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Crazy cat lady or the feline Mrs. Duggar?



So I had this dream last night - more like an emotional nightmare - where we adopted 50+ cats all at once.  The cuteness was overwhelming, but everyone someone in my family came home they can't with boxes of cats...carrying cats, cats poking heads out of backpacks and hoodies...until there were hundreds of cats from very elderly to brand new kittens.  Every size, color, type...you name it and they were everywhere.


Not neatly packed in a labeled box like this.  

Anyway I had a full on breakdown - fell to the floor in the living room wracked with sobs because I loved them all so much but there were too many and I couldn't remember even how many we have much less their names....there was no way to get to know them or their personalities and I was sick I couldn't keep track of the ones who had special medical or dietary needs because I was completely overwhelmed.  And my actual real life cats were looking at me like this...

 famous-internet-cats-69.thumb.jpg.8cf5b0 20-Funny-Shocked-Cat-Memes-4.thumb.jpg.1 tumblr_n2lho8aJgQ1s8mgkyo6_500.thumb.jpgcat_face.thumb.jpg.6e1b4e0f605f6954182decat-penis.thumb.jpg.ea8707613240b5bd2275 large.thumb.jpg.36943dc5b6f47f440f6f932bo-SURPRISED-CATS-facebook.thumb.jpg.e25e

You know - shocked at the intrusion...some excitement, the outrage came later.*

I woke up in a panic and my first words this morning to my husband were "I'm the Michelle Duggar of cats!" and I actually woke up crying I was so upset at having to many to care for properly.

Then I was landed on by a couple of real life feline headships whose faces seemed to say...


*None of these are my cats...they call come from my buddy Google.  They are just stand-ins for my litter and don't represent them in looks or number...I just can't resist a surprised kitty pic.




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I do actually have a friend with as many cats as are in the "crazy cat lady starter kit" box.... *recounts*  no, no one less, actually. But 7/8 ain't bad.

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  • Posts

    • hoipolloi


      50 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      If she is blocking 10 people a day, she should make a new name.

      Or at least get a fucking clue. What a dimwit. 

    • marmalade


      2 hours ago, HeartsAFundie said:

      Wonder if Felicity will be sister-momming this new sibling?   

      She's praying for a brother, so I imagine she'll be doing lots of sister momming, given she's aware of what's going on. 

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    • JermajestyDuggar


      People asked her what dental insurance she uses. She’s showing her privilege again by saying they have none because her family member is a dentist. How nice to have a brother who can give your 10 kids free dental care. Braggie and her brother were allowed to go to college. But Braggie won’t allow her kids. Unless it’s some tiny Bible college near them that they have to pay for themselves. I hate when fundies do this. They will be doctors, dentists, lawyers, and refuse to allow their kids higher education. 


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    • JermajestyDuggar


      She really does not get why “Haley’s plantation life” is offensive. A white girl’s life on a plantation is not something anyone sees as a good thing. It’s like says Joe’s Concentration camp life” if someone lives on land that was once a concentration camp. If she is blocking 10 people a day, she should make a new name. It’s obvious to me she likes the attention it provides her. Nothing is stopping her from getting a new Instagram. She could advertise it on her current Instagram and tell everyone to follow her new account. She could easily call it Haley’s Farm Life. She’s not even living there for the next few months. And I doubt she will live there forever. She will probably live somewhere else in a few years. Will she still want that name? Even if she’s living in Branson? 

    • JermajestyDuggar


      21 minutes ago, Noquiver said:

      Looks like Edgar and Rachel Robert’s are expecting their second. That means the Robert’s will be up to 6 grandchildren? I believe there was 12 children in the family, I know not all are married but is there a less quiver full second generation that anyone else can think of ? 

      I doubt any of them will have anything close to 12. They all seem way too worldly to bog themselves down with a kid every 18 months. 

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