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"Hawaiian" style mac salad

Maggie Mae


This is NOT your grandmothers macaroni salad, and I am not Hawaiian. This is more of a knockoff of the West Coast chain restaurant - L&L. Found in food courts, this recipe is far from healthy. 

Salt your water. This is the only time you get to season your pasta. So dump some kosher salt in the water. Alton Brown I believe once said it should taste like mermaid tears. I use a fair amount and find it difficult to add too much. 


Boil the water and cook the noodles. I use elbow noodles, but I also live in a far off place and often Safeway is out. So unless I'm in the mood to head down the road and find out that Freddie's is out too, I will substitute mini penne or something else similar in size. Noodles should be Al dente. I don't have times for you. Taste your noodles or follow the directions on the box.

Drain the noodles. Rinse with cold water to stop them from cooking. I do a quick rinse and then add them to the mayo while still warm. This is a personal preference. If your noodles are still warm, they will absorb the mayo. If they are chilled, they get the silky dressing that other people prefer. Good cooking is about knowing your own tastes. 20180612_190226.thumb.jpg.b112632a0cdb5356eb548015993b5200.jpg


Add them to the chopped onion, green onion, and ?. I usually do my veggie prep first. So hopefully you followed the one rule of cooking and read the entire recipe before starting. 

I usually use about 1 cup of mayo to 1/2 a pound of dry noodles (half a box). 


I think it goes well with a shot of Jameson, the food of my people. The cutting board looks dirty, but it's also stained with bad lighting. I don't wash between veggies, but i do clean and santatize after working with meat.

Once everything is combined, shove the entire concoction in the fridge. Let the flavors get to know each other. 



Don't forget to salt the water! 

Oh, and white pepper at the end. It'll look better than black pepper. 


You can pair this with fake kalua pork. Take a pork butt, rub with liquid smoke and salt, and place in a crock pot. Cover and cook until it's done. Shred with a fork. Eat.

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Do you have a picture of the finished salad, by any chance? :)

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Maggie Mae


41 minutes ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

Do you have a picture of the finished salad, by any chance? :)

I took these photos a year ago. Obviously I started drinking and forgot to keep taking pics. Give me a few days and I'll make some more. My SO loves it. So does my best female friend. 

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  • Posts

    • hoipolloi


      50 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      If she is blocking 10 people a day, she should make a new name.

      Or at least get a fucking clue. What a dimwit. 

    • marmalade


      2 hours ago, HeartsAFundie said:

      Wonder if Felicity will be sister-momming this new sibling?   

      She's praying for a brother, so I imagine she'll be doing lots of sister momming, given she's aware of what's going on. 

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    • JermajestyDuggar


      People asked her what dental insurance she uses. She’s showing her privilege again by saying they have none because her family member is a dentist. How nice to have a brother who can give your 10 kids free dental care. Braggie and her brother were allowed to go to college. But Braggie won’t allow her kids. Unless it’s some tiny Bible college near them that they have to pay for themselves. I hate when fundies do this. They will be doctors, dentists, lawyers, and refuse to allow their kids higher education. 


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    • JermajestyDuggar


      She really does not get why “Haley’s plantation life” is offensive. A white girl’s life on a plantation is not something anyone sees as a good thing. It’s like says Joe’s Concentration camp life” if someone lives on land that was once a concentration camp. If she is blocking 10 people a day, she should make a new name. It’s obvious to me she likes the attention it provides her. Nothing is stopping her from getting a new Instagram. She could advertise it on her current Instagram and tell everyone to follow her new account. She could easily call it Haley’s Farm Life. She’s not even living there for the next few months. And I doubt she will live there forever. She will probably live somewhere else in a few years. Will she still want that name? Even if she’s living in Branson? 

    • JermajestyDuggar


      21 minutes ago, Noquiver said:

      Looks like Edgar and Rachel Robert’s are expecting their second. That means the Robert’s will be up to 6 grandchildren? I believe there was 12 children in the family, I know not all are married but is there a less quiver full second generation that anyone else can think of ? 

      I doubt any of them will have anything close to 12. They all seem way too worldly to bog themselves down with a kid every 18 months. 

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