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This year was probably my son's best Halloween yet. At least from my perspective.

Halloween 2013 - He was only a little over a month old. We put him in a Superman onesie but didn't go anywhere or do anything. We didn't even hand out candy.

Halloween 2014 - He was one year old. We didn't trick-or-treat but we did put him in a costume and then in the stroller to roll around the neighborhood a little (he still couldn't walk yet.)

Halloween 2015 - Two years old. First time trick-or-treating. He enjoyed walking up and down the sidewalks. But as soon as we'd turn to go up to a house, he'd get really mad. He cried a fair amount. We didn't go to too many houses. 

And that brings us to this year.....

I made sure to have pretty low expectations this year. I honestly didn't think he'd even want to be in his costume for more than a minute. Yesterday we went to a Halloween thing at the botanical gardens. He actually stayed in the costume (astronaut) for over an hour! He enjoyed walking around since he loves the gardens. They had some trick or treat stations set up but he basically cried every time we went to one. Needless to say, I kept my expectations low again for today.

He still doesn't really understand what Halloween is or what the point of trick-or-treating is or anything like that. We probably should have hyped it up and prepared him more but oh well. He can't eat any of the candy anyway (due to allergies and texture issues.) 

So the first few houses he was mad, similar to last year. But eventually he caught on a bit more. He carried his little pumpkin bucket up to people and held it out. He has a speech delay so he wasn't able to say anything. Most people weren't bothered by it. But a few times I did have to tell them he couldn't talk. A couple times he tried to hand his bucket off to the people. I think it's because we were saying "give them your bucket" instead of "hold out your bucket."  Oops. It was cute though.

He wasn't at all bothered by the chaos of our busy neighborhood. He wasn't scared when we went to the house with a bunch of crazy decorations, music, fog machine, etc.

Overall I am just super proud of him. And he looked adorable in his costume. Who knows what next year will bring but I am quite happy with how it all turned out this year.

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Halloween really is hard for some kids. When bigBaOOM was nonverbal I made little slips of paper that said "Trick or Treat" on one side and explained he had autism and language delays along with a list of "red flags" for other families. 

We also do something called "the switch witch" where we trade his candy for a small toy, usually something train related. Although, this year he was ok with just keeping the candy he is interested in. 

Things will continue to get better each year! You are doing a great job for him!  Sounds like he has the perfect mom for him :)

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I think it is wonderful you had a good time trick or treating and got to make some fun family memories.

I have heard of families collecting candy in a jar and trading it for a toy or something once it reaches a certain amount. There is a charity that allows you to donate the candy to troops if you and your husband don't want to eat it all or need some help resisting eating it all.

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    • Mama Mia


      2 hours ago, viii said:

      Likely to honour Isla. So far Jill seems to grieve her publicly, much like Lauren did with her first loss. 

      I think she may be doing a pregnancy announcement, just from some of the posing, but either way I think the bear is to honor and include Isla. She posts a lot about her. I kinda think that may be why she was less involved with Jana’s wedding, rather than some deeper sibling issue. It was pretty soon after her loss, she was clearly deeply grieving, Jana may have just not wanted to ask her to do a bunch of stuff during that time. I doubt they are super close, but they seem to get along well enough. 

    • LillyP


      It's funny because as a mom of two young kids (6 & 3) I am very much a "time and place" person when it comes kids in public spaces. I think that 100% yes kids have a right to be in public places, and kids in restaurants and planes and places are just a part of life. BUT, I do think there is such a thing as using common sense and I feel like wayyyy too many parents these days feel entitled to bring their kids to places that while it's within their right to do so, it's probably not appropriate. 

      I do admit though that I am probably slightly biased on the subject because as a wedding & family photographer I see it alllll the time. I'm team no kids at weddings, which is always a hot topic. And for me it really boils down to the fact that weddings are formal events and *most* of the time the kids are a big disruption. And it's not that they're being bad, *they're just being kids*. Unfortunately too many parents just either a) don't pay attention or keep their kids in check, or b) are watching their kids and find nothing wrong with their behavior. 

      We are relatively strict parents when it comes to behavior, dare I say "old school". We take our kids out to restaurants A LOT, we fly with them regularly, etc. No kids are perfect, and no matter how strict you are every kid has their moments, tantrums, etc. IMO the difference is in how you handle it and doing so in a way that it doesn't disrupt other people. That might not be a popular opinion, but I absolutely feel that while it's my right to take my kids out to dinner, it's also the right of the other patrons to not listen to my kids yell and scream and be annoying.

    • treehugger


      I really think it depends where you live as to what attitudes people have towards kids. I always felt really insecure about having my kids in public in Southern Ontario (where mega families were common) because people were unbelievably judgy about how they behaved and my parenting in general.

      Then we moved to downtown Montreal, where having more than 1 kid was considered a big family, and everyone is just so kind and supportive and encouraging. No one batted an eye at them. I swear that’s why we moved here. 

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    • LillyP


      I feel like they're just regular old Fall family portraits...it's that time of year! All my clients are getting on the books for their Christmas card photos now too. At first I thought maybe an announcement based on the bear with pink ribbon, but I actually think it's more possible that is just to honor the loss they had. I can't imagine they'd give that much away prior to a big announcement. I could be wrong though.

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    • GuineaPigCourtship


      My bet is it's all for show so they're not changing anything.  After all, these people side hugged their own kids.

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