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Buffy's Commentary

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I need some good thoughts sent my way...



I need you guys to be with me in spirit today...I'm about to do the riskiest thing I've ever done (and I've had sex on a second floor window ledge, so that's saying something)...just wish me luck that I can handle the repercussions, whatever they might be.






Even though...



which it totally could.  But...



and I need to be free from the torture of what ifs...my brain will stay itchy until it's resolved and this seems less risky that opening up my skull to pour calamine lotion in there.



So no matter how this shakes out the fact that I'm even considering this is so much braver than I ever thought I could be...



So why I am doing something I'm likely to regret?  Not sure I thought this through.



That's my way...doesn't mean I don't need some handholding in spirit, though...

And so you don't think I'm about to leave my job to join a circus as the chick who gets the knives tossed at her...I'm not.  I'm answering a message...



Because that.  and this...



and this...to an obnoxious degree








well...he was...not that I don't think you guys are right up there, though!  And if this is a really bad idea?  Well...



And if it blows up in my face I've got some love and self loathing at home in the freezer.





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Positive vibes coming your way.  And for a bit there I felt like I fell into a Pinterest Board.  Then I got to the goldfish and all was better again.

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I'm holding you in my thoughts, Buffy.  Good wishes are speeding in your direction.

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Whatever "it" is, you got this.  Take a deep breath... 

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Posted (edited)

I'll be "handholding [you] in spirit" Buffy! I hope you like the results you get. :)

(A second story window ledge, eh?)

Edited by WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?
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You have my positive thoughts and a virtual drink of your choice. 

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23 minutes ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

(A second story window ledge, eh?)

It was a long time ago...but I was brave and it still counts!

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I still haven't done it yet and can't focus until I do but I have crucial memes to post on FJ and ...other important stuff to do to avoid sending the message I need to send.

The problem is it's like 4 sentences long.  And you all know me...I'm not much of a communicator in writing and that's a lot of words for me to use all at once.  

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I love you b. It will work out. Somehow it will and this will all be ok. <3

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1 minute ago, Destiny said:

I love you b. It will work out. Somehow it will and this will all be ok. <3

I know.  But if it works out by sending me into recluse mode to be the next JD Salinger (but without with writing skills, but added breasts) help me find a place where I can avoid all human contact but still have pop tarts delivered.  

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I say go for it. Regrets if you don't?  For sure. Regrets if you do?  Maybe, maybe not. 

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1 minute ago, Fascinated said:

I say go for it. Regrets if you don't?  For sure. Regrets if you do?  Maybe, maybe not. 

Yeah - I'm still hiding in my blanket fort that is FJ so I don't have to do it.  I'm a coward at heart - why isn't that a trait people love?

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I did it.  I was very brave...and now I'm very ...trying not to vomit.

This will end badly for me I'm sure - but every fiber in my being was nudging me to do this to the point I couldn't think about anything else.  Like I was supposed to do this...intuition was in over drive.

Now that I was brave and now vulnerable I think my intuition is a just a little bitch who likes to fuck with me.  


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Everything I try to comment sounds very trite, Buffy.  You're in my thoughts, and while I rarely comment anymore, I *think* about fj and read here often.  I hope this ending you refer to will surprise you and not turn out badly, but in your favor.  You mean a lot to so many of us here, and we're pulling for you.

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Sending positive thoughts that it all works out for you, buffy :) 

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I have the one true answer. Kittens. In particular. Some of my favourite foster kittens instagrammers. Anything is possible with kittens. So kittens to you, dahling. Kittens all around.

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Even if it doesn't work out, and I fervently hope it does, you took a chance and did something brave. It's never bad to give in to hope and take a leap, who knows what's on the other side.

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Go for it - I am leaving a bad toxic situation and things are already starting to go well 

I support you 

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Posted (edited)

Dear @HerNameIsBuffy, Today is my first day to type a post since December. Had surgery, and the arm/hand was braced up a few months.  I was in reading mode only.

I want to share this little factoid lol.

In relation to the cosmic calendar:  The human life lasts for a blink of an eye = 0.23 Cosmic Seconds.

Buffy, you deserve the right to pursue your happiness.  I wish you well my friend, take care.

ETA: Can't wait to do memes again...I found some really sweeeet sloths! 

Edited by ALM7
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This quote came into my head:

"Our fears are like dragons guarding our most precious treasures".

Ray Wylie Hubbard

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At times...The jungle of life will annoy the hell out of us.

But...We will survive.

0ooooops !!!  :my_blush:


ETA: Sorry, forgot how to spoiler a dang video... I give up lol.

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@HerNameIsBuffy I'm late to this thread. Are you still in one piece? Or have we lost you down the bottom of a bottle of vodka? (I totally approve by the way. Frozen Stoli was my poison of choice back when I was an angst ridden 20-something).

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@HerNameIsBuffy Also a late poster. I hope it did end well for you - and if not, it hurts but the pain goes away eventually. It's way better than having "what ifs" for the longest of time.

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    • JermajestyDuggar


      • Haha 3
    • libgirl2


      50 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

      I work at a library and I can tell you that no one behaves the way they used to, especially the kids. We are supposed to let them just be themselves, meanwhile sometimes it is a circus. I'm so glad I don't work in the public area anymore because it used to get me so angry. If you let them run around and do what they want, how are they going to behave elsewhere? And what will happen when they get older? How can they learn? Now, I'm not saying we need absolute silence but there are people who are trying to study and like the library as a quiet and peaceful place. 

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    • SassyPants


      9 hours ago, Gobsmacked said:

      The worst case of this was at Anne Franks house 2 years ago. Everyone respectfully murmurs - same as in a library. A group of high school aged children were running through the rooms and watching stuff on mobile phones with the volume on. Not one teacher said anything. They were there! 
      A few visitors did have a word with them. Things didn’t improve though. 

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

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    • Howl


      Whatever the results were for the recent scan...if it was showing the cancer shrinking to nothing, they'd be shouting the good news from the rooftops, right? 

      My recent experiences with MRI were that the results were read by the radiologist and posted in the patient portal within a day or two and I assume other scans would be equally speedy. 

      Shalom posted an Instragram story: "Microbiom[e] plays a role in healing from cancer"  

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    • Hane


      @Columbia, thanks for digging up that account! I remember that depressing saga as if it had happened yesterday. IMO, Bradrick! has many, many miles to go before he's able to redeem himself.

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