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Buffy's Commentary

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It's Friday (PSA for those of you without calendars)



Yes, I am superstitious.  I am migrating a 116 GB database to a test environment and I am wearing my lucky socks, my lucky hair scrunchy....and the fucker still failed at the same point (1 hour and 42 minutes in for those of you writing a book about my life) 3 times.  I know some of you out there feel my pain.  Ahem.


 So after fixing the obvious issues on the fourth try I held my breath between minute 1 hr 40 and 1 hr 43 (not the whole time - do I look like Michael Phelps?  Oh wait, you haven't seen me so for all you know I do look like him.  But no, I don't and you'll just have to take my word on that.)

Whilst holding my breath I sang the themes from The Brady Kids Cartoon AND Josie and the Pussycats in my head without stopping and stared at my screen without blinking willing it to migrate past the fail.  And you know what?  That worked.

I shouldn't be giving out all these career secrets on the internet, you're all going to collect these bits of technical genius and flood the job market and I'm too smart for that.  So maybe I lied.  Maybe it was two completely different theme songs, or a lucky barrette in place of a scrunchy.  You don't know.  

So I'm sitting here hour 6 watching what I hope is the last of my Z tables load - I have been staring at loading bars all day and can see them when I close my eyes.  I HAVE to because when I look away they stop loading.  Attention whores that they are...this sums it up.


And what's Friday without another SQL joke?


Try to get these ear worms out of your head...I dare ya.  (and if you're Cindy how insulting is this theme song...that nondescript is she?  And I still SO want to be Melody when I grow up.)



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In my mind you look like an older version of Buffy.  And ooooooooh Josie and the Pussycats plus the Brady's.  



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Yes, I am superstitious.  I am migrating a 116 GB database to a test environment and I am wearing my lucky socks, my lucky hair scrunchy....and the fucker still failed at the same point (1 hour and 42 minutes in for those of you writing a book about my life) 3 times.  I know some of you out there feel my pain.  Ahem.

Fuck. Seriously? Hit the server a few times. That will help.....or at least you will feel better.

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Fuck. Seriously? Hit the server a few times. That will help.....or at least you will feel better.

Shhh..it can hear you and it just finished loading properly.  We don't want to piss it off again because it's FRIDAY!

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  • Posts

    • hoipolloi


      6 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      So she did post in her stories today.

      It looks like they are still renovating or rehabbing their house. She mentioned that "my brother-in-law, James Easling" gave them tiles for their bathroom. She did not say ex-BIL. 

      She did refer to the sale at Justinʻs shop as a liquidation sale. I hope it brings in a lot of funds that they spend on actual medical care, not quacks and woo. 

    • JermajestyDuggar


      34 minutes ago, Howl said:

      Really worrrisome that Shalom has not posted any updates.  Maybe she's just overwhelmed with their housing situation; I truly, sincerely hope there hasn't been a health crisis. 

      So she did post in her stories today. They are having a sale at Justin’s shop. I assume they need money. But she didn’t word it that way. Justin didn’t look too bad. She did mention a “doctor.” She said it in passing that Justin was at the doctor earlier. Who knows what kind of Dr. They call woo pushers “doctors” so it could be a real MD or just some quack. You never know with them. 

    • JermajestyDuggar

      Posted (edited)

      None of her dresses she tried on fit the modesty standards the others had to abide by in the past. I’m not surprised she found it so easily. Once you are 34, I think you know what you want. And Jana went in knowing exactly what she wanted. Jana isn’t the type to make some huge ridiculous party and show out of wedding dress shopping. They did so much stuff for the show that I assumed Jana would never do if they didn’t have a camera shoved in their face and JB dictating things. 

      Edited by JermajestyDuggar
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    • gobucks


      37 minutes ago, QuiverFullofBooks said:

      There’s no mention of whatever event led to her having a gown altered the day before her wedding.

      The video shows them adding the pieces to make the top part look more like the inspiration photo. Dress was from David's Bridal, a wedding dress chain for those outside the US. 

    • Tdoc72

      Posted (edited)

      I was kind of surprised that Michelle wasn’t there. Not that I wanted to see her but she’s local and that is her daughter. 

      Also pleasantly surprised by the non-mention of modesty, meaning the Duggar’s standards, not mainstream society.  The first one had a tank top bodice with some see-through lace at the waist part so I thought that one may get a comment. I was also a little surpised at the one halter top one.  It was very fitted. But she did look great in every one. Glad she found one she wanted. Good for her for marching to her own best, even if it’s tiny steps. 

      Edited by Tdoc72
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