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My Wedding Photo, but also CAT PICS (size warning!)



So some mentioned wedding photos and since I have one that allows us both to remain anonymous while still showing off our wedding kit I thought I'd share.


I also thought that I'd share some photos of my cats, since pet pictures are the best kind of photos.

I don't want to give my cats' names because they could make me identifiable to people who know be IRL so I will refer to them by pseudonyms. Not paranoid at all.

Photos P1 and P2: My Seal Point Ragdoll. Let's call him Chris Redfield. He's the sweetest cat you will ever meet (never bites or scratches, gives kisses) but we think he's missing a chromosome and he appears to be special needs. He once got outside onto my next door neighbour's driveway by going through a hole in the fence and proceeded to forget how he got there and began to cry and cry and cry because he was lost and frightened. I went out to get him. He was right next to the hole.
He will let you hold him as long as you like with only mild struggles, even though he doesn't really like affection. He's kind of aloof but when he wants some affection he'll sit still while I pet him for anywhere up to half an hour. He's extremely agile and loves to be up as high as possible.




Photos P3 and P4: My Domestic Long Hair. Let's call her Ada Wong. She's 17. She's blind and deaf but she has no trouble getting around. She ADORES my husband. She's a dedicated lap cat, who has never bitten or scratched anyone. I adopted her at the age of 10. I've never met such a snuggly cat in my life. She lives to snuggle up on people's laps, even back in the shelter she sat on my lap for a cuddle despite her being scared and in a lot of pain. She's fearful of Albert and Chris's playfulness annoys her. She has some health issues, but I'm doing my best to keep her as healthy as possible. She's a very special old lady.




Photos P5 and P6: My Manx. I'll call him Albert Wesker. He's very smart and very dog-like. He follows me around the house, he'll go to everyone to say hello, he'll lie down wherever people are so he can hang out in your company. He knows how to open doors with handles and makes bird call noises whenever he's stalking an outdoor bird from the windowsill. In spite of that he understands my birds are part of the family and even when they escape their cage and are alone and vulnerable he just leaves them be (as does Chris, but he shows an interest in playing with them. The birds peck his paw and he stops trying to play).



Albert is super photogenic. He'll stay perfectly still as you cram your phone/camera in his face so you can get crystal clear shots of him. Ada stays relatively still too, but she's not as expressive as Albert. Chris, despite being an absolutely stunning cat, cannot help but move as soon as you begin to take photos because he's fascinated by phone/camera. I could get him sleeping, but he has such gorgeous blue eyes that it's a waste to take sleeping pics of him.

My kitties are my kids and I absolutely adore them. I haven't lived without a cat in my life since the day I came home from the hospital when I was a baby.


Hope you guys enjoy!

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@Vex,  I love your wedding photo.  You two make a lovely and handsome couple!  And I adore your dress!

Love the feline kids, as well!  You're so lucky to have three.  We're currently cat-less after about 30 years.  My daughter got Molly the Fabulous for her birthday 30 years ago.  Most of those years, we had at least two and sometimes three sweet cats in our house.  We need a cat or two! Or three!

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Your dress is absolutely lovely, and your kitties look absolutely spoiled rotten. Mazel Tov and best wishes for a life of lov, laughter and cats, from Auntie Cloud, Janey, Annie and Charlie (aka Choo Choo aka little bugger).

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Thanks for the beautiful photos, Vex.  Just want to add that, not only is your dress very pretty, but I LOVE the length.  Your kitties are adorable, too 

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Vex, it's a beautiful wedding and beautiful cats! Thanks for sharing something so nice.

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Posted (edited)

Hope you have lots of  love, few tears, and much laughter through out the years.   :margarita:

Edited by Greendoor
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Just wonderful! I loved all the pictures. :)

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Posted (edited)

19 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

@Vex,  I love your wedding photo.  You two make a lovely and handsome couple!  And I adore your dress!

Love the feline kids, as well!  You're so lucky to have three.  We're currently cat-less after about 30 years.  My daughter got Molly the Fabulous for her birthday 30 years ago.  Most of those years, we had at least two and sometimes three sweet cats in our house.  We need a cat or two! Or three!

Thank you! I am incredibly lucky to have three cats, especially since they're all such sweet-natured cats. My childhood cat though much beloved was a total hellbeast, so I can't overstate how much I appreciate kitties who don't show their affection through teeth and claws. I hope you're able to have some cats in your life soon! Everyone needs a feline headship (or more!) to keep them from wanton rebellion.

14 hours ago, AuntCloud said:

Your dress is absolutely lovely, and your kitties look absolutely spoiled rotten. Mazel Tov and best wishes for a life of lov, laughter and cats, from Auntie Cloud, Janey, Annie and Charlie (aka Choo Choo aka little bugger).

Thank you so much! Kitty wishes are always very welcome.

14 hours ago, Fascinated said:

Thanks for the beautiful photos, Vex.  Just want to add that, not only is your dress very pretty, but I LOVE the length.  Your kitties are adorable, too 

Thanks! I really like the length too. It was knee-length on the model in the photos on the website but I'm only 5"0 (and the dress was a size too big) so that's where it came on me. I decided the dress actually looked better like that and decided not to have it altered when I got the bodice tailored.

@moodygirl86, @Grimalkin, @Greendoor, @WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?

Thank you so much for all of your kind words. I was really nervous about photos since I'm not at all photogenic and it was nice to have one picture that I felt confident enough to share (and didn't show faces!). The kitties also appreciate your comments :)


Edited by Vex
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Lovely photos, @Vex.  Such a pretty dress - and what color were your shoes.

Your kitties are all beautiful but the fluffy Ada and her story won my heart.

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Your Chris sort of looks a bit like my fur nephew Marvel. 


Chris's facial expression is one I've seen on the M-Man before.

Marvel can be sort of standoffish sometimes, especially with people he doesn't know real well.  Of course once he gets used to people he's pretty friendly and will play.

Like Chris he likes to be up high.  One night my sister found him standing on top of a bathroom door.  She also found him walking on the top of the shower door.

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Posted (edited)

13 hours ago, Palimpsest said:

Lovely photos, @Vex.  Such a pretty dress - and what color were your shoes.

Your kitties are all beautiful but the fluffy Ada and her story won my heart.

I'll post a colour photo of just the shoes (with a bit of the dress for comparison), since they were a fun colour. They were paired with a skinny belt of a very similar shade.


They were satin and I had them custom made on an Australian site where you chose the shoe type, the different components (style of toe, heel type, heel height, and of course your foot measurements, that sort of thing) and they make them for you. I got them in less than a week!

As a cat mum I can't play favourites but Ada is very, very special. She and Albert were both rescue cats (he came through the amazing Manx Rescue Association of Australia), but she was already 10 when I got her. She'd already been at the shelter for 2 months. I knew as soon as they said they had a 10-year-old cat there I'd be taking that one home since kitten season was fast approaching and it wasn't a no-kill shelter, but she ended up being a perfect fit as well.
It turned out she'd been living with a terrible tooth infection the vets hadn't known about. If they had, they'd have been forced to put her down since the surgery is quite expensive to drain the wound and remove the two infected teeth.

I found that out when I took her for a vet check the next day, despite all the shelter cats allegedly being fully vetted. It was terrible that she suffered but a good thing that they didn't check her out well enough to realise the problem. She looked very unwell when I took her home. My vet asked if I wanted to do the surgery and I said of course, so $600 and 3 teeth later she was pain free and a completely different cat. Even her face looked totally different once she was no longer in pain. She got a new lease on life, thankfully. She is such a darling cat.
Yesterday she suffered the attentions of a hyperactive three-year-old (one of my cousin's kids) with as much grace and kindness as you could hope such a grand old lady to show. He followed her everywhere and she tolerated everything including cuddles. One cuddle got a bit much and she hissed, but apart from that she was patient and gentle.

She has a few health issues apart from being blind and deaf, the most serious being kidney issues that require a strict low protein diet and meds, but last vet check they said she had maintained her weight over the last 6 months, which is apparently remarkable for any cat her age, let alone one with health issues! She's a tiny, tiny cat. At her highest weight she was about 3kg/6 pounds.


7 hours ago, 47of74 said:


Your Chris sort of looks a bit like my fur nephew Marvel. 


Chris's facial expression is one I've seen on the M-Man before.

Marvel can be sort of standoffish sometimes, especially with people he doesn't know real well.  Of course once he gets used to people he's pretty friendly and will play.

Like Chris he likes to be up high.  One night my sister found him standing on top of a bathroom door.  She also found him walking on the top of the shower door.

He does look quite a bit like Chris! Chris loves to be up high. His breeder (I usually adopt, but I wanted to try participating in cat shows) told me Ragdolls like to be down low and that was one reason I went with a Ragdoll, but Chris lives to defy expectations. He enjoys walking along to top shower rail. Albert can get up there but he's so solidly built (and, well, fat) that he has to crouch really low and wobbles the whole time. Chris just dances along the rail like it's nothing. They really do have similar expressions! Marvel is a gorgeous boy!

Edited by Vex
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Congratulations! I ADORE your dress! And the shoes. They look pretty and comfortable at the same time - my favourite combo. If I were to get married sometime soon I'd totally steal your whole look, lol!

The cats are awesome. I can't even pick one I like the most because they're all so cute. :)

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17 minutes ago, ScorpiousMalfoy said:

Congratulations! I ADORE your dress! And the shoes. They look pretty and comfortable at the same time - my favourite combo. If I were to get married sometime soon I'd totally steal your whole look, lol!

The cats are awesome. I can't even pick one I like the most because they're all so cute. :)

You'd be welcome to do so. Dress came from modcloth bridal. It was nothing fancy. Dress and shoes were under $400 together.

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28 minutes ago, Vex said:

You'd be welcome to do so. Dress came from modcloth bridal. It was nothing fancy. Dress and shoes were under $400 together.

That's a good price :) I could never understand spending thousands of $$$ for a wedding dress.

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On 3/27/2017 at 3:19 AM, Vex said:

They were satin and I had them custom made on an Australian site where you chose the shoe type, the different components (style of toe, heel type, heel height, and of course your foot measurements, that sort of thing) and they make them for you. I got them in less than a week!

I had a feeling your shoes were going to be a really nice color. They look very comfy too.  :)

Ada reminds me of my old guy. He was the foster dog who decided to stay forever.  He was dumped on Craigs List the week before his 10th birthday.  His mouth was so sore he could barely eat and he lost 7 teeth when he had a dental the week after he came to me. He was the sweetest old boy who velcroed himself to my hip for the duration. I called him Gregory Peck in a dog suit.  The older animals are sometimes the most rewarding.

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11 hours ago, Palimpsest said:

I had a feeling your shoes were going to be a really nice color. They look very comfy too.  :)

Ada reminds me of my old guy. He was the foster dog who decided to stay forever.  He was dumped on Craigs List the week before his 10th birthday.  His mouth was so sore he could barely eat and he lost 7 teeth when he had a dental the week after he came to me. He was the sweetest old boy who velcroed himself to my hip for the duration. I called him Gregory Peck in a dog suit.  The older animals are sometimes the most rewarding.

I really liked the colour although initially I kind of wanted more of a peacock blue because it's kind of a signature shade for me, I guess? I wear it a lot and I like to pair it with cherry red. As a concession to that I made myself a couple of bracelets in those colours that aren't really evident in the photo. The royal blue turned out really nicely so I can't say I regret not getting the peacock blue. They were pretty comfortable because I made sure to wear them in a little and I got the lowest, thickest heels I could. I'm a foot shorter than my husband so I needed some height!

He sounds like an amazing dog! Albert was a foster fail, he was just too unique for me to pass him on. I definitely think older animals have something special and it's very rewarding to help them out because they have so much love to give and they're more apt to just want to chill out with you.

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      50 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

      I work at a library and I can tell you that no one behaves the way they used to, especially the kids. We are supposed to let them just be themselves, meanwhile sometimes it is a circus. I'm so glad I don't work in the public area anymore because it used to get me so angry. If you let them run around and do what they want, how are they going to behave elsewhere? And what will happen when they get older? How can they learn? Now, I'm not saying we need absolute silence but there are people who are trying to study and like the library as a quiet and peaceful place. 

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      9 hours ago, Gobsmacked said:

      The worst case of this was at Anne Franks house 2 years ago. Everyone respectfully murmurs - same as in a library. A group of high school aged children were running through the rooms and watching stuff on mobile phones with the volume on. Not one teacher said anything. They were there! 
      A few visitors did have a word with them. Things didn’t improve though. 

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

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    • Howl


      Whatever the results were for the recent scan...if it was showing the cancer shrinking to nothing, they'd be shouting the good news from the rooftops, right? 

      My recent experiences with MRI were that the results were read by the radiologist and posted in the patient portal within a day or two and I assume other scans would be equally speedy. 

      Shalom posted an Instragram story: "Microbiom[e] plays a role in healing from cancer"  

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    • Hane


      @Columbia, thanks for digging up that account! I remember that depressing saga as if it had happened yesterday. IMO, Bradrick! has many, many miles to go before he's able to redeem himself.

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