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Other People's Sense and Nonsense (and a bit from me)

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I had this song stuck in my head a lot while I was reading all 8 parts of the Joshgate thread. Especially the line in the chorus about being weaned on a pickle :pickle: ! :my_biggrin: :my_biggrin:

by Steve Taylor

Strike this little pose
Chin up in the air
Lips together tightly
Nostrils in a flare
Now look like you care
Very nice!

Practice in the mirror
Brushing back a tear
Very sincere
A promising career could begin right here at home
If you've got that smug...
That smug...

Hey mama hey mama lookee what your little babies all have become
Hey mama hey mama don't it ever make you wish you'd been a nun?
Vain and fickle, were we weaned on a pickle?
Is it in our blood?
Rome is burning
We're here turning smug

Strike another pose
Power politics
Swallow their conventions
Get your power fix
We love to mud wrestle
We love being politically Koreshed

Practice that smug
Pose it like a man
One part Master Limbaugh
Two parts Madame Streisand
Now pretend you're in a band
My, my, we're looking smug
Very, very, very

Repeat chorus

All you smug-starved millions in the thick of the search
Welcome to our church
Whatcha wanna solve?
We can help you evolve from merely self-righteous
To perfectly smug

Strike the proud pose of our country club brethren
Friendly as a tomb
Fragrant as the bottom of a locker-room broom
Now what's the matter?
Hey...get off your knees...that part don't come 'til later...God will not be pleased...

Repeat chorus


Not perfectly Duggar, but close enough! I love that Steve Taylor. I don't always agree with every word in his songs, but he makes me laugh and think at the same time. 

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Haha - I missed this blog post when you first put it up.  That is a great song for Joshley.  :super special:

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You do realize, of course, that it's all because of you that I am now a bit of a You Tube junkie?  :my_biggrin: Here's a more recent Steve Taylor video (no particular tie in to any fundies I can think of):



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I'm a youtube junkie.  But that started before I found this place.  The Rodriquii have only made it worse.  

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Heh - not sure if it was FJ as a whole that drove you to the youtube.  If it was specifically me - your welcome :D

Thanks for posting Moonshot.  That is a really cool song.  That would be a great theme song for a presidential candidate if we ever had one worthy.  

It is probably just where my head is, but the meaning reminds me of another REM song about Andy Kaufman.  Fine line between utterly batty and saving humanity.  HA




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  • Posts

    • Tdoc72

      Posted (edited)

      I was kind of surprised that Michelle wasn’t there. Not that I wanted to see her but she’s local and that is her daughter. 

      Also pleasantly surprised by the non-mention of modesty, meaning the Duggar’s standards, not mainstream society.  The first one had a tank top bodice with some see-through lace at the waist part so I thought that one may get a comment. I was also a little surpised at the one halter top one.  It was very fitted. But she did look great in every one. Glad she found one she wanted. Good for her for marching to her own best, even if it’s tiny steps. 

      Edited by Tdoc72
    • Queen Of Hearts

      Posted (edited)

      Grrr.... I waited all week for a new video from Jana and it was a stupid venue/dress video and not a fixer-upper video.  How disappointing!

      I found it interesting the JB and Michelle were not along to look at the venue, or that Michelle didn't go dress shopping.  This, combined with the tiny house, pants-wearing, college, etc. make me think Jana has possibly distanced herself from her parents quite a bit more than we may have expected and was really living life somewhat independently.

      Anyway, Jana teases they will be back soon with more house updates.  She better deliver and not give us a video of wedding cake taste testing next. ;)

      Edited by Queen Of Hearts
    • Howl


      Really worrrisome that Shalom has not posted any updates.  Maybe she's just overwhelmed with their housing situation; I truly, sincerely hope there hasn't been a health crisis. 

    • QuiverFullofBooks


      I watched Jana’s new video. Annoyingly, I had to finish baking before reporting back to y’all. First they visit the wedding venue, which only opened in January. It really is gorgeous. There’s a long, tree-lined driveway before the impressive exterior. Inside, they see the groom’s suite and then the bride’s suite. Both are huge and decorated very nicely. The bridal suite has a line of beauty shop chairs in front of individual mirrors for the bridesmaids, and big changing rooms. Jessa (with George), Abbie, and Joy are with Jana. Everyone oohs and ahhhs. They see the area for ceremonies, which is huge and vaguely cathedral-like, with big windows that flood it with natural light. Jana announces that this is it; they won’t visit any other potential venues.

      The bridesmaids tell Jana (who explained this in a later shot) that they’re together and have time, so they need to go wedding dress shopping. (Presumably Michelle and Mrs. Wissmann are over it by now.) So it’s off to the bridal shop, where Jana piles up seven dresses in five minutes, according to Joy. The one she chooses is exactly like the “inspiration” dress photo she brought (which she shows us after selecting the dress). There’s no mention of whatever event led to her having a gown altered the day before her wedding.

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    • Kiki03910


      1 hour ago, Bobology said:

      Does any.bod.ee here bee-leeeeeve it?

      I have never seen someone presumably not high look so baked like an apple in its jacket.

      • Haha 1

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