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Huckabee creates Chick-fil-a appreciation day - NSFW


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He could not have gone to a very good public school, or he would know that a loaded question is not "A question that I don't want to answer".

He is great at talking and not so great at thinking. Unfortunately, it seems to be a common thing among fundies. I am sorry I missed the best part of this argument :(

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Why does 2 men or 2 women marrying matter to you as a Christian? I mean personally. Does it make your marriage less legitimate? Does it make you less Christian? Why should your opinion dictate what other people are legally allowed to do? If you are living your life as you believe God wants you to live, how does what others do in their personal lives make a difference to you?

Oooh, I would like an answer to those questions, too, Jericho, when you get a minute. Inquiring minds, etc.

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I iz sad this thread detoured so much after page 1. I had a reply to this bit of idiocy. So I'm going to post anyway.

In addition, McCarthy trumpeted his company’s support for “traditional marriage,†saying that support for gay marriage is “inviting God’s judgment on our nation.â€

Given how much better Canada is doing these days than the US, and we've had "gay marriage" for years now, either God's judgment is that it's a good thing, God doesn't exist, or you did something way worse than legalizing "gay marriage"

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Silly people, Jericho only answers questions that aren't asked. He isn't going to answer the questions that you actually asked him.

Oh, and I do find it amusing that in the past he made such a big deal about not letting people know his view of gay marriage.

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I'm really noticing a pattern in our fundie visits. (he can claim he's not a fundie all her wants, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...) I think they hear a sermon or read an article from some big religious dude, and are blown away by the brilliance of their declarations, because they're very easily blown away, and decide they'll take that concept over to the evil Free Jinger and just school them! They come here cocksure* of themselves, prepared to show us how wrong we are. Then they meet up with a wall of carefully thought out responses and questions that are based in fact and logic, and they can't cope. So they go on the defensive, start refusing to answer questions directly, use deflection, go on the reverse attack, and then ultimately go all legalistic and leave. You can just about set your watch by it now. Sometimes they come back with a new idea and sometimes they don't. But from what I can see, it's always the same pattern.

*this word was used deliberatly. :twisted:

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:roll: :roll: :roll:

That's a great image, where was it taken? I took the liberty of copying it and uploading it to my facebook page. Really? They have to lie like that?

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CFA's Vice President of Corporate Public Relations has died of a heart attack.

http://www2.wrbl.com/news/2012/jul/27/c ... r-4220290/

Also, I had to share some comments from OMM's Facebook:

Susan Williams Varden

JESUS was crucified. You go Chick-Fil-A. You don't have to answer to anyone.

If I was Christian, I'm pretty sure I would be offended by people comparing things that aren't at all like Jesus to, you know, Jesus.

Rebecca Watts

We will show up and invite our friends to support them too!! GOD is smiling on CHIC-FIL-A

I really don't think G-d cares that much about the fate of a fast food restaurant.

Amy Butt

You can also show support by sending a thank you note or sending in a donation to a chick-fil-a! Governor Huckabee started this NATIONAL APPRECIATION DAY for Chick-fil-a. You can go to http://www.isupportchickfila.com/ and commit to going or at least show your support and put a maybe!

Why the hell does a for-profit fast food business need donations? Same issue with people calling it a "Christian organization." It's not a scrappy little non-profit, it's a business.

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Look at J'Chelle's left arm, just below the sleeve. Is she wearing a patch of some sort? Maybe some kind of undergarment?

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I really think that gay people should all show up on Agust 1st, order the cheapest things and make all the fundies feel uncomfortable by being there. Chick-fil-a can't kick a gay couple out and fundies are going to freak out if they are their showing "support" for the company and their precious children have to see gay couples.

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Why the hell does a for-profit fast food business need donations? Same issue with people calling it a "Christian organization." It's not a scrappy little non-profit, it's a business.

Why the fuck would you ever donate to a huge chain fast food restaurant? I get supporting them by buying their food, but donating? This is actually kind of mind-boggling to me. Some people are taking this way too far.

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I really think that gay people should all show up on Agust 1st, order the cheapest things and make all the fundies feel uncomfortable by being there. Chick-fil-a can't kick a gay couple out and fundies are going to freak out if they are their showing "support" for the company and their precious children have to see gay couples.

It's National Same-Sex kiss day at Chick-fil-A on August 3. I think same-sex couples kissing at Chick-Fil-As across the country would achieve that even better!

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyat ... ick-fil-a/

So lesbian FJ orgy at Chick-Fil-A? :lol: I hope this day is well attended because I'd love to see fundie reaction to that.

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I really think they should do it on the same day all the fundies are going to be there. It would so ruin their day. Even people just sitting there with wearing shirts supporting gay marriage would make fundies want to eat their meal quickly and leave. So instead of tons of fundies praising the company for hating people who are gay, they would have tons of nice, respectful, gay couples making the fundies squirm by kissing.

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God was like "You are using hatred to get more customers and get more money. And doing it all in my name. Well screw you."

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I really think they should do it on the same day all the fundies are going to be there. It would so ruin their day. Even people just sitting there with wearing shirts supporting gay marriage would make fundies want to eat their meal quickly and leave. So instead of tons of fundies praising the company for hating people who are gay, they would have tons of nice, respectful, gay couples making the fundies squirm by kissing.

It would be a great idea to do it on the same day, and if I lived anywhere near a Chick-Fil-A I would participate.

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It would be a great idea to do it on the same day, and if I lived anywhere near a Chick-Fil-A I would participate.

If they were less squicky, it would also be awesome if some gay dads took their daughters on the daddy-daughter dates.

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From SF Mayor Ed Lee's twitter (paraphrasing):

"Chick-fil-A is proposing a location 40 miles from SF [silicon Valley...location is actually in jeopardy now]. If I were them, I wouldn't suggest coming any closer."

Go Ed! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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If they were less squicky, it would also be awesome if some gay dads took their daughters on the daddy-daughter dates.

And some lesbian moms can take their sons to the mother-son equivalent. We have great ideas here! I would go with my shirt that has 2 stick people men holding hands and 2 stick people women holding hands with a rainbow on top and it says love is love underneath. I bet fundies would go crazy if they even saw 2 men or 2 women holding hands in Chick-Fil-A. This item should totally be added to our official Gay Agenda!

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I plan on embracing Proverbs 25:21 and going to chic-fil-a (on my birthday of all days) and ordering a larger water.

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I plan on embracing Proverbs 25:21 and going to chic-fil-a (on my birthday of all days) and ordering a larger water.

See if you can get it on video!

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See if you can get it on video!

I'm not very technologically savvy. I have an iphone 3 that I got as a pseudo graduation present, but to be honest, I'm not really sure how I would set about recording this event.

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From SF Mayor Ed Lee's twitter (paraphrasing):

"Chick-fil-A is proposing a location 40 miles from SF [silicon Valley...location is actually in jeopardy now]. If I were them, I wouldn't suggest coming any closer."

Go Ed! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yeah, "go" say goodbye to free speech. What business does a mayor have in hand picking businesses that come in to a community simply because of the CEO's opinions? Even the "Left" has been bashing the Chicago, Boston and San Fran mayors. That says a lot of how radical this type of action is.

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