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Fun Fun Fundies: Sims Edition

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The Harpers, Chapter Three: Blessed by the LORD



I knew that keeping trim and healthy was important, not just for health reasons but so that I could keep looking pretty and attractive for Hugo. Gyms weren't exactly Godly environments, though, so I bought a treadmill to use at home. I hadn't found any good exercise skirts, so I opted for some baggy tracksuit bottoms instead. After all, it was just me in the bedroom. 


The garden was coming along nicely, and I enjoyed spending time tending to the plants. Eating meals made with homegrown produce was such a blessing, and it was also neat to be able to sell some of the items at the weekly market!


Hugo was such an amazing husband, diligently teaching the girls right from wrong as well as more simple things like their numbers and letters.


I was always a creative person, and enjoyed painting when I could. Since the weather was pleasant, I decided to bring the easel outside so that I could try to capture the beauty of God's creation on my canvas.


I continued to earn a steady income by selling some of my garden produce at the local market, naturally keeping some for my own kitchen. Hugo didn't mind, as I was able to do the work at home. With this money I was able to buy new kitchen appliances. Of course, I didn't absolutely NEED all the appliances, but it was nice to be able to expand my cooking repertoire. Hugo and I were able to enjoy cheese toasties for lunch.


That Sunday, we took the twins to church for the first time and they behaved very well! They didn't really understand the sermon, but hearing God's word was the main thing. 


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After much prayer, I was delighted to find out that I was expecting again! 

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Living in the countryside meant that we had quite a bit of outdoor space. We had a chicken coop for fresh eggs, a cow for milk and a llama for wool. I was always a little afraid milking the cow, as I knew she had a powerful kick, but she was mostly very patient. She'd only kicked once, but hadn't hit me, just the bucket.

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After a pretty straightforward pregnancy, I was delighted when I gave birth to my son! We named him Samuel.

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Unfortunately, whilst making waffles one morning, the waffle iron managed to catch fire! I felt pure fear as I watched the flames take hold.

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We all gathered outside. I was feeling guilty about causing the fire, and of course Martha and Rachel had no real idea of what was going on, only that something scary was happening. 

"The fire is now out," said one of the firemen. "Please be careful next time."

"We will," I said.

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In amongst all the chaos, I realised that I'd left Samuel behind. I rushed upstairs to check on him, but he was fast asleep; luckily he had no idea what had been going on.

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Soon he was a little older and I was teaching him all the skills I'd taught the twins. He was such a sweet and determined kid.

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He absolutely loved being able to eat solid foods, although mealtimes did become very messy! 

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We did not usually have a television in the house, but we decided to rent one in order to watch the New Year's Eve Countdown to Midnight. My friend Sara Scott was there to watch it with us.


And, in what felt like no time at all, Samuel became a toddler and Martha and Rachel were now old enough to start homeschool. I didn't know if I'd be blessed with more children or not, but I knew that it was all in God's hands, and that I should learn to be thankful for what I had.




Edited by mango_fandango


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  • Posts

    • Angelface


      3 hours ago, marmalade said:

      With the addition of fraud. Jason was building without a license. 

      I just don’t understand fundies and their reluctance/refusal to comply with the necessary licences and permits. It’s almost as if they don’t think that they live in the real world!!

    • AmazonGrace


      This would be a good opportunity for everyone to re-evaluate their values and priorities and figure out how much their teaching is used as a cover for abuse, 

      But I am sure Gary will learn nothing.

    • FundeyMonkey


      On 9/14/2024 at 5:14 AM, 3splenty said:

      My MIL told me that I miscarried because I didn't "try hard enough" and "didn't love the baby enough". I was told they were just cells, anyway, so i had no right to be upset. I never told her I was carrying twin boys, Ryan and Nathan, and they were 4 months along. After some testing, it was determined that they had multiple genetic issues that were incompatible with life.

      My SIL (hubby's sister) was going to have surgery but her pregnancy test was positive. She had her period a day later. The way they carried on, she was at full term pregnancy. She just "knew" everything about this baby. Her baby was REAL. Mine...weren't.

      I wouldn't wish the loss of a child on anyone, regardless of age. But pride cometh before a fall. It would do fundies good to remember that.

      I am so sorry 😢

    • marmalade


      1 hour ago, ihaveanexamintwodays said:

      this is basically/similar to whatever conflict was with Austin in the past, right?

      With the addition of fraud. Jason was building without a license. 

    • Xan


      I kind of wish Gary would make up his mind.  Does he want there to be hard preaching about all of us going to hell or does he want us to laugh?  I have to tell you, I'm just not sure I can manage both - Madison or no Madison.

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