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Cleaning up Ghost Poo



You know what ghost poo is...those little bits of Styrofoam used for packaging.


Like I'm going to use a pic of straight up packing material if Google serves me up an image of same with 100% more cat.

Anyway, emergency upgrades to a live production server on the fly in the middle of a work day resulting in angry end users aren't as relaxing as they may seem to those of you not in the trade.  

So a quick photo essay of my week thus far...







Getting back to business.  (I know - different Buffy.  Hard to find Buffy Davis looking demonic, crippled with pain, or annoyed.)

So what does this have to do with ghost poo?  Think of an emergency upgrade as a delivery of literal, actual, human excrement packed neatly in ghost poo.  A ton of it dumped on the carpet.  You spend that first day shoveling literal shit and working with consultants who specialize in this particular version of shit removal.  By the end of day one the literal, actual shit is gone.  There is an unpleasant waftiness to the place, but the carpet is clean and there is no fecal sampling to step in.  

Day two and into morning of day three you clean up the packaging material, i.e. ghost poo.  Shoveling it, trying to get the static-y little fuckers into plastic garbage bags, chasing it...tons of it and you're making progress.  It's almost all gone, the place looks much better and the smell of day one has mostly faded.  But you know those random pieces of Styrofoam which escaped clean up round-1?  People stepped on those and crumbled them into the carpet, static takes them up on surfaces.  Little white specs like large snowflakes here and there.

Now if you know what this metaphorical room looked like Monday you'd think this was pretty damn clean.  Fucking miraculous some would say.  (Me, I would say.)  Someone put a hell of a lot of work into getting it back into useful order and some people are grateful that the clean up person did such a good job.

But the job isn't done until every last bit of ghost poo is contained and removed - this fact hasn't escaped the attention of the person in charge of clean up for one moment (which is me in this weird allegory, so I'll stop messing up my tenses and just speak in first person like a non-douche.)  I know where every spec is, I have a list, I'm attending to them in order of priority for the greater good.

Those of you who appreciated the work that went into shoveling the literal shit and are patient while the ghost poo is chased with a vacuum...thank you.  I will remember your kindness.

Those of you who only see the crumbled ghost poo and how it mars the perfection of your life pre-upgrade, no thought to the heinous mess which has already been addressed and sanitized...I will remember you as well.  Less fondly.




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Relevant only to your beginning comment about never using a plain photo when a kitty photo is available:


I have a new addiction.  It's all your fault.  I am on the verge of randomly, throughout my day, starting to hum...

... What Kitty Doesn't Like      :pb_lol:      :kitty-cussing:      :kitty-wink:

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Relevant only to your beginning comment about never using a plain photo when a kitty photo is available:


I have a new addiction.  It's all your fault.  I am on the verge of randomly, throughout my day, starting to hum...

... What Kitty Doesn't Like      :pb_lol:      :kitty-cussing:      :kitty-wink:

that I have helped spread Sylvester's message makes me happier than you know!

i am a talking kitty evangelist and you're my first convert.  :) 

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Anyway, emergency upgrades to a live production server on the fly in the middle of a work day resulting in angry end users aren't as relaxing as they may seem to those of you not in the trade.  

Sweet Baby J. I am so. fucking. sorry. 

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Posted (edited)

Sweet Baby J. I am so. fucking. sorry. 

Thanks.  As Buddy on Night Court used to say "I'm much better NOW."  Long story short table in live environment containing 340,000+ rows of job data shit the bed so came in Monday morning to all kinds of weird error messages from various users in most modules.  

Choice was a patch and reload 116 GB from backup.  Iffy stability and all data entered post backup re-entered manually (or mapped and imported - either way time consuming as hell.) or door number 2 which was move the upgrade planned for end of year to immediately and clean up the wonky table in the conversion process. 

Sad when the least painful option is a surprise upgrade on a Monday morning.  Of the 340k+ rows of data I got all back clean except for 809 and hoping the awesome top tier guy over there will help me in the morning.  Other than that it's just been the usual weird stuff, testing, verifying data and relinking tables to custom reports, setting defaults needing to be reset, permissions!  @Curious permissions are spiteful in all platforms!  


Anyway, if I can get back my 809 rows I'll unclench.  If not...hurling myself off a building or starting a new life in a country where I don't speak the language are viable options.  :)  it'll be fine...kidding.

The fury from one of tptb isn't even bothering me.  This wasn't a screw up, it's one of those things that totally suck but happen.  If they didn't disaster recovery wouldn't be a thing and software companies wouldn't pay more in tech support than R&D if the default was trouble free point and click deployments.  Would be nice if people had the slightest idea of the complexity involved before complaining, but not going to happen.  

it was way more fun testing FJ with you.  No accounting and 


Fucked up the formatting and totally forgot I wasn't typing this in PM so apparently I should sleep now since typing is hard! 

Anyway I was going to say the best thing about testing on FJ is no accounting and no one who honestly believes applications run on wishes and magic spells.

Edited by HerNameIsBuffy
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OMFG. That sounds like the worst day ever. That's a big freeking table. out of that much data, 809 rows is an acceptable loss. I mean, getting it back would be awesome, but it's isn't the most terrible thing. Clearly you personally broke everything though, b/c you thought your job was boring, amirite?

I will neither confirm nor deny saying a small prayer to  the gods when I did the FJ upgrade though....so there was a wish or three and a magic spell done. That said, the server SO does not run on that.

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Everything is back.  Because I was sleepy and a dumb-ass I miscalculated how much was missing and it was only about 25 rows which were regenerated by running the populating transactions again - I am hoping to unclench soon.

Actually considering the circumstances about 5 hours total downtime wasn't as bad as it could have been.  The clean up with little wonky stuff - the handful of transactions that went in during the dark window of corruption.  Have a few service calls still out - one for the data issue itself (5 items printing weird) and the the others because there is no documentation for certain permissions which now rely on other settings in the new version which didn't before.  PERMISSIONS!  

I did get the worst possible response from a tech support person in the history of tech support which I can kind of laugh at after the fact.  Vendor typically excellent on the tech support front, even for tier one, but man this chick needed to be vetted before being assigned to 24 hour emergency support.  

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    • marmalade


      It's totally going over her head what Grand Oaks Plantation represents. She doesn't appear to have many brain cells in operation.

    • hoipolloi


      50 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      If she is blocking 10 people a day, she should make a new name.

      Or at least get a fucking clue. What a dimwit. 

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    • marmalade


      2 hours ago, HeartsAFundie said:

      Wonder if Felicity will be sister-momming this new sibling?   

      She's praying for a brother, so I imagine she'll be doing lots of sister momming, given she's aware of what's going on. 

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    • JermajestyDuggar


      People asked her what dental insurance she uses. She’s showing her privilege again by saying they have none because her family member is a dentist. How nice to have a brother who can give your 10 kids free dental care. Braggie and her brother were allowed to go to college. But Braggie won’t allow her kids. Unless it’s some tiny Bible college near them that they have to pay for themselves. I hate when fundies do this. They will be doctors, dentists, lawyers, and refuse to allow their kids higher education. 


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    • JermajestyDuggar


      She really does not get why “Haley’s plantation life” is offensive. A white girl’s life on a plantation is not something anyone sees as a good thing. It’s like says Joe’s Concentration camp life” if someone lives on land that was once a concentration camp. If she is blocking 10 people a day, she should make a new name. It’s obvious to me she likes the attention it provides her. Nothing is stopping her from getting a new Instagram. She could advertise it on her current Instagram and tell everyone to follow her new account. She could easily call it Haley’s Farm Life. She’s not even living there for the next few months. And I doubt she will live there forever. She will probably live somewhere else in a few years. Will she still want that name? Even if she’s living in Branson? 

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