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Huckabee creates Chick-fil-a appreciation day - NSFW


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Seriously? :shock:

So you think that eating shrimp should be legally forbidden?

That the law should state that a virgin raped within the city walls should be put to death?

Would you support a bill of law stating that anyone wearing two different blends of thread should be stoned?

No no no, that's Old Testament! :naughty:

The fundies only care about the New Testament (except when they quote Leviticus or Sodom and Gomorrah), so you know, you can't bring up things like polyester or shellfish.

However, the NT does okay slavery...

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He went to public school and grew up listening to secular Top 40 radio. Ergo, no frumpers in his wardrobe. TOTALLY NOT A FUNDIE. Just a garden-variety right-winger, and a rather dull one at that.

You left out the part about the sophisticated comedy. :lol:

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You left out the part about the sophisticated comedy. :lol:

Hey, it's my God-given right to pick and choose the elements of other people's posts that I respond to. :dance:

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No no no, that's Old Testament! :naughty:

The fundies only care about the New Testament (except when they quote Leviticus or Sodom and Gomorrah), so you know, you can't bring up things like polyester or shellfish.

However, the NT does okay slavery...

Shrimps, polyester and raped virgins are in Leviticus!

And homosexuality is in the OT - I don't remember Jesus saying ANYTHING about gays, ever. There is one letter of Paul where he condemns homosexuality, but a) Paul never even knew Jesus b) it's quite often thought that Paul himself was gay and had a hard time coming to terms with it.

And while we are at it, nowhere in the NT does it say "go ahead, knock yourself out on shellfish, it's ok now". Except, again, one letter by... Paul.

Personally I think that polyester blends SHOULD be banned, but that's another story :lol:

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Hey, it's my God-given right to pick and choose the elements of other people's posts that I respond to. :dance:

Bitch, please :lol:

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Agreed heinz57, poly blends are gross :D

And you're right. It's just the hypocrisy of fundies that they'll fling around anti-gay verses from the OT but when someone calls them on the 400 other rules in Leviticus they ignore, it's always "Oh Jesus fulfilled the law so we don't have to obey that!" The OT is only applicable when they can use it to bash people.

I like to use divorce as an example. Because Jesus does talk about it. And so does Paul. Yet our country allows it. Hmm, almost as if the Bible has no bearing on our legal system.

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Agreed heinz57, poly blends are gross :D

And you're right. It's just the hypocrisy of fundies that they'll fling around anti-gay verses from the OT but when someone calls them on the 400 other rules in Leviticus they ignore, it's always "Oh Jesus fulfilled the law so we don't have to obey that!" The OT is only applicable when they can use it to bash people.

I like to use divorce as an example. Because Jesus does talk about it. And so does Paul. Yet our country allows it. Hmm, almost as if the Bible has no bearing on our legal system.

Nooooooo, it can't be! What's next then, the separation of church and state? :roll:

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Oooh did he finally leave? Didn't respond to my fairly specific questions, or anyone else's questions, however, trolls DO tend to have master's degrees in the art of deflection. (from college minus and other equally prodigious 'colleges.'

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It's a great read too. I think it might be this thread that convinced me to submit to FJ :D

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Bitch, please :lol:

That really needs to be the subtitle of this thread, for more reasons than one.

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It's a great read too. I think it might be this thread that convinced me to submit to FJ :D

May was crazy for me, but I'm disappointed that I missed it originally!

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May was crazy for me, but I'm disappointed that I missed it originally!

I walked around that day with a perma-grin on my face. With the help of reddit (and some other internet communities) we totally fucked up Dougie's world - allow me to post some screen shots of a few of our shenanigans - Uriah even got in on the action!!!:




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I walked around that day with a perma-grin on my face. With the help of reddit (and some other internet communities) we totally fucked up Dougie's world - allow me to post some screen shots of a few of our shenanigans - Uriah even got in on the action!!!:




That made my life. Dougie responded as melodramatically as anyone could have hoped. Vision forum was under attack!

Doug Phillips is a tool, incidentally.

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Here is alternative thing to do at Chick Fil-a on August 1. Go and ask for a free large water. If they say no cite Proverbs 25:21.


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We are getting into deep questions here. I am saddened by how Christianity has been mangled. It's why I don't consider true Christ followers as religious. We have more things in this world to distract us from God than ever before. The more we are blessed, the farther away from God we get. I can only say from my personal experience that God has been good to me. I feel peace from Him every day when I pray and read the Word. I don't have all the answers, but I will continue to strive for them. All I can do is do what I believe is right and what I believe God's will is for me.

I sorta hate to point this out, but, once again, you didn't answer the question. See the bolded.

Not to mention a bunch of other questions, including most of mine.

Oh, and the frequent "to flounce or not to flounce" indecision means it is time for this (thank you Gilbert and Sullivan!):


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That made my life. Dougie responded as melodramatically as anyone could have hoped. Vision forum was under attack!

Doug Phillips is a tool, incidentally.

Dougie throws a better temper tantrum than my 3 year old nephew. I think FJ needs to declare May 17 a holiday, such that we can forever commemorate the awesomeness that was poll-gate 2012.

oh yeah lest I forget: Doug Phillips is a tool.

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Dougie throws a better temper tantrum than my 3 year old nephew. I think FJ needs to declare May 17 a holiday, such that we can forever commemorate the awesomeness that was poll-gate 2012.

oh yeah lest I forget: Doug Phillips is a tool.

I support this. There will be a fuckload of cake.

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Well, given the deplorable debating skills ol' jer-jer has, I can't help but wonder if he isn't a graduate of the Chris Jeub school. Or at the very least one of his leg humpers. Or maybe...(this would be so cool!) Chris Jeub himself in disguise! He's just about as dumb as Chris. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

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So I just found out today that there's a one million dads too. Someone forwarded an email about cfa apriciation day to me from them. When I asked him about it he said they have done a lot of good. I said he càn have all he wants but I'm not participating. He uses the God says it's wrong. The email is totally snarkable but my phone wont copy emails so I has no way to share unless someone wants to PM me their email addy so I can forward it. Did you know the Gay agenda is also known as Big Gay?

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