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What are you Doing? Chapter 18: You Can't do that! (THE FINALE!)



It's the last full chapter YAY, so let's get this moving. 

Luna status: I've been abandoned in favor of mister destiny because he has string cheese and apparently a kitten has to have her priorities. I feel so unloved. :-P

Wine: naw, just my water bottle. I might have a glass with dinner tonight to celebrate being done with this shitshow, but haven't decided yet.

New character today! George Wakefield. He's the pastor of the local Baptist church. Let's call him Pastor Confused. Artist's rendition (as usual, courtesy of @OnceUponATime):



We are back in the fucking park. I hate this park! AUDIOS FUCKING PARK I WILL NEVER HAVE TO VISIT YOU AGAIN SOON. Nosy Busybody is chilling in the fucking park AGAIN, and Pastor Confused comes over. He wants to chat. I'm not going to bother recapping most of the conversation because it's all big words like hermeneutics (which I have personally never heard a Christian use in conversation ever) being used to compare Biblical penis size. Spoiler: I think George wins. He actually makes sense and doesn't take crap out of context. Of course, this means that Nosy Busybody is going to act like he is stupid and talk down to him. Pastor Confused basically says, "Dude, you are talking weird ass shit, and you are basing your conclusion on stories, not commands, fuck off with this stupid shit." Pastor Confused, marry me!

They go back and forth for a couple of pages, rehashing the stupid arguments of the whole book, so I'm just gonna keep turning the pages, k? I flipped through a couple of pages, and found this:


George: But I haven’t trained my daughter to marry a fornicator!

Sakal: Why not? I have. I have trained my daughter the way an army trains its new recruits... for a battle, not a vacation. I have no idea what difficulties she might face in marriage: an unGodly husband, life on a mission field, barrenness, even abandonment. So my job is to train her for the worst possible scenario, the hardest possible situation.

Look at the women of Scripture, the truly Godly women in Scripture. Which of them married the perfect man and had the perfect life? Esther, who became part of a pagan king’s harem? Mary, who was always known as a fornicator? One of the many wives of David?

It seems to me that you are seeking a life for your daughter that God hasn't called her to, and rejecting God’s commands: for her and for you.

George: Those are horrible comparisons! I want my daughter to have a happy life!

Sakal: But maybe that isn’t God’s highest priority. I Corinthians 7, and I Peter 3, both speak of daughters married to unGodly men, and both show them blessing their husbands. None of us want our daughters to marry such men. We all dream of them having the perfect, fairy tale, marriage. But none of our marriages are like that. And in our quest for the perfect, we are missing not only the good, but God's commands. And it is our obedience to those commands, not the perfection of the to- be-married couple, that will lead to the ‘perfect’ marriage. 

That, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with this book. I've given more than enough fucks about this misogynistic horseshit, so just imagine what I am thinking, and you probably have it about right. Sigh. They go back to fighting about the Bible and how wrong Nosy Busybody is, and OMFG there is still 6 more pages of this shit. Send help. 

Asshole Plot Device and The Good Girl wander in now, hand in hand. THOSE WHORES ARE TOUCHING BEFORE MARRIAGE SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME PEARLS TO CLUTCH! For some stupid reason, Asshole Plot Device introduces The Good Girl to Pastor Confused as his WIFE. What the shit, did I miss a wedding? Oh hey, Pastor Confused said the same. I like Pastor Confused. Can we keep him?

Awww, FUCK. This shit is about to raise my blood pressure. Wait, no it isn't, cos this is THE LAST CHAPTER! :-D Asshole Plot Device is all, "oh, we aren't married yet, just betrothed" and I want to reach into the screen and slap him upside his arrogant head. Pastor Confused says he shouldn't call The Good Girl his wife if they aren't actually married yet, because it will confuse people, and Asshole Plot Device is all, "well, she's betrothed to me, so she can't back out like a fiancee could," and OMFG I HATE THIS GUY. 


George: No, not really. You haven’t been married, you know. Andrew: Well, I haven’t taken her home yet, but we are in covenant.

George: Oh, you mean... you mean you actually have your marriage license, and a pastor has performed a ceremony? Why then do you say you haven’t married her yet?

Andrew: No, we haven’t done any of that, we aren’t going to do any of that. But even without that we are in covenant. Her father gave her to me. [He looks lovingly at Maydyn, who grins at him and squeezes his hand.] 

I guess that this answers the "do they get marriage licenses and have real weddings in this cult" question. Sigh. So, there's no protections for the women in this system, other than any common law things that might exist in the state. Let's marry a child to another child, then not have any legal protections for either of them if things go badly or something happens. Nothing can go wrong with that. At all. Separately, the wedding day is a huge day in a fundie girl's life, and what a fucker to take that one day that's all about her away. FUCK THIS GUY.

Pastor Confused, to his credit, is appalled at this state of events. He's shocked and horrified that they were forced to marry, but because this book exists to fuck over kids in this system, no one is going to listen. I hate this book but it's almost done. After The Good Girl and Asshole Plot Device wax philosophical about what a precious gift of husband / wife they were given, the chapter drops off into a hole. 

Next up is an "interlude" that sounds like a courtly love sex scene. There's shit about someone looking for a garden for his friend, and uh, I'm walking away cos I can't even with the idea of a woman being called a fucking GARDEN. 

This is the final "story" chapter of this shitshow:


Sakal: She called you, from her honeymoon?!

Isha: [Laughing.] It wasn’t a long call, just a quick ‘thanks’. She said Andrew had stepped out to get them some food and told her to ‘rest’... which she said she couldn’t do, so she called me.

Sakal: So, did it sound like she was well on her way to 'doing good and not harm’?

Isha: She admitted that he seemed to be enjoying their honeymoon, and that they were spending an amazingly little amount of time outside.

Sakal: [Laughs] Good! Perhaps her father will get his grandchild soon!

Isha: I hope so. Speaking of children... 

Oh dear. From the implication that Nosy Busybody is either getting laid or has gotten his wife pregnant, to the quotations around 'rest', to the gross speculation on a newly married couple's sex life, I'm so glad this shit is over.


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Great work,Destiny. VO is a pitiful excusefor a human being. He might as well produce xxx porn and at least be uup front about it. I haveread some of his work as well and horrifying is a mild way to describe it. Actually, I don't have enough words...  . grammyj

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$10,000, no goat, and she can't even pick out her own food? 

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Isha: [Laughing.] It wasn’t a long call, just a quick ‘thanks’. She said Andrew had stepped out to get them some food and told her to ‘rest’... which she said she couldn’t do, so she called me.

Sakal: So, did it sound like she was well on her way to 'doing good and not harm’?

Isha: She admitted that he seemed to be enjoying their honeymoon, and that they were spending an amazingly little amount of time outside.

Obviously, this is like one of 1,000 things wrong with this book, but um, that's a little...much...to be telling someone you met like, what, two weeks ago? This whole book runs together in my head LOL. I know I'm intensely private, but this grosses me out on all sorts of levels.

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13 minutes ago, choralcrusader8613 said:

Obviously, this is like one of 1,000 things wrong with this book, but um, that's a little...much...to be telling someone you met like, what, two weeks ago? This whole book runs together in my head LOL. I know I'm intensely private, but this grosses me out on all sorts of levels.

Wanna know how many people I called on my honeymoon? Precisely zero. Not my sister, not my best friend that I don't go a day without talking to. NO ONE. 

Coincidentally, none of them asked how the sexy times were going either. 

The timeline is iffy as hell, but I'm like 90% sure you are right and we are talking a matter of weeks here, not months. Cos Asshole needed to fuck y'all!

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Somehow we all survived this reading. Amazing.

Pardon me now, I have to go bleach my brain...

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Just now, THERetroGamerNY said:

Somehow we all survived this reading. Amazing.

Pardon me now, I have to go bleach my brain...


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Ugh. Finally caught up but having wine. Can't even read the chapter reviews without it. 

Considering VO put his own child in a covenant marriage with another child in his backyard (or hers?) he could give a rats ass about protection for a DIL or grandchildren. Makes me crazy. 

I hate this guy and this "book" but glad I am informed about it. It's a good talking point with some people who believe "religion" is not dangerous.

Thank you and now time for wine and kitty pets. Mine is sitting next to me, she loves her some chin scratching. 

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You should see Mr. Dancing do the "dancing phalanges". It cracks me up. Now what is on the agenda for the next blog. :pb_eek:


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Kitty status here: begging for pets. 


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I have no idea what difficulties she might face in marriage: an unGodly husband, life on a mission field, barrenness, even abandonment. So my job is to train her for the worst possible scenario, the hardest possible situation.

There is no training to get you away from a horrible upbringing which then hands you over to Vaughn Ohlman, creeper, The Next Generation.  Vaughn Ohlman is close to a young person's worst possible scenario.  And other parents fall for his crap.

This book makes me so sad, but I'm glad to know it exists.  Thank you, Destiny, for doing the group read, and hazarding your liver in the process!

Thanks for the kitty pics and illustrations, too! 



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Posted (edited)

I was idly searching Vaughn Ohlman (is a creeper), partly to see if "Vaughn Ohlman is a creeper" would come up in search suggestions. (It didn't, really. :( ) 

The first interesting thing I found was a picture of Vaughn Ohlman (is a creeper).



Disturbing, but looks aren't really the point. He is a lot scarier on the inside.

The second interesting thing I found was that an admin (Suzanne Titkemeyer) at No Longer Quivering/Patheos recapped What are you Doing? last year; May through October. I found the entries hard to find in order, so if anyone wants to read her recaps, the entries are in order under the spoiler.

If you're burnt out on the whole disgusting book, my quick summary is that the author did a pretty good job recapping, but @Destiny's recaps are funnier and have more swear words. The swearing is entirely appropriate and necessary, in my opinion. :my_biggrin: Plus, not having @OnceUponATime's illustrations is a big minus!

Also, I'm sorry I didn't discover these recaps sooner. Maybe you could have skipped the whole thing, Destiny, and saved yourself the nausea and disgust that Vaughn Ohlman  (is a creeper) causes in most intelligent brains. :hug4:

Edited by WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?
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Wow, thanks for recapping that whole, disturbung book. You made me laugh more than once. And now, for wine. Poor..... All children under the care of anyone who listens to that creep.

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1 hour ago, BackseatMom said:

Wow, thanks for recapping that whole, disturbung book. You made me laugh more than once. And now, for wine. Poor..... All children under the care of anyone who listens to that creep.

I was literally sick a few times but despite my clear hatred for the book, I felt like the gross that he preaches needed a light shone on it. I am thinking of getting the book he was shit talking and ripping it apart for funsies. 

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Oh that book was terrible. I read it last year because I got it for free and was just as disgusted as you were. 

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    • JermajestyDuggar


      • Haha 3
    • libgirl2


      50 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

      I work at a library and I can tell you that no one behaves the way they used to, especially the kids. We are supposed to let them just be themselves, meanwhile sometimes it is a circus. I'm so glad I don't work in the public area anymore because it used to get me so angry. If you let them run around and do what they want, how are they going to behave elsewhere? And what will happen when they get older? How can they learn? Now, I'm not saying we need absolute silence but there are people who are trying to study and like the library as a quiet and peaceful place. 

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    • SassyPants


      9 hours ago, Gobsmacked said:

      The worst case of this was at Anne Franks house 2 years ago. Everyone respectfully murmurs - same as in a library. A group of high school aged children were running through the rooms and watching stuff on mobile phones with the volume on. Not one teacher said anything. They were there! 
      A few visitors did have a word with them. Things didn’t improve though. 

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

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    • Howl


      Whatever the results were for the recent scan...if it was showing the cancer shrinking to nothing, they'd be shouting the good news from the rooftops, right? 

      My recent experiences with MRI were that the results were read by the radiologist and posted in the patient portal within a day or two and I assume other scans would be equally speedy. 

      Shalom posted an Instragram story: "Microbiom[e] plays a role in healing from cancer"  

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    • Hane


      @Columbia, thanks for digging up that account! I remember that depressing saga as if it had happened yesterday. IMO, Bradrick! has many, many miles to go before he's able to redeem himself.

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