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Game of Thrones: Bran I

Maggie Mae


This chapter is in the POV of Bran Stark. I still haven't decided on a good schedule, and I'm not sure how useful the character lists are, but I figure as I go along I'll figure out a style and format. Thanks for bearing with my attempt at recaping a book! 

Characters met in this chapter

  • Bran - a boy of seven
  • Robb - Fair skin, red-brown hair, blue eyes. (like the Tullys)
  • Gared - earless, dressed in the black of the Night's Watch. A deserter. 
  • Jon Snow - Bran's bastard brother. Dark grey eyes. Same age as Robb
  • Lord Eddard Stark - 35 years old, beard shot with white, long brown hair. Grey eyes. 
  • Theon Greyjoy - Lord Stark's Ward. 19. Finds everything amusing. 
  • Jory Cassel - captain of the Stark Household 
  • Hullen - Master of Horse
  • Harwin - Hullen's son
  • Desmond


Characters mentioned but not seen

  • Mance Rayder - "King-beyond-the-Wall"
  • Old Nan
  • Robert of the King Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and they Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. 
  • The Tullys of Riverrun
  • Targaryen kings before Robert
  • Ser Rodrik
  • Rickon (The youngest Stark)

Short Version

Bran rides his pony with the male members of his family. Eddard Stark carries out the king's justice, beheading a man I believe is Gared. (The descriptions match perfectly.) Theon is a jerk.  On the ride back to the Castle, Robb finds some direwolves. 


Longer version

Twenty men ride with Lord Eddard Stark to a small holdfast in the hills. Bran, a seven-year-old boy, accompanies his father, Lord Eddard Stark and company. When they arrive, they see a man who matches the description of Gared from the previous chapter. He is executed using a Valyrian steel spell forged sword called Ice. Theon laughs and kicks Gared's head away when it rolls toward him. Robb and Jon discuss whether the deserter was brave. Jon Snow believes that the man was afraid, not brave.  Bran and Lord Stark have a conversation about fear and bravery, which leads into why Lord Stark carries out his executions while King Robert has a headsman. They come across a dead direwolf half covered in snow with five pups. Lord Stark is going to have them executed when Jon steps in and points out that the direwolf is the symbol of House Stark and Lord Stark has 5 trueborn sons and daughters. As they leave, they find another direwolf puppy, an albino, far from the pack. Jon Snow claims it as his own.




Theon is such a dick. I feel bad for him, of course, but he is really unsympathetic here. I know he's a ward, which means that he's technically a hostage. Which makes his position and story particularly sucky, but man, his personality is uncool. Also, he has to carry that giant sword around. The sword that could one day behead him if Lord Greyjoy breaks the terms of peace. 

Ned Stark does not believe in signs. Until he sort of does when Jon steps in, saving the lives of the direwolves. Speaking of direwolves, that's some symbolism. The Stag's (symbol of House Baratheon) antler broke off into a grey direwolf that lay on white snow. Ned Stark is the one to pull the foot of antler out of the throat of the wolf. Jory says that perhaps the wolf was already dead. Ned says "better a swift death than one from cold and starvation." Considering what is coming, I can't imagine that these lines, in particular, don't have multiple meanings. 

There is also some language in the beginning where Old Nan tells stories of the Others breeding with men and creating horrible half-human children. Children of the Forest, maybe? No, that can't be. The First Men drove the Children Out. Or was that the Andals? I don't remember. 

I had forgotten about the part where Bran talks about how his father would sit in front of the fire and talk about the age heroes and children of the forest. It's nice to think about how nice life in Winterfell really was. Before King Robert came along and ruined it. 

 Jon Snow is the only one to hear Ghost. Jon Snow thinks he might have crawled away, but Ned wonders if he wasn't driven away. Much like what is going to happen to Jon in just a few chapters. He is white, instead of grey. And his eyes are open. Earlier Jon is described and his eyes are dark grey, but "little they did not see." 

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This is a pretty good recap, it's hard to cut down all those words into a fairly brief recap of events. I haven't re-read AGOT in a while (been focused on ADWD) but this is kind of inspiring me to do so.

It's so sad looking back on how good the Starks had it at Winterfell. I miss Ned. Poor noble, stupid man.

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Maggie Mae


This is a pretty good recap, it's hard to cut down all those words into a fairly brief recap of events. I haven't re-read AGOT in a while (been focused on ADWD) but this is kind of inspiring me to do so.

It's so sad looking back on how good the Starks had it at Winterfell. I miss Ned. Poor noble, stupid man.

It's also difficult because he really packs so much into every sentence. Some of it is just really great descriptions. It's amazing to me how this chapter was able to showcase the personalities of Jon, Robb, Theon, and Ned so well. And the way he used Bran - who was 7 and wouldn't remember/pay close attention to all the talking before the execution - was smart because the reader won't get to hear what Gared has to say. And it was obvious that the men had seen the stag in the direwolf for what it was, but Bran didn't really "get" it. Nor would the reader at that point. 

The Starks had it the best, IMO. Ned was a noble and responsible fair leader. They had the best castle (personal opinion, of course) and other than Dorne, it seems like one of the better places for women. 

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The First Men were the, well first (hu)mens, to come from ??? to Westeros. They had a big ol' native vs. foreigner civil war, but when the Others came (The Long Night), they banded together and drove them back to the true North. The Wall goes up because magic and other cool shit. The Children and the First Men lived coexisted peacfully for the next centuries. Then the Andals show up with the Faith of the Seven (Christianity) and ruin all the magic and the Children go so deep into hiding that all their wisdom is lost expect the Old Gods for the Northerners, who have the purest blood of the First Men. 

Any questions? No? Good! Because that shows how deep fandoms get for me. I need to relearn my no shame stance on life. 

But, seriously, Maggie Mae, I'm more than willing to help out if you need cross references. I've read all the lore, so if you need help, I'm your girl! 

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Maggie Mae


On 11/23/2015 at 9:23 PM, TacoCat said:

The First Men were the, well first (hu)mens, to come from ??? to Westeros. They had a big ol' native vs. foreigner civil war, but when the Others came (The Long Night), they banded together and drove them back to the true North. The Wall goes up because magic and other cool shit. The Children and the First Men lived coexisted peacfully for the next centuries. Then the Andals show up with the Faith of the Seven (Christianity) and ruin all the magic and the Children go so deep into hiding that all their wisdom is lost expect the Old Gods for the Northerners, who have the purest blood of the First Men. 

Any questions? No? Good! Because that shows how deep fandoms get for me. I need to relearn my no shame stance on life. 

But, seriously, Maggie Mae, I'm more than willing to help out if you need cross references. I've read all the lore, so if you need help, I'm your girl! 

I'm sorry I just saw this, almost two months later. Thanks for the history lesson! I'll keep you in mind next time :)

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It's quite alright! I overly involved in a few fandoms and ASoIaF is one of my favorites. I'm an endless supply of random facts and trivia. I can't remember what I ate for breakfast, but you can bet your ass I can tell you the entire history of some random house. The ASoIaF wiki is a great source to check any details that may be hazy. The people who run the wiki know more about Planetos than GRRM.

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      I would say that if Art isn't fundraising, that their basic needs are being met by their income.  Sure they aren't going to go out to dinner or buy lottery tickets but if their basic needs are met, they can work towards other goals without the stress of knowing if they can make rent or pay for utilities.



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      He (Ben) pops up from time to time, particularly as a guest on people's podcasts and Youtube videos.

      Does any.bod.ee here bee-leeeeeve it?

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      Edited by dawn9476
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