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Other People's Sense and Nonsense (and a bit from me)

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by Samuel Ullman

     Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. 

     Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. 

     Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. 

     Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station:  so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. 

     When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with the snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.


I though of this while reading a Duggar thread, when @emmalyn made a good point about Michelle Duggar clinging to her fertility and hopes of another child as  part of her identity. (Some of this was from the post, some was from a PM with @emmalyn. I hope I get her point across accurately.) Just as some of us mourn the wrinkles, gray hair, or saggy bits we see as we age, Michelle seems to mourn her loss of fertility as an unacceptable loss of youth.  

Mr. Ullman's meditation doesn't seem to apply directly to the Duggars, though. They seem to need less enthusiasm, not more. Or maybe they just need more genuine enthusiasm, joy, and childlike appetite. Not just a veneer for observers. 


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  • Posts

    • keepercjr


      I would say that if Art isn't fundraising, that their basic needs are being met by their income.  Sure they aren't going to go out to dinner or buy lottery tickets but if their basic needs are met, they can work towards other goals without the stress of knowing if they can make rent or pay for utilities.



    • Bobology


      On 9/5/2024 at 6:16 PM, Bluebirdbluebell said:

      He (Ben) pops up from time to time, particularly as a guest on people's podcasts and Youtube videos.

      Does any.bod.ee here bee-leeeeeve it?

    • Jana814


      I know a trans person (male to female). It’s been about a year since they came out. Their birth name is Harry but they go by Hari.  Saw new pictures of them today & they look like a natural female. 

    • raayx01


      some trans or nonbinary people try to pick something similar to their origin name to make the transition for other people easier. so Maddie to Matthew or Bailey to Bryan. considering Artemis real name is Cynthia, they could have gone by Cy, pronounced "sigh" or Cyril, Cyrus, Cyd. Artemis Stardust just seems like art wanted a name they deemed as "cool". but honestly makes them standout in a negative way since people know art did it on purpose and probably wasn't named that at birth. And if Art wants to change their last name why doing they just takes their partners last name. They said a while ago they were engaged and tried to thrift money for a courthouse wedding. with matching tailored tuxedos and custom rainbow rings. Art if your health  and death wishes are so important to you  just go to the courthouse and get married, you dont need to beg hard workin people for money so you can have pride rings and a custom tuxedo, there are suits at the thrift shop and cheap rings anywhere

      • Upvote 2
    • dawn9476

      Posted (edited)

      Crockett seems to have been spending a lot of time with his brother and Hayley in FL. I wonder if seeing them married is giving him the itch to get married, too.

      Edited by dawn9476
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