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When Someone Calls You a Workhorse



So on Monday a coworker (the one who moved to a corporate project assignment but is still located in Hooterville) asked me to go to a working lunch.  Yes, the mental drawbridge went up even though I accepted because she is heading the transfer of power knowledge transfer of accounts payable being outsourced (to India, a lovely country but on the opposite side of the world presenting logistical issues).  And last month end (really quarter end - which meant I had more to do) which was their first month end handling things went very badly (it went only slightly better this time - we'll get to that in a bit). 

So in the midst of chit chat, telling me what would happened with the accounts payable accrual file this month (translation - attempting to keep me from losing my crap again and wanting her head on a pike) she tells me that she mentioned me to her boss.  You know, a corporate rare air type.  I'm never sure how I feel about attention or mentions like this.   it's good they know your name but it can work both ways if they are looking for a scape goat.  Coworker tells me that she said I was a 'workhorse.'  I smiled and nodded.  (This is not a good thing people, if I smile and nod you I have put up a mental shield and am humoring you to keep peace). 

Many things went through my head about workhorse.  But thanks to google I found a few images to aide here: 










I'm going to guess that you get my drift.  I suspect she meant it as a compliment but to me it means that I just plod along doing the job and not necessarily open to change and not efficiently or working smart.  Not really the image I would like put out there about me. 

As mentioned above the accrual process went poorly - again.  To the point that I lost it, walked into one of my boss's office (the other was there) and declared "I can't do this."  and "I am this close to walking out the door, getting in my car and not coming back."  We made it through it but not without me feeling undervalued, overwhelmed, taken for granted and that it was time for me to consider looking elsewhere.

It is not just this issue.  It is a series of things.  Almost all of it out of control of my 2 immediate bosses.  HQ is going in a weird direction where it is perfectly acceptable for controllers and cost accountants to spin their wheels during month end doing things that AP clerks (who were good at their jobs) used to do.  Because headcount reduction and save money.  An environment where hey, let's move things to a central group (and off my desk) while leaving me with 5 months or so too much discretionary time  (not enough work to do - something I fault my immediate supervisor for and as much as I like him, he really doesn't get that I need more to do even after i have told him multiple times).  And in 2015 I watched them outsource all of our IT.  This year is was parables and part of receivables.  What s next? 

In talking to the controller (my immediate supervisor's boss and the guy who hired me), I have learned that almost everyone of our controllers but one (who can't afford to leave) is disgruntled and wants to bolt.  Misery apparently loves company so I don't feel alone.  But I am considering options.  My niche of the accounting world gets active recruiting wise after Jan 1.  So I do have time to think and update the resume/linked in profile and renew contacts with recruiters I've worked with in the past.  I don't want to look for a job.  But after being downsized 3 times in my past, I'd rather leave before being shoved out the door.  Besides, I have nothing to lose and can consider jobs back where I sued to live. 

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People suck.  And fwiw when I've heard it used it never meant inefficient or plodding....just the one with the work ethic to get shit done who carries the slackers. 

Sounds like she meant it that way as well, not realizing that calling you "She Who Gets Shit Done" would be more accurate as well as flattering.


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Said coworker is also the one who suggested to someone who was 'detoxing from sugar' on some weird diet that she should use honey.  I may have resisted the urge to gape at her stupidity. 

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Wow - would be funny if you didn't have to work with her.  Been there!

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I would try and take it as a compliment, like Buffy said, I think of a workhorse as someone who always gets it done. I'd rather be described that way then a lot of other things ;) Good luck with the job search, better to take some time and find something you will like then wait and be rushed. 

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I vote getting shit done too.  My husband, who is a recruiter, uses that term , in a good way, when presenting candidates. It also implies they don't get mixed up in drama and gossip......because they are busy working.......getting shit done..........while others are gossiping or planning vacations, or looking up stuff. People who actually get shit done are rarer than you might think.

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In thy case I am adding it to my mental section on eords to describe.me.

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Good luck with the move to India. . . Not you, but the work. BTDT and it went badly. Take the workhorse as a compliment, and look for another job. Obviously, just my opinion. Keep well. 

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      A few visitors did have a word with them. Things didn’t improve though. 

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

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    • Howl


      Whatever the results were for the recent scan...if it was showing the cancer shrinking to nothing, they'd be shouting the good news from the rooftops, right? 

      My recent experiences with MRI were that the results were read by the radiologist and posted in the patient portal within a day or two and I assume other scans would be equally speedy. 

      Shalom posted an Instragram story: "Microbiom[e] plays a role in healing from cancer"  

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