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Soul Portrait



Yay another blog for me to start and ignore later (sad but true).  

I spoke briefly in the What Do you Identify with philosophically thread of my beliefs.  A couple of months ago I commissioned a small soul portrait from an artist Wendy Smith Sedona Soul Portraits or here https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002617003936&fref=ufi 

I 'found' Wendy through one of my cousins (get used to that phrase.  Mom was 6th of 9 and although not all her siblings had children, there are 14 of us in my generation not including spouses or the next two generations  plus 4 on my dad's side that I have reconnected with - contact lost due to parental divorce and dear old dad checking out as a parent, but I digress).   Cousin K actually assisted in hauling me out of a dark funk and led me down the ebil path of open thoughts and acceptance.  She's given up a career as a self employed consultant (engineer) to move from KC to California (to be near her sister and her family) and is now a transition mentor (if you are interested in more details - message me) the basis of this business (yes, there's a point to my rambling) is SRT (spiritual response technique) where she clears you of blocks and programs associated with (hang on to your seats here folks) past lives.  

Yes, I (now) believe in past lives.  The SRT sessions I've had reveal that people I am connected with in this world/life have connections to me in the past.  My dad and I have this whole weird I've done things to him in the past and he's acted like a jerk in this one dynamic.  I've gone through an exercise to essentially cut ties with him on a spirit level.  The point of the SRT is to release things.  Not dwell on them and let them go.  K has coached me a bit in attempting to release things on my own (and yes, it does work).  I'm also now aware and accepting of the fact that spiritual and emotional trauma has a physical effect on us.  I have a book from Louise Hay on healing ourselves that goes through physical maladies and gives you want issues are associated with that and an affirmation to tell yourself.  For the adult coloring fans Louise has also published an Affirmations Coloring Book (which I just ordered).   This does not mean I don't take medicine (I have depression and see a psychiatrist regularly and am on anti-depressants.  Would love to be off them but in order to function around other people, really, I need the meds) or see a doctor when I am ill.  I just recognize that some things might be cleared in a different way.  I also recognize that I have some physical issues (lower back problems for instance that are tied to worry about money per Hay) that cannot be ignored.  

Anyway!  K knows Wendy and has had two soul portraits done.  Naturally I heard about the portraits  Have seen them.  Am friend with Wendy on Facebook.  And wanting to know a bit more about my inner self when she had a sale on small portraits and August, I went for it.  I just received it in the mail.  And found the electronic version on her Facebook feed.  I'm thrilled and am still reading and going over the reading that comes with it.   By the way I look nothing like the portrait  That isn't the point.  This is how Wendy sees you.  I sent her a selfie I'd taken.  Various things in the portrait mean things that she explains in the reading.  

I just decided to take advantage of the blog feature here to gush about this and share a bit more detail about myself than I ordinarily would on the board in a thread.  

my soul portrait 10292015.jpg

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Wow that is very cool.  I love the colors.   I also really like the picture you choose for your cover photo.

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Trees of some sort.  Taken (by me on my phone) last spring at Unity Village in suburban KC.  (I had stopped to walk their labyrinth.).  

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That is gorgeous - the colors are both really interesting and peaceful at the same time.

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The pink at the throat is a very high level healing light on the throat chakra (communications).  The rainbow colors at the top of the head are also healing light of some sort.  

Oh and apparently the cat in the lower right corner demanded to be in the picture.

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I am now officially framed.  I am not hung.  But I am framed.  Via Hobby Lobby.  Because I took twistted delight in making the christian owned store frame something of this nature.  And equal twisted delight at the compliments on the portrait while checking out.  

Now to put her somewhere so she can talk to me   (no really, that's what I was told to do,  Frame her, hang her somewhere so she could talk to me).  

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  • Posts

    • Baba O'Riley

      Posted (edited)

      Jana just posted a new video on YT about venue and wedding dress shopping. 

      Edited by Baba O'Riley
    • keepercjr


      I would say that if Art isn't fundraising, that their basic needs are being met by their income.  Sure they aren't going to go out to dinner or buy lottery tickets but if their basic needs are met, they can work towards other goals without the stress of knowing if they can make rent or pay for utilities.



    • Bobology


      On 9/5/2024 at 6:16 PM, Bluebirdbluebell said:

      He (Ben) pops up from time to time, particularly as a guest on people's podcasts and Youtube videos.

      Does any.bod.ee here bee-leeeeeve it?

    • Jana814


      I know a trans person (male to female). It’s been about a year since they came out. Their birth name is Harry but they go by Hari.  Saw new pictures of them today & they look like a natural female. 

    • raayx01


      some trans or nonbinary people try to pick something similar to their origin name to make the transition for other people easier. so Maddie to Matthew or Bailey to Bryan. considering Artemis real name is Cynthia, they could have gone by Cy, pronounced "sigh" or Cyril, Cyrus, Cyd. Artemis Stardust just seems like art wanted a name they deemed as "cool". but honestly makes them standout in a negative way since people know art did it on purpose and probably wasn't named that at birth. And if Art wants to change their last name why doing they just takes their partners last name. They said a while ago they were engaged and tried to thrift money for a courthouse wedding. with matching tailored tuxedos and custom rainbow rings. Art if your health  and death wishes are so important to you  just go to the courthouse and get married, you dont need to beg hard workin people for money so you can have pride rings and a custom tuxedo, there are suits at the thrift shop and cheap rings anywhere

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