-37-15 (2).png

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Oh, how exciting!  What species are they?!  :tw_love:

The speed at which birds grow just absolutely astounds me.

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They are Blue Tit's @SpoonfulOSugar, the parents started building the nest in the bird box in April so it is very fast growth!

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So cute!  Great job getting pics of them!  :bird:

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Thanks @Tikobaby, I'm so pleased I was able to be there and get some pictures of them, I only go to my parent's twice a week so thought there would be no chance of seeing them. I sat in the garden for 2hrs just watching the bird box and taking as many pictures as possible, think I ended up with 15 or so pics and only 2 or 3 were dud's!

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I do a lot of backyard bird photography and I know it can be tricky to get those good shots. Takes time and patience. Am so glad you got some!  Love seeing different birds and I've never seen your birds in real life.  Hope you're able to get a few more shots before they've grown up and left the nest.   :bird::bird::bird:

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      21 minutes ago, Ozlsn said:

      I notice she doesn't mention that she pretty much chose to have two sets born on the same day. So much more special than if they'd been on different days. 

      Yes, she will never say that nowadays. She said it once a long time ago. And now she’s pretending like she so super amazing blessed special and god chose to give her two sets of identical twins on the same day. 

    • throwaway9988

      Posted (edited)

      Maybe it was Grace’s choice. Maybe Elizabeth and/or Grace learned from Gwen’s mistakes. Gwen’s second wedding was a public spectacle to such a degree that it almost seemed vulgar. So maybe it’s good if Elizabeth/Grace learned from that and had a wedding that was actually just a nice wedding. But I bet Gwen would have hated that Grace had a small wedding. Gwen would have said that Grace’s wedding isn’t about Grace, it’s about God, publicly showing love for God, and being a light to help attract more people to Remnant and save their souls. So maybe a big vs small wedding is somewhat of a lose-lose choice for everyone involved. 

      Edited by throwaway9988
    • Ozlsn


      I notice she doesn't mention that she pretty much chose to have two sets born on the same day. So much more special than if they'd been on different days. 

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