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You're A Mean One...



I am not really a Christmas person.  It might have helped had I had children.  Maybe even a spouse.  But with a sister (also single and childless) over a thousand miles away (and currently hiding under a rock or something) and a mother who now has a dementia diagnosis (put her in memory care back in June) the season is a giant ball of meh.  Oh I can fake it.  But over the last several years really I have chosen to stop faking it.  

For me, Christmas is the height of what I've long called the dark season.  So dubbed because of the lack of daylight.  Yes, I have a bit of seasonal issues which adds on top of depression.  And I'm an accountant.  And no, by busy season is not tax season from January through Mid-April.  Nope.  My busy season, since 2003 or so, is October through Mid-February.  I am a cost accountant. So by the time you load in physical inventory, budget weirdness (which gets a push starting in August), costing (which is where I live from Mid-October (nope, not a fan of Halloween either) through Christmas), Interim Audit (external), various internal audit issues, Year end closing, Year end audit and on and on you get a rather stressed out Liss.  

For those of you who know I am doing nanowrimo - the writing, although it is more work on top of a lot of work, uses a different part of my brain and helps me chill out a bit.  Besides i can always kill people in the novel.  

Yesterday the dreaded (by me) email announcing the office holiday potluck dinner was sent.  And it's is scheduled during November Month End closing when I am busy on top of busy.  I don't have time for this.  Furthermore a few years ago someone had the bright idea for everyone to contribute money and they would buy ham and turkey and someone would cook it and bring it in.  Only for whatever bizzaro reason last year the leftovers managed to go home with the folks that fixed said meats.  Never mind that it was expected that it would stay at work.  I may like you, but I don't really want to contribute to your household grocery funds.  

And I'll put it out there.  I hate food days, bring ins and potlucks.  I am proud to tell you that I am a third generation hater/disliker of these things because both my grandmother and mother are of the same inclination.  

I may want to do holiday baking etc.  Although in recent years that has been a big no.  But I don't like being told what day to do it and having to figure out what to bring and what I have time to do.  And don't pat me on the head and tell me I can buy something.  


And as long as I'm rambling about Christmas I stopped putting the tree up the year I realized it was almost valentine's day before I took it down because year end slammed us so hard that I didn't have the time or energy to do it before then.  I put up this tiny wire tree in the office.  Stick silk poinsettias in the office plant.  and that's it at work.  Last year not a single decoration made it out at home.  

So yup I'm a wee bit of a grinch and a scrooge.  

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One of the best parts of getting older for me, has been that if I don't want to do something, then I don't do it.  The only exceptions are things that are necessary for the health and well being of my friends, family, or pets. If Christmas isn't your thing (and that seems extremely reasonable to me), then it isn't.

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My husband and I stopped celebrating Christmas a few years ago, other than cooking a nice meal.   We finally looked at each other and were like I have no freaking clue what to get you and decided that we didn't really NEED anything else and the stuff we did NEED would likely just be purchased when the need arose.

It's SO nice not struggling to figure out what to get/having to try and make a list of what I want, etc. 

Last year I was in a skilled nursing facility recovering from a huge spinal surgery and missed both Thanksgiving and Christmas as a result.   I did feel bad for my husband having to have both holidays in a hospital and SNF, respectively, but at least we were together.   They did feed him turkey at Thanksgiving.  I will still in the ICU then and have zero recollection of it.


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My mother, sister and I had stopped exchanging gifts.  Wait, let me rephrase that - exchanging money/gift cards.  I was the one who said, I'm not getting you anything.  Take the money you would have spent on me and get yourself something.  (Which worked until Mom started down the dementia path - we won't go there).  

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Maggie Mae


I like to play my 1/4 Jew card at Christmas. I just hate it. So much. Don't get me wrong, I remember growing up and it felt sort of exciting and fun. We did gingerbread contests and put up decorations and sang carols. But as I got older it just became so stressful. I'd go to school after the holiday and everyone would tell everyone else what they did and what they "got" in their gift hauls and I always felt woefully inadequate. And the worst was that it just got more consumer-centric as I got older, and my parents got poorer and I just started to hate that time of year. 

Now I'm at the point where I have everything I want/need that isn't specialized equipment I want to choose myself, and my parents are even more poor. They also don't want anything but want to send me stuff that I don't want and it always causes a fight. Over stuff. I hate stuff.  

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And I'll put it out there.  I hate food days, bring ins and potlucks.  I am proud to tell you that I am a third generation hater/disliker of these things because both my grandmother and mother are of the same inclination.  

I'm with ya, sister, and would like an invitation to join that club.  I have the palate of a spoiled toddler and an unrivaled skepticism about the cleanliness of other people's kitchens ever since seeing seemingly normal looking people on hoarders.  

On this subject can people get the heck over themselves when other people politely decline their food?  I have no problem with people bringing it in and announcing it's there for those who'd like something...but those who come to my desk and insist I will love something and get pouty when I nicely say no thank you try my patience.  Odds are I will NOT like it and of course that has more to do with my food weirdness than their cooking but I'd just as soon not discuss either.  

I refuse to claim allergies or some special diet because I don't want to contribute to the social dilution of that for those who actually have those...but my list of foods that are too gross for me to contemplate eating is thousands of pages long and if my mother couldn't talk me into eating things (and I loved her) why would a co-worker think they have a shot?

(but they want to drop off a box of thin mints, sealed and packaged, on my desk I am all too happy to accept such offerings.)

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As a closet Big Brother fan I refer to some of my issues as 'pee pee hands.'  Do not expect me to partake of anything where people reach into a bowl, bag etc and grab stuff.  i do not know where your pee pee hands have and have not been.  ick. 


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Someone came to me today to find out if I wanted 'in' on the office secret santa.  


I said thank you for coming all the way back to my office (no really - I meant that part, i get forgotten about back here) but no.  

And I ante'd up for the potluck thing in a couple of weeks.  (I draw the line at eating with people in the conference room.  I'm crying  - rightly - work!)  

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  • Posts

    • GreenBeans

      Posted (edited)

      On 10/16/2024 at 5:32 PM, Mama Mia said:

      I googled “fancy old fashioned names” for JinJer and the Bridgerton character names came up- and really I could see any of them :

      Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Hyacinth, Penelope - plus secondary characters like Agatha, Prudence, Phillipa, Portia, Edwina, Cressida, (Charlotte is too popular and I think they’d leave Violet for Jessa) 

      Anthony, Benedict, Gregory all would fit their vibe. The other male names are too short or common I think. 

      Not saying it will happen, but it would be wild if sweet sheltered Jinger used that very steamy show as her source 🤣


      I have no idea what Bridgerton is (not a sheltered fundie but a lot on my plate with no time for tv or steaming), but these sound so spot on for Jinger and Jeremy!

      After Felicity and Evangeline (?) I could totally see something fancy / old fashioned / French sounding for a girl.

      Adrienne maybe? Or Eleanor? Or Adeline (though that would be too similar to Evangeline maybe)? I could also see something like Violet.

      Something classic for a boy. Fundies love to go cutesy / creative for girls’ names and traditional for boys’ names.

      Do Jinger’s and Jeremy’s girls have middle names? I’d expect them to use a virtue or family name as middle name.

      Edited by GreenBeans
    • Radish


      Jinger & Jeremy: Miriam Diana or Owen Jeremy

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    • marmalade


      It's totally going over her head what Grand Oaks Plantation represents. She doesn't appear to have many brain cells in operation.

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    • hoipolloi


      50 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      If she is blocking 10 people a day, she should make a new name.

      Or at least get a fucking clue. What a dimwit. 

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    • marmalade


      2 hours ago, HeartsAFundie said:

      Wonder if Felicity will be sister-momming this new sibling?   

      She's praying for a brother, so I imagine she'll be doing lots of sister momming, given she's aware of what's going on. 

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