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I can't wait until I'm just a brain in a jar.



10+ years ago, I injured my left knee playing sports. My kneecap was dislocated and fractured, and I had a torn ligament. It was pretty rough, required surgery to replace the torn ligament when it wouldn't heal on its own, kept me off my feet for months, and left me with permanent degenerative joint disease/arthritis in my knee. Basically, a fun time all around.

A couple of nights ago, I was walking in my kitchen when suddenly, my right leg - my "good leg" - completely gave out from underneath me, and I hit the ground hard. At the time, I put ice on it and went to bed, hoping that it was just bruised and that I'd feel better, if sore, in the morning.

When I woke in the morning, I couldn't bend my knee, it was swollen like a giant grapefruit, and I could barely stand, let alone walk. My father had to take the day off from work to take me to urgent care. An MRI, X-ray, GP and orthopedist later, I was in for a diagnosis almost identical to my injury of a decade prior: torn ligament, bruised bones, fractured kneecap. We're thinking that the ligaments in my knees are naturally just more elastic than they should be, and allow for dislocation more easily than normal. LUCKY ME.

I'm looking at at least 6 weeks of recovery, and that's if I'm fortunate enough not to need surgery, whether to repair the ligament or to remove bone fragments from the fracture. I'm not able to work at all, which is extra unfortunate because I only started at this job about 2 weeks ago, but my boss was very kind about it and told me that my job will still be there no matter how long it takes me to heal, which I'm very grateful for.

Part of sharing all of this is definitely to blow off a little bit of "woe-is-me, this-really-sucks" steam, so I thank you all for allowing me this brief pity party ;) But it also means that over the next few weeks I'll have lots more time than usual to be on FJ, and as I've only recently started de-lurking, I'm looking forward to getting to know people around here a bit better!

Does anyone have any recommendations for books, shows, games, or other activities I might pick up while I'm housebound over the next few weeks? Would anybody be interested in playing any PC games online with me? My username on Steam is chupacabrette, if anybody would like to save Albion, hunt for vaults on Pandora, or survive the zombie apocalypse with me, among others.


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Wow that sound very painful!   We have a fair number of people here who are either recovering from injuries or have chronic issues.   I fall into both camps (well I'm not recovering from an injury, but 2 big surgeries for me).

I highly (highly) recommend coloring, which is probably obvious if you've read my blog or many of my posts.   It's a great time consumer and it really is relaxing and can take your mind off your current situation.

I like to watch something on netflix and color at the same time.  If you have netflix some of my favorites currently are:  The Arrow, The Flash, How to get away with murder, hemlock grove (I haven't watched the new season yet) and a variety of their documentaries.

I'm currently watching Criminal Minds from the beginning because I realized I'd missed an episode here or there, so decided to just watch it from the beginning.

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@Curious I am definitely all about coloring - I just ordered a big pack of gel pens to use in my Human Body Coloring Book :) 

And it's funny you should mention Criminal Minds because I just started it from the first season last night. I've definitely seen them all before, but sometimes what you want when you're kinda out of it is an "oldie but goodie," right? Hemlock Grove is also definitely on my short list, never watched it at all before.

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I'm sorry that happened BragandBounce. I hope you heal faster than expected, without surgery needed. There's something so absurd but relatable about the title "I can't wait until I'm just a brain in a jar."

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@Curious I am definitely all about coloring - I just ordered a big pack of gel pens to use in my Human Body Coloring Book :) 

And it's funny you should mention Criminal Minds because I just started it from the first season last night. I've definitely seen them all before, but sometimes what you want when you're kinda out of it is an "oldie but goodie," right? Hemlock Grove is also definitely on my short list, never watched it at all before.

Do you want to be added to the FJ Colorists Unite blog so you can post your coloring projects and such there?

I just started season 4 of Criminal Minds last night.   I hadn't missed too many episodes in the first 3 seasons, it turned out, but I learned I hadn't see ALL of each episode for some reason.   There were a couple that I thought I hadn't see, but then realized I'd seen parts of them toward the end.   I'm really enjoying the rewatch.

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I'm sorry that happened BragandBounce. I hope you heal faster than expected, without surgery needed. There's something so absurd but relatable about the title "I can't wait until I'm just a brain in a jar."

Thanks for the well wishes!

And yes, I took the title from a conversation I'd had with a friend about the situation - basically whinging about every part of our bodies that hurt and concluding, "I can't wait until we have bionic limbs, or don't need a body at all." Then, of course, I really wanted to watch "The Brain That Wouldn't Die" - the MST3K version, naturally ;)

Do you want to be added to the FJ Colorists Unite blog so you can post your coloring projects and such there?

I just started season 4 of Criminal Minds last night.   I hadn't missed too many episodes in the first 3 seasons, it turned out, but I learned I hadn't see ALL of each episode for some reason.   There were a couple that I thought I hadn't see, but then realized I'd seen parts of them toward the end.   I'm really enjoying the rewatch.

Oh, certainly :) I mean, I'm an excellent color-er - I even manage to stay in the lines of my Harry Potter coloring book, so I'm sure others would love to see my work ;) 

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      Posted (edited)

      Jana just posted a new video on YT about venue and wedding dress shopping. 

      Edited by Baba O'Riley
    • keepercjr


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    • Bobology


      On 9/5/2024 at 6:16 PM, Bluebirdbluebell said:

      He (Ben) pops up from time to time, particularly as a guest on people's podcasts and Youtube videos.

      Does any.bod.ee here bee-leeeeeve it?

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      some trans or nonbinary people try to pick something similar to their origin name to make the transition for other people easier. so Maddie to Matthew or Bailey to Bryan. considering Artemis real name is Cynthia, they could have gone by Cy, pronounced "sigh" or Cyril, Cyrus, Cyd. Artemis Stardust just seems like art wanted a name they deemed as "cool". but honestly makes them standout in a negative way since people know art did it on purpose and probably wasn't named that at birth. And if Art wants to change their last name why doing they just takes their partners last name. They said a while ago they were engaged and tried to thrift money for a courthouse wedding. with matching tailored tuxedos and custom rainbow rings. Art if your health  and death wishes are so important to you  just go to the courthouse and get married, you dont need to beg hard workin people for money so you can have pride rings and a custom tuxedo, there are suits at the thrift shop and cheap rings anywhere

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