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Cooking, Baking and Painting in Italia

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Leftovers Management. Teri Maxwell I am talking to you.



Anti-fast takes its toll, so many leftovers, and since our favourite fundie planner doesn't seem to know what to do with them,  :flyingspaghetti: put into my mind this idea of a recipe, NOT. My leftovers were some chicken breast and ham. I defrosted some puff pastry20151107_113241.thumb.jpg.acbcbf6cbd56b7took some shallots and some radicchio that in this season abounds here.20151108_115049.thumb.jpg.5f52495b3f57a7  I sauteed the shallots with extra virgin olive oil and then added the radicchio cut in little pieces and cooked for 10 minutes with homemade bouillon, a little bit of water and half a glass of red wine (I used cabernet sauvignon), when all the liquid evaporates the radicchio is ready.  Then I flattened the puff pastry, 20151108_122156.thumb.jpg.c91964c3d6a920  put some bread crumbs in the middle to absorb humidity during the cooking20151108_122436.thumb.jpg.405a4346411310  and distributed the radicchio, the chicken and the ham in this way. 20151108_123030.thumb.jpg.c9a78b66e6b3c2 Closed the package in semi-fancy way and put into the oven at 180ºC for 40 minutes.20151108_132042.thumb.jpg.b3218d1e0a4690  And this time I even remembered to take a pic of the dish  :my_biggrin:20151108_132213.thumb.jpg.77d4a803abb5c0

 I can assure it was delicious and I'm nearly sure Stevhovah wouldn't approve  :naughty: 

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That looks delicious!   I saw you had started a blog, but hadn't gotten a chance to read it yet.   Now that I know you are including pictures of your wonderful sounding food, I'm going to go back and read your other posts.

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That looks delicious!   I saw you had started a blog, but hadn't gotten a chance to read it yet.   Now that I know you are including pictures of your wonderful sounding food, I'm going to go back and read your other posts.

 Thanks  :my_smile: I include a lot of pics because I struggle to translate from italian cooking jargon, I hope pics will help to clarify  :56247957a2c7b_32(17):

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That is some tasty goodness. :56247955dd693_32(12): I assume the wine was from the family vineyard, right?

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That is some tasty goodness. :56247955dd693_32(12): I assume the wine was from the family vineyard, right?


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 Thanks  :my_smile: I include a lot of pics because I struggle to translate from italian cooking jargon, I hope pics will help to clarify  :56247957a2c7b_32(17):

It's all crystal clear so far! Looks delicious and a great idea for anti-fast season. :)

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    • marmalade


      It's totally going over her head what Grand Oaks Plantation represents. She doesn't appear to have many brain cells in operation.

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    • hoipolloi


      50 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      If she is blocking 10 people a day, she should make a new name.

      Or at least get a fucking clue. What a dimwit. 

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    • marmalade


      2 hours ago, HeartsAFundie said:

      Wonder if Felicity will be sister-momming this new sibling?   

      She's praying for a brother, so I imagine she'll be doing lots of sister momming, given she's aware of what's going on. 

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    • JermajestyDuggar


      People asked her what dental insurance she uses. She’s showing her privilege again by saying they have none because her family member is a dentist. How nice to have a brother who can give your 10 kids free dental care. Braggie and her brother were allowed to go to college. But Braggie won’t allow her kids. Unless it’s some tiny Bible college near them that they have to pay for themselves. I hate when fundies do this. They will be doctors, dentists, lawyers, and refuse to allow their kids higher education. 


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