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Buffy's Commentary

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Good thoughts requested for a cat who don't know how good they have it...



I got very little sleep last night because two of my cats (very indoor cats) got out yesterday afternoon.  They are brothers from the same litter and inseparable BFF.

Having been a cat mommy for many years I knew they would be nearby and we did all the usual things - put something with my scent on the deck, called for them, had doors open so they could come home, wet food...the works.  We called for them, but during the day nothing.  Not uncommon - so a walk around at night I got a screaming response from one of them and had no idea where it was coming from.  It was not a happy answer...

We have some concrete stairs on the side of the garage with a crack in the cement...he got in and couldn't get out.

After 3 of us trying to dig him out for 2.5 hours we had to sledge hammer part of the stairs after determining where we could without hurting him or causing a collapse.  Mr. Me wanted to tie a tow rope and pull the stairs over but the way he was positioned in there was too risky.

On the last hammer (and at midnight taking a sledgehammer to concrete...just glad the neighbors like my husband) he shot out and ran inside.  He was jammed on there and lost a patch of fur on each side, but no blood, no injuries or abrasions.  He's scared to death and very clingy last night and today - but physically okay.  

His brother wasn't with him - Mr. Me is home today with a couple of the kids to find him...taking the prodigal son out on a harness to see if he can find his brother.  I know he's nearby - just praying he's okay and just hiding/freaked out and not thinking of worst case scenarios at this point.  

Asking for good thoughts for the prodigal son still lost out there...he's just a little marshmallow and has to be so scared.  Whole family, human and fur, are freaked out until he comes home.



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I'm glad the first one was found safe and relatively unscathed from his ordeal, will keep everything crossed that his brother is found safe and sound soon. :hug: for everyone, cats and all.

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I've been here B, and it sucks. I'm thinking good thoughts for your feline headship wandering home. *hug

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Thanks.  Still no news. :( This is where the little guy  was stuck last night...


and this is a small sample of what happens when you try to dig out under concrete in a place where you can't get a shovel.

i would go spend a night stuck under there myself if my other guy would just come home.  



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Hoping and praying you find your marshmallow soon!

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Holy moly! That's a scary story about your kitty #1! I'm glad he's safe inside and that none of the Buffy clan were seriously injured. I'll be thinking as many hopeful thoughts as I can for his brother to come home safely as soon as possible. Definitely hugs all around. :hug: 

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Big hugs to you, your family, and all the cats!! I'm glad you found one and I sincerely hope you find the other! Poor kitty!

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Ugh, no good.  Our pets, they're precious to us.  Hope he comes home soon.

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I'm so glad you found brother #1, I hope brother 2 makes his way home soon too!

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Any update on Brother Kitty?  Fingers crossed!

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:(  I have been there - out half the night calling "kitty, kitty" and rattling treat bags.  Many thoughts for all of you.  

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Still no news.  Griffin is missing his brother so much and my heart is breaking.  Have done and are doing all we can and now just trying not to panic.

i swear I can feel him nearby.  I can feel him okay and hiding...probably just wishful thinking but Ilm going to hold on to it for now.

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Hope he turns up very soon, how heartbreaking. Kitties are the best.

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5 hours ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Still no news.  Griffin is missing his brother so much and my heart is breaking.  Have done and are doing all we can and now just trying not to panic.

i swear I can feel him nearby.  I can feel him okay and hiding...probably just wishful thinking but Ilm going to hold on to it for now.

I'm so sorry! :hug4:

I'm sure he'll be back soon so you will be able to pet him and scold him appropriately for the scare.

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I hope you find your cat soon. If you have not already, it is a good idea to call local veterinarians offices. I once found a dog by doing that. I would also recommend seeing if there is anything local for missing/found pets on social media. Craig's list also has a missing/found pet section. Call shelters and animal control daily. I hope he is back home soon. :hug4:

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14 minutes ago, Ali said:

I hope you find your cat soon. If you have not already, it is a good idea to call local veterinarians offices. I once found a dog by doing that. I would also recommend seeing if there is anything local for missing/found pets on social media. Craig's list also has a missing/found pet section. Call shelters and animal control daily. I hope he is back home soon. :hug4:

Thanks - we called the local vets, animal control, police, and local shelters.  He's chipped and from a local rescue so hopefully if someone brings him in they will scan.  My husband took off work and went to a dozen neighbors - many of whom now have their kids on alert -  and we've got flyers up in the neighborhood.  

I was surprised how nice he said everyone was - I know not everyone loves cats so I expected he'd get some hostility or apathy but he said everyone was really nice.  He's a nice guy though and he brings that out in people.  

We haven't given up hope.  One of my sons is home today and will be making the rounds of bushes and under decks again.  At least now that all of our immediate neighbors know we're looking for a lost cat they won't wonder why we're so interested in their bushes.  

Griffin is so lost without his brother.  We have other cats but they are BFFs and he's missing his buddy.  All our cats are indoor except the one we adopted when she was a stray who wandered into my work and started jumping up on the production machines.  We've tried to make her indoor only but she's wiley and gets out when she can.  I keep hoping she'll find him - but if she did she's not telling us.  

I feel like such shit because they've not gotten out (he did once 5 years ago and froze under the deck will we got him) I was lax about the collars.  I keep looking at his collar which I didn't make him wear with his name and phone number and kicking myself for not forcing that rule.  And we have his real name on the chip which is Seamus...we call him sham-wow 90% of the time...or Sham or Shammy....so I hope if they scan him he even remembers his full name.  He may not answer to it.   

He's clearly well fed and cared for so hopefully if he's found they'll know he's a housecat and bring him in somewhere.  

I know I'm repeating myself - sorry for the ramble...I'm just struggling with trying to stay hopeful because I know it's very common to come back days or even weeks later.  I know that...I'm just...struggling right now.  Because of how traumatic the predicament of Griffin getting stuck was and how scared we all were as the hours went by.  

He's been naturally very clingy since then and was on my six when i went to let the dogs out last night...as soon as I opened the door he ran like a shot under the couch.  Like he was afraid to even be near an open door to the outside.  

He lives on our laps when he's not moving from window to window sitting on the sills silently watching and then howling this plaintive meow which breaks my heart.  He's calling for his brother.  Every time we feed the cats or give them water I cry because I wonder where my Sham-Wow is and if he's hungry and thirsty.  I hope someone took him in and he's safe and fed - but then I hope they bring his ass in to be scanned so he can come home and they can adopt another cat in his honor.  He's ours.  

Crying at my desk at work ...not good...need to stop.

This is Sham-Wow...back when he was safe at home.


Sham-Wow and Griffin play fighting like kittens.  Griff can't do that with the other cats if Sham doesn't come home -  even if he rebounds from the loss....Missy and Shadow are almost 15 and have no tolerance for horseplay* and Ginger...our aloof girl who refuses to stay inside is pretty standoffish with everyone but Mr. Buffy.  He she adores...the other cats and the kiddos she tolerates...me...I'm the one who cleans the litter boxes and puts food down so she allows me to remain stay as long as I serve a purpose.  

Missy is naturally small and skinny - so skinny you think she's sick but vet gives her clean bill of health and has always been this way.  she's just over 7.5 lbs, almost 15 years old, and declawed (not our doing - she was a rescue) and when the boys would try to play wrestle she would kick their asses and go back to her dignified perch and lick the stink of uncouth shenanigans off her gorgeous fur.  

I've seen her smack our 125 lb Boxweiler in the face when she wanted him off the couch and he obeys immediately looking chagrined.  Doesn't obey us but a 7.5 declawed cat runs the show.

She's never seemed to care much for the boys, ignores them mostly, but she's been off her game since he's been gone.  Mopey and clingy - just restless.  



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It's heart breaking when you don't know where they are, I wish I could magic him back home to you all. Sending every good vibe, wishes and prayer your way that he comes home soon :hug:

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14 minutes ago, caszandra said:

It's heart breaking when you don't know where they are, I wish I could magic him back home to you all. Sending every good vibe, wishes and prayer your way that he comes home soon :hug:

Thanks - I know I'm being a bummer and whining here ...I keep saying the same things but it's because I keep thinking the same things and it helps a little bit to spew it somewhere.

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Posted (edited)

You are not being a bummer or a whiner, it is totally understandable that you are worried about your boy, he is an important member of your family and I know everyone here understands how hard and upsetting it is when you just don't know where he is. Really hope he turns up soon and you can give him into trouble for worrying you all so much after you give him a big cuddle.

Edited by caszandra
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I was so hoping I was going to wake up and find out that he was home. Thinking of you b. <3

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OMG Buffy, you are handling this in a perfectly reasonable fashion.  Pet parents can relate, I assure you.

I've had Fluffy Butt out late one night, and white cat out in a rainstorm.  And in both cases, I was a total wreck.

It's tough.  You know all the basics, but you cannot control things. :(  I am sending lots of good vibes from all of the Spoon critters that Shammy is home soon.

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I'm kind of hoping he's safe in somebody's house and they just haven't noticed the flyers yet. 

my friend's cat got out several years ago, and she was gone for a year.  it turned out that someone on the next street took her in, and took good care of her, and a chance conversation led to my friend being reunited with her baby.  yours will come home soon.

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Maggie Mae


My cat has disappeared for weeks at a time. Every time we start to prepare ourselves for never seeing his filthy butt again, he shows up as though he'd never been gone. No apology, no explanation. Sometimes he just shacked up at a neighbor's house. Sometimes he was out galavanting in the woods. Who knows. I hope your kitty comes back soon. 

Oh! My mom's indoor cat got out once for several days in the winter. They found her cowering in the garage. The two indoor cats had tried to chase a deer, got lost. Boy cat came running home right away. Girl cat apparently found the garage and decided that it smelled familiar and that's the safest place to be. Weirdo. 

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May the Gentle Lady of Eternal Mercy, Quan Yin, or Blessed Mother Mary, or Bastet  (or ANY other deity---pick your label!) send your wandering CatChild back to a nice safe homey place with lots of treats and goodies!

Uhhhh, pardon the bluntness: but are you OK with people of maybe some ODD spiritual orientations burning candles/incense, offering hopes/prayers, Whatever, or even Doing Weird Thingies to bring your kid safely home?---if that's too weird, improper, offensive, or too-loosely-defined within your belief system, please say so: no offense will be taken, and certainly none is meant.

*tries to figure out how to burn catnip in an offering fire* HEEEEERRE, kitty, kitty, kitty....

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@samira_catlover, I've totally asked Lady Bast to help kitty and bring him home, so hopefully it's not a problem.

B, any news?

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     If you have a FB account post on lost cats of Illinois, any community chat pages for your town, and local FB garage sale sights. There is a lost pets of Mchenry and Lake county page I am active on, maybe there is one for your area. The people on mine are incredibly helpful. I have seen many people go out of their way to help a stranger reunite with a beloved pet. 

.     Other recommendations are to put his litter box outside and walk around with a flashlight sweeping the light under nearby shrubs and any other possible hiding spots. The light from the flashlight will hopefully help you see his eyes glinting in the light.

      Oh Buffy, I am so sorry to hear this. 

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    • libgirl2


      50 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

      I work at a library and I can tell you that no one behaves the way they used to, especially the kids. We are supposed to let them just be themselves, meanwhile sometimes it is a circus. I'm so glad I don't work in the public area anymore because it used to get me so angry. If you let them run around and do what they want, how are they going to behave elsewhere? And what will happen when they get older? How can they learn? Now, I'm not saying we need absolute silence but there are people who are trying to study and like the library as a quiet and peaceful place. 

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    • SassyPants


      9 hours ago, Gobsmacked said:

      The worst case of this was at Anne Franks house 2 years ago. Everyone respectfully murmurs - same as in a library. A group of high school aged children were running through the rooms and watching stuff on mobile phones with the volume on. Not one teacher said anything. They were there! 
      A few visitors did have a word with them. Things didn’t improve though. 

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

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    • Howl


      Whatever the results were for the recent scan...if it was showing the cancer shrinking to nothing, they'd be shouting the good news from the rooftops, right? 

      My recent experiences with MRI were that the results were read by the radiologist and posted in the patient portal within a day or two and I assume other scans would be equally speedy. 

      Shalom posted an Instragram story: "Microbiom[e] plays a role in healing from cancer"  

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    • Hane


      @Columbia, thanks for digging up that account! I remember that depressing saga as if it had happened yesterday. IMO, Bradrick! has many, many miles to go before he's able to redeem himself.

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