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Baby Thor

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Thor vs. the Fan



There is no more quiet, sleepy jellybean.  There is only ZOOOM kitty who leaps and bounds and tries to maul the oscillating button on the fan.  I missed the opportunity to catch him RIDING the fan!  Kitten Rodeo ya'll.  Real life has started again with Little Hooman and I back in school but he's very happy when we come home.  He has run of the house and we've learned to shuffle our feet and glance down before we step, he's so itty bitty!  But he is fast!  He's learned to kind of stay near the edges of the kitchen counters so he is out of the way of feets.  He's somewhat intrigued by Outside but the front door squeaks enough to freak him out and Princess smells different so he's not sold on the idea (thank everything Holy).  Texi has been play fighting with him so he's learning to Cat quite well, from an expert no less!   The Princess is still unimpressed, but he is infatuated with her long fur.  When he's not attacking hands and feet, he's sleeping on a shoulder or under my chin purring big big. 






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Oh good grief...could he be ANY more adorable? He's getting fuzzy, poofy, big and bad! I wish I could snuggle him. Give him snuggles and skritches from the crazy lady on the other side of the US...

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I absolutely will.  He loves his interwebs scritches!

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What a precious kitten, I want to kiss his fluffy head

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Sending scritches and snuggles over to that tiny adorable ball of fluff. Squeeee

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So happy he is going strong. You did a great job there through all those sleepless nights! 

I love how kitties are all fan-wrangling action one moment and then they just keel over the next moment for an instant nap! 

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I feel like my own bambini would be jealous if they knew how much I wanna snuggle this little muffin. I so hope you can get footage of him riding the fan. That's better than riding a roomba.

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my Thor-clone will stand on a chair behind the dog's rump and take swings at his wagging tail.  he chases literally everything that moves, including feet.  he likes to follow me up the stairs, and he will chase my fingers up the bannister; if it's dark, his little claws always startle me.

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Hubby looked at the pics and said..."sleep tight Thor, it's a big job protecting the universe"

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When did Thor start getting stripes?  He's a tiger kitty!

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@Palimpsest  the stripes showed up a while back....but it's weird, they are only really visible in high light.  I'm very curious to see if they become more defined as he ages.  The Old Man looks so different than he did as kitten so I'm kind of steeling myself in case he goes more tabby than sleek black kitteh.  

Thank ya'll so much for all the support and encouragement, I tell him all the time that he's got a big fan club!  :my_smile:

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May the Mighty Thor stick to fans in his future.  Charlie did this today: he jumped onto a shelf that couldn't support eight pounds of hurtling cat and dumped a bunch of jewelry.  But he sure looked innocent later!!



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@catlady "so Ma, you might look to the cat shelf that had all those human things on it..... it doesn't hold cats now either...." :kitty:

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Posted (edited)

I feel your pain, @catlady. Half the stuff in my house only stays on the table/counter it's put on because I've stuck it there with museum wax or gel. I invested in a couple huge cans after Speck shoved an antique (it was my husband's grandmother's) cut glass punch bowl off the counter. I turned my back for TEN MINUTES and what does she do? Smash the only truly irreplaceable breakable thing in the house. Cats.

We don't have any truly decorative shelves, they can all hold at least 30 pounds and are mounted to studs. Even the bookshelves are secured to the wall. Because, well, cats.

At least you have carpet, I guess, some padding for the inevitable Stuff Rain.

Edited by lawfulevil
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Cable guy came today to fix our cable...Leia split. She was laying on the floor by the sliding glass door, saw the guy, got this utterly panicked look on her face and ran to her favorite hiding place. She hid for a good couple of hours. her brother...yeah, he was on the table enjoying life. 

Fortunately, neither one of my dynamic duo is really destructive (but then again, there ain't much out here in the oversized closet). 

Hubby just translated Charlie "I didn't do it, I didn't do it. I was here the whole time". 

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One of my cats is tabby in certain lights, but pure black in others :)

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Geechee Girl


Thor is too cute! Sending more kitty cuddles your way.

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Speaking of kitteh destruction...this morning, we awoke to a broken glass, almost everything on the bar and behind the sink either on the floor or IN the sink.  Looks like they had a good time last night. Now, they're both playing innocent. 

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2 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

Looks like they had a good time last night.

OK.  I've changed my mind.  No cats.  The dogs are quite destructive enough!

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if my male wasn't such a jerk...this is really the first time they've been THIS destructive. We usually just find stuff on the floor. 

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28 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

if my male wasn't such a jerk...this is really the first time they've been THIS destructive. We usually just find stuff on the floor. 

I've just finished with a pretty major remodel/overhaul at my house.  Finally ready for the little details like what shelves go where on the wall and with what on them.  I'd been looking forward to putting this beautiful wood plank just near the front door, over the coat pegs, and then displaying some oil lamps and candle lanterns.  Finally got the shelf up the other day, gathered the lamps and lanterns, set them out -- and then looked around to the couch, a nearby piece of furniture, and that shelf which is suddenly obviously reachable by cat...

Sigh.  Re-designed my plan to have only metal stuff up there, no glass.  At least as long as the furniture stays in this arrangement.  I've seen how high these kitties can jump, and they're still little!

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Luke can do about a 5 foot vertical jump. Leia can do about a 4 foot vertical jump. They're not usually jumpers or destructive...but...

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years back, i had a cat that could jump about 6 vertical feet.  we lived where they could be outdoors, and this cat, a really pretty white long-hair with dark green eyes, would jump onto the top edge of a shed door to get on the roof.  

Charlie above is on a 6.5-foot cat tree; he doesn't jump that high, but he'll climb the verticals like a squirrel.

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As soon as we have a bigger place, I'll be getting them a couple of cat trees. They have one that's about 4 feet tall right now. I got that one when they were babies...they need a bigger one. 

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I love cats, & he's a doll. Give him a pat for me, please.  ;) 

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  • Posts

    • treehugger


      I really think it depends where you live as to what attitudes people have towards kids. I always felt really insecure about having my kids in public in Southern Ontario (where mega families were common) because people were unbelievably judgy about how they behaved and my parenting in general.

      Then we moved to downtown Montreal, where having more than 1 kid was considered a big family, and everyone is just so kind and supportive and encouraging. No one batted an eye at them. I swear that’s why we moved here. 

      • Upvote 1
    • LillyP


      I feel like they're just regular old Fall family portraits...it's that time of year! All my clients are getting on the books for their Christmas card photos now too. At first I thought maybe an announcement based on the bear with pink ribbon, but I actually think it's more possible that is just to honor the loss they had. I can't imagine they'd give that much away prior to a big announcement. I could be wrong though.

      • Upvote 2
    • GuineaPigCourtship


      My bet is it's all for show so they're not changing anything.  After all, these people side hugged their own kids.

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    • Howl


      5 hours ago, sleepygirl1 said:

      Catch me up on the Bradrick family? Are they the ones that had a daughter in law wear a yellow wedding dress?

      Bradrick! and wife #1 Kelly were the darlings and the couple-of-the-year and marriage of the year  amonst the Vision Forum elite.

      Kelly and Bradrick! proceeded to quickly have six children before the perfect marriage imploded and Kelly sued for divorce, based on...nobody knows for sure.  I

      n the meantime,  Vision Forum had imploded because Doug Phillips was exposed as a sexual predator;  the Vision Forum gravy train left the station and left Bradrick! high and dry.  The young couple headed to the Pacific Northwest where Bradrick!'s family lives and Bradrick! became a realtor.  There's a classic photo of Kelly pregnant and maybe even barefoot, standing on the deck outside their mobile home on a damp day, surrounded by very young children. She looked so...over it. 

      Bradrick! stayed in the Pacific Northwest and Kelly and six kids flounced home to daddy Scottie Brown and then she married the current husband. 


    • Howl

      Posted (edited)

      5 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      I always wonder if Kelly is happily remarried or if she just said yes to the first guy who would take on 6 step kids. 


      1 hour ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

      I think she unenthusiastically said yes to the first man Scotty Brown (not/never father of the year) convinced/ coerced to take her and the 6 step kids.

      I never got a positive vibe from that match.  The guy was a (I think) 30-something never married head master of a Xtian school.  

      Yeah, I'm sure it was a match made by Scotty Brown and never Kelly's choice.  I wonder if Bradrick! will get the call that Kelly is sending one or more of the kids to live with him.  I hope the kids at least get to visit Bradrick! in the summers. 

      Edited by Howl

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