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RIP Arete



It grieves us to share that long time poster and helpmeet @Arete has passed due to complications from cancer.

Arete joined FJ in 2012 and described herself as "I'm in my early 40s, live in the Northeast US, and work as an ebil scientist. Born and raised Greek Orthodox Christian, and still am, got to have my smells and bells in congregational prayer. Politically liberal."

She was glad to provide information about her church, her experiences in gardening, and her Greek family traditions.

In respect for her family's privacy, we won't be sharing any additional details, but we know you will join us in honoring the memory of a graceful woman.

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I wanted to like as a show of support, but I honestly don't know if that would be seen as acceptable or not.

To all her friends, fellow Helpmeets, and (most especially) her family - I am so deeply sorry for your loss. She was a lovely person and I know she will be incredibly missed by the entire community. :pb_cry:

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I am so very sorry.  She will indeed be greatly missed for her kindness and insights.  Please pass on my condolences to her family too.

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Rest peacefully, Arete.  Please pass my condolences to Arete's family, and I am sorry, FJ'ers who knew her better than I, for  the loss of your friend.  She was a lovely woman who shared much about her background I found so interesting.  

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Even now, she drives me to learn and seek greater understanding.  I have learned that a traditional Greek Orthodox response to the family is "may their memory be eternal."

I so enjoyed our discussions of gardening and her suggestions about how I could better care for my plants.  Every time I have used my soil monitor, I've thought of her - even before I learned of her passing.

When she honored the memory of Miss P in April - she raised a clementine soda.  I don't have clementine soda, but I'll light a candle, spray some incense, and make a soda tonight and raise it to honor @Arete.  

May her memory be eternal.

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The first thing I noticed about Arête was her consistent well worded smack downs of those diagnosing kids from a pic or video clip.  I think the first thing I said to her was that I appreciated her saving me the typing since I could just follow her around and say "me too" to whatever she posted.

And she had this way of describing holidays with her family with such love and enthusiam it was like she made us part of her fabulous family and traditions through her posts.

i didn't know her personally, but I do know this world is poorer for having lost her. And it's a better place for her having been here.

That her love and spirit was able to impact us so strongly, people who had never met her irl and knew her only through posts on a forum, says a lot about who she was.  

That the force of her inherent decency and joy was so clearly felt by "internet strangers" is a testament to how powerfully she postively impacted the world. 

My prayers go out to her family as they deal with this untenable loss.  My heart breaks for their pain.

Goodbye, Arête.  

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I am so sorry to hear of this.  Peace to her family - irl and her FJ family.  

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That's sad and terrible news. I'm very sorry.

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My sincerest condolences to her family and friends.  RIP, @Arete:my_sad:

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Oh my God! Poor Arete and her family. I haven't really been on FJ much recently due to lots going on at work and trying to move house etc, so I didn't know she was ill but that's terrible. 40s is no age at all. RIP Arete, you'll be missed.

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Posted (edited)

My sympathy to all her loved ones, both here and there...she will be missed

Edited by MayMay1123
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Rest in peace, Arete. My condolences to her friends and family, if they happen to read this. 

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Wow. I have nothing new to add, but Rest in Peace, Arete.

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I want to express my sympathies to Arete's family, friends as well as the members here at FJ.  Arete was a valued member at FJ and she expressed herself in a way that was beneficial to our community. She will be greatly missed.

R.I.P., Arete. You were an amazing person. May the light you shined on the world burn eternal. 

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Oh no, that's awful. She will, and already is, be missed. May her memory be eternal.

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I'm so sorry. Please send my condolences to her family. She will be greatly missed.

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This breaks my heart. She was honestly one of my favorite posters--a great writer, really funny, defended her positions well, and shared an interesting viewpoint from the Orthodox perspective. I learned so much about Greece and the Orthodox religion from her. I had noticed she hadn't been on as much recently and I thought maybe she was busy with work. I didn't realize she was so sick. 

αναπαύσου εν ειρήνη, Arete. And condolences to those nieces and nephews you so adored, and I'm sure adore you too.

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Sorry to hear this.  Thoughts and prayers to her family and friends.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. :(  I had noticed, too, that she wasn't around as much as usual, but had no idea why. She is going to be missed so much, both here and among her 'real life' family and friends.

May her memory be eternal. 


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I'm so sorry. Fine people should never die. I knew you only from your posts on this board. I liked you a lot and I will miss you @Arete, I'll miss your presence here. I can't even fathom the sorrow of your loved ones. I'd like to offer them my most heartfelt condolences.

May your memory be eternal. 

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I'm so sorry to hear this.  If anyone is in touch with her family please share how many here respected her and enjoyed her contributions.


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Coconut Flan


Arete was one of my first friends on FJ.  We bonded over discussing Greek Orthodox theology and practice.  She was so grounded and sincere.  I know we would have been good friends in real life, too.  I'm still very shocked and saddened by this last illness and how unexpected and sudden it was. 

May her memory be eternal. 

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  • Posts

    • LillyP


      It's funny because as a mom of two young kids (6 & 3) I am very much a "time and place" person when it comes kids in public spaces. I think that 100% yes kids have a right to be in public places, and kids in restaurants and planes and places are just a part of life. BUT, I do think there is such a thing as using common sense and I feel like wayyyy too many parents these days feel entitled to bring their kids to places that while it's within their right to do so, it's probably not appropriate. 

      I do admit though that I am probably slightly biased on the subject because as a wedding & family photographer I see it alllll the time. I'm team no kids at weddings, which is always a hot topic. And for me it really boils down to the fact that weddings are formal events and *most* of the time the kids are a big disruption. And it's not that they're being bad, *they're just being kids*. Unfortunately too many parents just either a) don't pay attention or keep their kids in check, or b) are watching their kids and find nothing wrong with their behavior. 

      We are relatively strict parents when it comes to behavior, dare I say "old school". We take our kids out to restaurants A LOT, we fly with them regularly, etc. No kids are perfect, and no matter how strict you are every kid has their moments, tantrums, etc. IMO the difference is in how you handle it and doing so in a way that it doesn't disrupt other people. That might not be a popular opinion, but I absolutely feel that while it's my right to take my kids out to dinner, it's also the right of the other patrons to not listen to my kids yell and scream and be annoying.

    • treehugger


      I really think it depends where you live as to what attitudes people have towards kids. I always felt really insecure about having my kids in public in Southern Ontario (where mega families were common) because people were unbelievably judgy about how they behaved and my parenting in general.

      Then we moved to downtown Montreal, where having more than 1 kid was considered a big family, and everyone is just so kind and supportive and encouraging. No one batted an eye at them. I swear that’s why we moved here. 

      • Upvote 1
    • LillyP


      I feel like they're just regular old Fall family portraits...it's that time of year! All my clients are getting on the books for their Christmas card photos now too. At first I thought maybe an announcement based on the bear with pink ribbon, but I actually think it's more possible that is just to honor the loss they had. I can't imagine they'd give that much away prior to a big announcement. I could be wrong though.

      • Upvote 2
    • GuineaPigCourtship


      My bet is it's all for show so they're not changing anything.  After all, these people side hugged their own kids.

      • Upvote 1
    • Howl


      5 hours ago, sleepygirl1 said:

      Catch me up on the Bradrick family? Are they the ones that had a daughter in law wear a yellow wedding dress?

      Bradrick! and wife #1 Kelly were the darlings and the couple-of-the-year and marriage of the year  amonst the Vision Forum elite.

      Kelly and Bradrick! proceeded to quickly have six children before the perfect marriage imploded and Kelly sued for divorce, based on...nobody knows for sure.  I

      n the meantime,  Vision Forum had imploded because Doug Phillips was exposed as a sexual predator;  the Vision Forum gravy train left the station and left Bradrick! high and dry.  The young couple headed to the Pacific Northwest where Bradrick!'s family lives and Bradrick! became a realtor.  There's a classic photo of Kelly pregnant and maybe even barefoot, standing on the deck outside their mobile home on a damp day, surrounded by very young children. She looked so...over it. 

      Bradrick! stayed in the Pacific Northwest and Kelly and six kids flounced home to daddy Scottie Brown and then she married the current husband. 


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