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The Conundrums of Conundrum

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My Mother's Death - Trying to Cope



My mom passed away last week from heart failure, September 26th. I was fortunate enough to be by her side when she took her last breath and was able to tell her I love her. She made the decision the day before to remove support because the medication  was only prolonging her suffering; she was not going to recover. 

I love my mom dearly and she's was my best friend. Please keep in mind as you read the rest of this that I forgave my mom a long time ago for my abusive childhood and she apologized profusely for what she did and that she didn't protect me from the sexual abuse of my uncle. My mom did have faults, as we all do, but she was human and didn't do some things "right" when my grandmother, her mother, passed away when I was 12. 

My mom kept all jewelry from my grandmother. I never thought it was right but when I would ask why my aunt (her sister) didn't have any of my grandmother's jewelry she would get an attitude with me and avoid my question. Once she said my aunt would just sell it all. I remember my aunt asking about the jewelry but my mom lied to her and said she didn't have it. It had always bothered me because I knew my mom simply wanted to keep it all. About 15 years ago my mom gave me quite a few pieces, the rings my grandmother wore often, including her wedding set. Every time I would open that section of my jewelry box I would think "I shouldn't have this, Aunt L should have it!" 

I didn't want to cause my aunt any more pain because we just lost my mom a little more than a week ago but it was bothering me so much. I called my aunt and as gently as I could I told her that I had some of my grandma's jewelry; my mom lied to her. My amazingly loving aunt told me she already knew my mom lied but didn't know that I had it now. I took photos of everything I thought belonged to my grandmother and sent them to my aunt; all but two were my grandmother's. If my mom was correct, which I always had my doubts, my aunt would have said everything was my grandmother's and sold it. My aunt was completely honest with me and is thankful I am giving it to her, as it should have been years ago. I could tell by her voice she was crying when I said I wanted to bring it to her. (Not sad tears but thankful / emotional tears because she never thought she had a chance of seeing the jewelry again.)

I feel terrible because I know this is NOT what my mom wanted but my aunt is just as much my grandmother's daughter as my mom is. Am I wrong for doing this because I know my mom didn't want her to have it (because my mom wanted to keep all of my grandmother's jewelry) or am I making things right that was done wrong so long ago? 

I spoke with my counselor about it before I called my aunt and she told me if it was something I felt so strongly about then that's what I needed to do. 

I feel so torn. 


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I'm very sorry to hear u just lost your mother. My own mother also died of heart disease about 7 years ago and I do understand what u are going thru. The thing is when someone dies there are almost always issues that take time to be resolved. Some of them never really are. I occasionally still find myself wrestling with the fact that my mother let my father emotionally and verbally abuse my brother and myself because she was almost neurotically attached to the house and she feared losing it in a divorce. I really think she cared more for the house than she did for us. In your case I believe u are actually righting a wrong. It appears your mother simply wanted to keep all the jewelry and she came up with some excuse. The thing is the jewelry is yours now and u have every right to give it to your aunt, who sounds like a very lovely and forgiving person. Please don't feel torn or guilty! I hope this helps.  

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I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother.  I am so glad you were able to be with her at the end and I hope she had a peaceful passing.

About the jewelry, I agree with your counselor.  It sounds as though you did not enjoy having the pieces your mother already gave you because you thought they rightfully belonged to your aunt.  If you feel strongly that your aunt should have it all then you should give it to her, whatever she decides to do with it. 

However, by the sounds of it the jewelry should have been shared between the sisters in the first place.  If there are any pieces that you feel are important to you as sentimental memories of your grandmother or your mother, mention them to your aunt.  

So I don't see giving the jewelry to your aunt as a betrayal of your mother's wishes.   I see it as righting an old wrong and possibly honoring your grandmother's wishes. 

Family dynamics can get so messed up, but your aunt seems to have forgiven your mother.  And I am sure she greatly appreciates your offer. 

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While it wasn't your mother's 'wishes' it seems like you feel you are righting an old wrong.  And sometimes that is more important.  

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Thank you all so much. I felt since y'all don't know me I could get an honest opinion, which is what I need. My mom was wonderful in a lot of ways but this was one thing I never agreed with.

My aunt is so amazing and I love her so much. It was hard knowing my mom kept all the jewelry and told her she didn't have it. When she gave it to me I never felt good about it, just shame that I had it and my aunt didn't have anything. 

My mom was wonderful in so many ways but this was one of her faults. I know I have faults, too, so I tried not to be to harsh about this but now I can make it right and it's like a weight has been lifted. 

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@Conundrum I understand your feelings completely and agree with your counselor as well.  Sometimes, as much as our parents love us, they have their faults and hangups to make them do things that we don't agree with but can't do anything about because we are kids / teenagers at the time.   Your feelings over the years over having the jewelry was your guiding force in your decision and now that you are completely free to right the wrong, you did it.    

My parents passed away in recent years (mom in 2015, dad in 2017).   While they loved me and my sisters, and were good parents in many ways, they had their faults and could be very inflexible, very convinced that there was one way to do things, very insistent about what "should" and "shouldn't" be.   Because of this, they took the attitude that other members of the family, like my aunts and uncles, who didn't live their lives in the same way, as being somewhat unworthy.  After my grandparents died and their homes were cleared out, my folks brought everything to the house and it turned out they kept it there and mostly never dealt with it, my mother did try to some extent.  They always said they took everything because they were the only ones who had the storage space and besides no one else wanted to deal with it.  When my sister and I started clearing the house, I was approached by family members inquiring about specific things, that in their words "my parents had taken" which are pretty strong words coming from those family members.  I have no reason to think that they are lying.

I suggested to my sister who was the executor, that we let the family members just have those things they are asking about.  Let them come and get them, or send them,  but she is very much my parents' daughter and has the same attitude towards the family as my parents did.  They are not worthy.   She finally capitulated on some things when the pressure was on her to clear out the house (a story in itself) but only then.  Even so, there was a lot of family stuff that she simply sold in the estate sale or donated.   

Unfortunately, in recent months a rift developed between my executor sister and my youngest sister.   The handling of the estate was just part of the problem, there were other issues between them.   Executor sister then refused to send things to younger sister, things that were promised by our mother, things that executor sister said "she couldn't find them anymore".  She would not listen to me.  It took contacting the estate lawyer to get those items sent.   After the estate sale, youngest sister requested some additional items that were left over, I took those items (with my sister's permission but tbh I did not indicate that youngest sister wanted them, just that I could take them) and quietly sent them to my youngest sister.  

Sorry for the long story, but just wanted to share why I understand wanting to right a wrong like this.   


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I am sorry for the loss of your mother.  I'm glad you were there with her at the end, and can feel the love you have for her and she for you in your words.  I think you did the right thing in notifying your aunt about the jewelry.  It was what your gut (or your heart, or your instinct, whatever you want to call it) was telling you to do.  I think it's important to listen to our inner voice.   

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@nokidsmom Gave a great response. 

This is why the executor is often someone who is not directly involved i the family drama. The plot thickens and people can become very upset over a small item  - which usually not the point, it is usually a symbol of a bigger family drama.  

So sorry about the loss of your mom.  Glad you have happy memories to carry you forward.


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  • Posts

    • Howl

      Posted (edited)

      On 9/9/2024 at 6:09 PM, CanadianMamam said:

      She got it at David’s Bridal. They are basically where you go if you are on a tight timeline. My friend got married with two weeks notice and got her dress at DB. They have a ton of sizes in stock at any time. 

      I got married for the first time as a very much older bride. I was working full time at a fairly demanding job and just didn't have much time to do all the bride things.  

      I went dress shopping in April for the wedding at the end of May.  One sales lady at a bridal shop asked me when I was getting married and when I told her, she said (not very calmly), "May? THIS YEAR?".  

      Edited by Howl
    • dawn9476

      Posted (edited)

      On 9/10/2024 at 6:10 AM, CanadianMamam said:

      No, Katie’s failed dress was from a boutique in Orlando. 

      Didn’t Erin’s dress come from David’s Bridal and then she altered the heck out of it? I thought that was the story. 

      I don't think it was the boutiques fault. She sent it to a different place to be altered after she picked it up, and they were the ones that screwed it up, IIRC.

      ETA: It was only like a week or two before a wedding. Miss Renee came in and saved the day. Katie was able to get a dress off the rack luckily, and it ended up being a beautiful dress. Very classic.

      Edited by dawn9476
    • Monkeywrench


      So it didn’t take long-I totally saw Jana and Stephen at Costco in Lincoln yesterday! There isn’t much of note-they were friendly. She smiled when she noticed that I recognized her. We were coming towards each other in an aisle. A couple minutes later I saw them getting samples and chatting with the worker. Stephen is cute. I actually saw him first.

      • Rufus Bless 1
    • dawn9476


      Jana posted another video. They must have gotten a good deal on the those cabinets and flooring in AR. That's the only reason why I can think they got them in AR and then had to drive them all the way to Nebraska.


    • JermajestyDuggar


      31 minutes ago, JDuggs said:

      It look like a ferret. I think they were letting the puppy be a little too rough with it.

      That ferret looked annoyed. She showed Winnie on the outdoor Pickleball court and Winnie was trying to eat the tape they were sticking down. They are going to end up in the ER again because I know they aren’t supervising that dog enough. And she’s going to eat something again that could be toxic. 

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