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Worldly Distractions: The Big Bang Theory 8.13 - The Anxiety Optimization




No, I could not resist this picture of cat-Richard Feynman. After too long a hiatus, we are back in nerd country. Enjoy it!

Penny and Sheldon go out on a date, but Sheldon asks him to help test out some noise-cancelling headphones first. The couple lobs insults his way until they're satisfied he can't hear. Sheldon explains he's trying to minimize distraction for the benefit of his work, blocking out his senses at all costs. When they're gone, he begins his work on proton decay - but finds he's drawing a blank. Penny and Leonard, back from their date, roll their eyes. Opening credits.

The next day, bummed about his work, Sheldon refuses to go to the university. Leonard accuses him of sulking. Stir-crazy, Sheldon goes for a walk - only as far as the hallway. He hears Penny doing some very loud workouts. She tells him that unpleasantness is a huge part of why she keeps exercising, as she feels more accomplished the worse it is. Lightbulb.

Howard invents a new game called "Emily or Cinnamon?", where the players have to guess whether Raj's comment was about...well, Emily or Cinnamon. Raj takes exception to this, but the others are having way too much fun. Sheldon shows up after all, claiming he's found the secret to his physicists' block. He needs to make his environment less pleasant, and the others all have to help. Needless to say, they're thrilled.

Amy conducts a series of neurological tests to measure Sheldon's optimum anxiety level, treating him more or less like the mice in her lab. She keeps irritating him with various stimuli, including rubbing a balloon next to his ear, but this only causes him to freak out. Sheldon reaches his optimum anxiety, which he is very pleased about - but this causes it to drop, which freaks him out, and soon he is trapped in a vicious yo-yo.

While the others play "Emily or Cinnamon?", Sheldon tells them of how successful his mission was. The guys, of course, tease him into a frenzy, which was the exact effect he needed. And if this sounds like it's getting tiresome and repetitive, well, it is.

Penny is in a sales competition at work, for which the prize is a trip for two to Hawaii. She's debating who to take, since none of her options are that much fun. Sheldon has decided that he needs to have an evening of "girl talk" to become uncomfortable, and asks the women to talk about their periods. Unfortunately, this devolves into a "Can werewolves swim?" discussion. And I can't mention werewolves, ever, without this.


Sheldon plays sounds of various comic book villains, with what looks like underwear on his head (it's brain monitors, but it sure looks like underwear), in order to increase his lack of comfort. He also wears the brain monitors on his date night with Amy. Amy confesses that she is worried about him, since he's starting to fall apart. Of course, Sheldon thinks falling apart is great.

"Emily or Cinnamon" continues. And yeah, it is a great game, especially when you see Raj's reaction. They discuss Sheldon's new kick, and though they agree he's getting his work done, they're getting increasingly annoyed with his bizarre behaviour. Then they go back to the game. Meanwhile, Amy is getting frustrated with Sheldon's constant work talk, and finally demands that he stop. She impassionedly tells him that his brilliance is innate, not from a dumb system, and asks that he remove his cap. Cut to Sheldon on a bus telling a stranger why his girlfriend threw him out. By this point, he's hallucinating armadillos, so it's safe to say he needs to give up.

Leonard and Penny escort Sheldon to bed, telling him that the President of Science is waiting. Sheldon is so far gone that he believes this. They encourage him to make himself comfortable, despite his protests. Penny sings him "Soft Kitty" (Leonard helps) and he's a goner. After he's out, Leonard and Penny discuss smothering him.

At lunch the next day, Sheldon is in much better shape and getting work done. Raj brings Emily to lunch, where she tells them how sexy she thinks his sensitivity can be. She plants a kiss on him - and comes up with a mouthful of dog hair. Charming.

So, yeah, this episode was pretty thin. And repetitive. There wasn't a lot of character development, and to be honest not much that was funny, except for "Emily or Cinnamon", which definitely had its moments. It's safe to say this week was a bit of a snoozer. Oh well. Next week, guys, next week.

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  • Posts

    • gobucks


      37 minutes ago, QuiverFullofBooks said:

      There’s no mention of whatever event led to her having a gown altered the day before her wedding.

      The video shows them adding the pieces to make the top part look more like the inspiration photo. Dress was from David's Bridal, a wedding dress chain for those outside the US. 

    • Tdoc72

      Posted (edited)

      I was kind of surprised that Michelle wasn’t there. Not that I wanted to see her but she’s local and that is her daughter. 

      Also pleasantly surprised by the non-mention of modesty, meaning the Duggar’s standards, not mainstream society.  The first one had a tank top bodice with some see-through lace at the waist part so I thought that one may get a comment. I was also a little surpised at the one halter top one.  It was very fitted. But she did look great in every one. Glad she found one she wanted. Good for her for marching to her own best, even if it’s tiny steps. 

      Edited by Tdoc72
      • Upvote 1
    • Queen Of Hearts

      Posted (edited)

      Grrr.... I waited all week for a new video from Jana and it was a stupid venue/dress video and not a fixer-upper video.  How disappointing!

      I found it interesting the JB and Michelle were not along to look at the venue, or that Michelle didn't go dress shopping.  This, combined with the tiny house, pants-wearing, college, etc. make me think Jana has possibly distanced herself from her parents quite a bit more than we may have expected and was really living life somewhat independently.

      Anyway, Jana teases they will be back soon with more house updates.  She better deliver and not give us a video of wedding cake taste testing next. ;)

      Edited by Queen Of Hearts
      • Upvote 1
    • Howl


      Really worrrisome that Shalom has not posted any updates.  Maybe she's just overwhelmed with their housing situation; I truly, sincerely hope there hasn't been a health crisis. 

    • QuiverFullofBooks


      I watched Jana’s new video. Annoyingly, I had to finish baking before reporting back to y’all. First they visit the wedding venue, which only opened in January. It really is gorgeous. There’s a long, tree-lined driveway before the impressive exterior. Inside, they see the groom’s suite and then the bride’s suite. Both are huge and decorated very nicely. The bridal suite has a line of beauty shop chairs in front of individual mirrors for the bridesmaids, and big changing rooms. Jessa (with George), Abbie, and Joy are with Jana. Everyone oohs and ahhhs. They see the area for ceremonies, which is huge and vaguely cathedral-like, with big windows that flood it with natural light. Jana announces that this is it; they won’t visit any other potential venues.

      The bridesmaids tell Jana (who explained this in a later shot) that they’re together and have time, so they need to go wedding dress shopping. (Presumably Michelle and Mrs. Wissmann are over it by now.) So it’s off to the bridal shop, where Jana piles up seven dresses in five minutes, according to Joy. The one she chooses is exactly like the “inspiration” dress photo she brought (which she shows us after selecting the dress). There’s no mention of whatever event led to her having a gown altered the day before her wedding.

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