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I was just singing along with John Denver on the grocery store's sound system on Tuesday. 


My kids are going to just love me when they're teenagers, aren't they.

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@WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? You will definitely be in the running for the most embarrassing mother if you keep that up!  

I love John Denver songs as well, my dad had a couple of his records back when I as a kid, and I will sing along in the car if they come on.  In the supermarket I'd hum very quietly and only sing inside my head ;) 

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Gimme a Free RV


You fill up my senses,

Come fill me again.

I had a 7th grade crush on his songs and his hair.

Other 7th/8th grade musician crushes:

Barry Manilow--Mandy, I Write the Songs, Copacabana 

ABBA--Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Fernando, Mama Mia, Does Your Mother Know?

Songs whose performer names I don't remember:

Saturday Night (S.A.T.U.R.--D. A.Y...Night!)


Afternoon Delight

Rock the Boat

You Take My Breath Away


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9 hours ago, Karma said:

@WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? You will definitely be in the running for the most embarrassing mother if you keep that up!  

I love John Denver songs as well, my dad had a couple of his records back when I as a kid, and I will sing along in the car if they come on.  In the supermarket I'd hum very quietly and only sing inside my head ;) 

In my defense, I was alone and I only sang aloud quietly when I was the only one in the aisle. :my_angel: As soon as I saw anyone, I stopped.

I'm still going to be the most embarrassing mom of teenagers in a few years. "MOM! How could you!" :evil-laugh:

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Gimme a Free RV

Posted (edited)

@WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?, if you're going to be the mom of teenagers, you will automatically be the most embarrassing mom:

  1. You pull into a grocery store parking space.  MOOOOMMMM!!!  You don't need to back out and do it again.   How embarrassingggggg!!!!
  2. You pull up to a traffic stop and smile at the person in the car next to you.  MOOOOMMMM!!!  You don't even KNOW that person!  How embarrassingggggg!!!!
  3. You give your daughter's friend a ride home after school and you make polite, small talk with the friend, who is sitting in the back seat with said daughter.  After dropping the friend off, you hear: MOOOOMMMM!!!  WHY do you have to EMBARRASS me like that in front of my friend?
  4. While waiting in the reception area at the veterinarian with your dog and son, you start chatting with a mother and her daughter who have brought in their cat. You discover that the daughter and your son are in the same English class at school and comment on this.  Once you're inside the car, you get:  MOOOOMMMM!!!  That was TOTALLY EMBARRASSING!!!  She doesn't even know who I am and you had to go and point out that we have the same English class together!  How embarrassingggggg!!!!
  5. The family is eating out on a Sunday afternoon when you drop a grain of rice from your fork on the floor.  In a hissing, angry whisper, you get showered: MOOOOMMMM!!!  OH. MY. GOSH!!!  EVERYBODY'S LOOKIIIIIINNNNNNGGGG!!!  I've NEVER been SO EMBARRASSED in my ENTIRE LIFE!!!

The italicized, bolded red parts are to be read aloud, in a high-pictched, whining,  modulating voice of sheer horror and disgust, for you to get the full effect.

Edited by Gimme a Free RV
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@Gimme a Free RV have you been stalking me and my kids?

During a tortuous 45 minute shopping trip for new sneakers, long pants and jacket this week with mr 16, I completely embarrassed him by standing and warning total strangers that there was spilt coffee on the gloss tiles (the shop assistant had run to get the warning sign, but apparently it would have been much better to let people slip than to warn them).  THEN, we were at the bakery to get son a roll (because, you know, he'd already had a donut but was about to starve to death during the extended shopping trip) and I noticed that the bracelet the little old lady next to me was wearing was only hanging on by the safety chain.  Can you believe it, I spoke to this total stranger to let her know.  Despite her being incredibly grateful, I totally embarrassed my son.  THEN, I couldn't walk fast enough for his satisfaction.  

I tell you, 45 minutes in public with him was torture. How on earth will I manage on this upcoming holiday???

@WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?, have I ever admitted on here that when my kids were little, if they misbehaved in supermarkets, I would deliberately start singing "the hills are alive to the sound of music" out loud.  Made them behave every time, but cemented my title of most embarrassing mother in their minds.

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Lol, @WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? Feel free to copy!  Grocery trips were a nightmare with my two when they were young, and so many times I had to abandon the trolley and leave. But that meant they got what they wanted - to leave - and I had to come back at night when mr k was home and re do it.  Plus I felt so bad that I was leaving the trolley with things in it for the shop assistant to put back.  The singing was so much better ;) 

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Rocky Mountain High and Leaving on a Jet Plane are engraved upon my memory.

10 hours ago, Gimme a Free RV said:

ABBA--Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Fernando, Mama Mia, Does Your Mother Know?

Please don't tell Lady Lydia but I've been known to  dance through my home-making chores to ABBA.  At full blast!

That and the Rocky Horror Show ...

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Gimme a Free RV


@Karma, the parking lot thing I remember so vividly.  My pre-driving license daughter actually said, Oh my gosh, Mom.  Everybody's looking at us now.  How embarrassing!

This is the same kid who, at 14 had a complete, dramatic, tearful meltdown at home because she was THE only 14-year old in school and in church who didn't have her own cell phone.

The teen years.  Not for the faint of heart.

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Posted (edited)

@Karma & @Gimme a Free RV--On the subject of teenagers:image.jpg

Sorry the writing ended up so small!

Edited by WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?
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  • Posts

    • LillyP


      It's funny because as a mom of two young kids (6 & 3) I am very much a "time and place" person when it comes kids in public spaces. I think that 100% yes kids have a right to be in public places, and kids in restaurants and planes and places are just a part of life. BUT, I do think there is such a thing as using common sense and I feel like wayyyy too many parents these days feel entitled to bring their kids to places that while it's within their right to do so, it's probably not appropriate. 

      I do admit though that I am probably slightly biased on the subject because as a wedding & family photographer I see it alllll the time. I'm team no kids at weddings, which is always a hot topic. And for me it really boils down to the fact that weddings are formal events and *most* of the time the kids are a big disruption. And it's not that they're being bad, *they're just being kids*. Unfortunately too many parents just either a) don't pay attention or keep their kids in check, or b) are watching their kids and find nothing wrong with their behavior. 

      We are relatively strict parents when it comes to behavior, dare I say "old school". We take our kids out to restaurants A LOT, we fly with them regularly, etc. No kids are perfect, and no matter how strict you are every kid has their moments, tantrums, etc. IMO the difference is in how you handle it and doing so in a way that it doesn't disrupt other people. That might not be a popular opinion, but I absolutely feel that while it's my right to take my kids out to dinner, it's also the right of the other patrons to not listen to my kids yell and scream and be annoying.

    • treehugger


      I really think it depends where you live as to what attitudes people have towards kids. I always felt really insecure about having my kids in public in Southern Ontario (where mega families were common) because people were unbelievably judgy about how they behaved and my parenting in general.

      Then we moved to downtown Montreal, where having more than 1 kid was considered a big family, and everyone is just so kind and supportive and encouraging. No one batted an eye at them. I swear that’s why we moved here. 

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    • LillyP


      I feel like they're just regular old Fall family portraits...it's that time of year! All my clients are getting on the books for their Christmas card photos now too. At first I thought maybe an announcement based on the bear with pink ribbon, but I actually think it's more possible that is just to honor the loss they had. I can't imagine they'd give that much away prior to a big announcement. I could be wrong though.

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    • GuineaPigCourtship


      My bet is it's all for show so they're not changing anything.  After all, these people side hugged their own kids.

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    • Howl


      5 hours ago, sleepygirl1 said:

      Catch me up on the Bradrick family? Are they the ones that had a daughter in law wear a yellow wedding dress?

      Bradrick! and wife #1 Kelly were the darlings and the couple-of-the-year and marriage of the year  amonst the Vision Forum elite.

      Kelly and Bradrick! proceeded to quickly have six children before the perfect marriage imploded and Kelly sued for divorce, based on...nobody knows for sure.  I

      n the meantime,  Vision Forum had imploded because Doug Phillips was exposed as a sexual predator;  the Vision Forum gravy train left the station and left Bradrick! high and dry.  The young couple headed to the Pacific Northwest where Bradrick!'s family lives and Bradrick! became a realtor.  There's a classic photo of Kelly pregnant and maybe even barefoot, standing on the deck outside their mobile home on a damp day, surrounded by very young children. She looked so...over it. 

      Bradrick! stayed in the Pacific Northwest and Kelly and six kids flounced home to daddy Scottie Brown and then she married the current husband. 


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