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Baby Thor

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And Just then, he learned how to Cat.



He's still perfecting eating like a big boy. The - stick your whole head and two feet in the bowl - is a popular method. 

He's been given the *boop* of approval from the old man. They curled up in front of the fridge & took a cat nap. 




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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww precious little baby has a friend!

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A cheesecake toast to you, big boy Thor and MamaThor. Way to cat!

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Posted (edited)

I'm in :my_heart: with Baby Thor

Edited by Caribou
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Again...I just can't...he's growing into such a cat...I mean...he's not a little jellybean anymore...he's a real, live CAT type CAT! Mighty Thor is catting like a professional! 


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Amazing what love and lots and lots of care will do, isn't it?  Great job, @lmrlgoddess!  Little Thor is adorable! 


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So happy to see Thor has a friend in the old man, such a sweet thing!

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MOAR PICS!  Kittehs totally rule--and Thor has totally wonderful cat eyes.

GO, little fellah, eat and grow BIG and strong, and attack thumbs, and scare the Senior Cats!:happy-cheerleaderkid:

I am glad beyond belief that he's eating and growing nicely and turning into a Proper Cat. My compliments to you and your household, to take on the responsibility of an orphaned kitteh who needs bottle/syringe feedings.  GO, go, go, Mighty Thor---you have a big  fanclub.

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  • Posts

    • Howl


      22 minutes ago, Bassett Lady said:

      If there is ever a comic book featuring reformed super heroes, I think Geneva Conviction has got to be at the top of the names list for a female protagonist.

      How about a super heroine lawyer prosecuting war crimes? 


      • Haha 3
    • viii


      50 minutes ago, Mama Mia said:

      eta: And honestly, from Jana’s perspective, if they don’t get along great I think it’s understandable. We may see it as freeing and growth for Jill to write a book calling out the damage her parents and their belief system caused - but to very private, reserved Jana - it likely just felt like more negative attention and chaos when things were finally settling down after the trial. 

      For the children that seem to still support Jim Bob and Michelle, I bet Jill's book caused a huge divide in the family. Jana has proven to be firmly in her parents' camp, so I suspect she didn't have Jill has a bridesmaid out of her own free will, rather than Jim Bob forcing her not to. I think Jana is a lot more stubborn and head strong than credited, and I could see her holding a grudge against Jill for airing out their private business. 

      • I Agree 2
    • Mama Mia


      1 hour ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

      My bet is it's all for show so they're not changing anything.  After all, these people side hugged their own kids.

      I think the side hugging their own kids was more for camera angles. I’ve noticed it on a variety of influencer and celebrity and wanna be famous social media . Everyone - even little kids- is aware of and facing the camera all the time. 

      • Sad 1
    • Bassett Lady


      14 minutes ago, Wolf in Sheeples’ Clothing said:

      Geneva Conviction

      If there is ever a comic book featuring reformed super heroes, I think Geneva Conviction has got to be at the top of the names list for a female protagonist.

      Rather than wearing a skimpy leatherette ensemble she could be in a maternity frumper with “discreet” nursing panels for her eternally pregnant/nursing season of life. Her super power could be conviction rays that shoot out of her eyes and quicken the hearts of all who fall under her gaze with feelings of shame and despair. 

      Thankfully the name Geneva is cute and has several nicknames: Genna, Eva, Gennie that are totally normal. 

      • Haha 2
    • Wolf in Sheeples’ Clothing


      Weren’t they also the couple who gave their kids words as names? If memory serves me correctly the kids were:

      Triumph Perseverance 

      Loyal Cromwell

      Knox Defender

      Geneva Conviction

      Michael Courage

      Shepherd Thomas


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