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Huckabee creates Chick-fil-a appreciation day - NSFW


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Hee! That's splendid. I'm vegetarian, so chicken sandwiches are not a particular draw for me, but The Partner vouches for the excellence of Bakesale Betty's chicken sandwich. The Bay Area has plenty of good options for people who like chicken and equality. CFA would be pretty foolish to move in here.

You said Bakesale Betty. *drool* We have one about 5 minutes away; lines are almost always halfway down the equivalent of two blocks (between 49th and 51st). But it's worth the wait to pick up the best chicken pot pie I've ever had - and a couple of their dark molasses ginger snaps.

Oakland and Bezerkeley also have very strict zoning laws, (although Oaktown has allowed Wally World to infect it). I don't expect a Chick-fil-A here anytime soon, even in the 'hood where all the fast food joints have set up shop for the poor. I base this on the fact that In and Out is a California-based company, yet the closest location is out in Castro Valley.

I want to say the proposed Chick-fil-A (Channel 2 showed it this AM, already had signage up) is in Sunnyvale or Santa Clara. I don't think it's in San Jose proper.

So Jericho, zoning laws give the mayors of these cities every right to speak out about companies who are stupid enough to have CEO's who open their mouths and spout extremist views. Freedom of speech works both ways, boy-o.

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You said Bakesale Betty. *drool* We have one about 5 minutes away; lines are almost always halfway down the equivalent of two blocks (between 49th and 51st). But it's worth the wait to pick up the best chicken pot pie I've ever had - and a couple of their dark molasses ginger snaps.

Oakland and Bezerkeley also have very strict zoning laws, (although Oaktown has allowed Wally World to infect it). I don't expect a Chick-fil-A here anytime soon, even in the 'hood where all the fast food joints have set up shop for the poor. I base this on the fact that In and Out is a California-based company, yet the closest location is out in Castro Valley.

I want to say the proposed Chick-fil-A (Channel 2 showed it this AM, already had signage up) is in Sunnyvale or Santa Clara. I don't think it's in San Jose proper.

So Jericho, zoning laws give the mayors of these cities every right to speak out about companies who are stupid enough to have CEO's who open their mouths and spout extremist views. Freedom of speech works both ways, boy-o.

Zoning laws in my town permitted a 'market size' Walmart to get in under the wire. The community is livid and so is the mayor. We had successfully kept Wallyworld at bay all these long years.

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You ladies all have excellent taste in gay porn.

Here a few more. Some variety for poor Jericho's boner.

Official Movie of the patriarchy:


Gay interracial intergenerational porn? yes plz!



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You said Bakesale Betty. *drool* We have one about 5 minutes away; lines are almost always halfway down the equivalent of two blocks (between 49th and 51st). But it's worth the wait to pick up the best chicken pot pie I've ever had - and a couple of their dark molasses ginger snaps.

Oakland and Bezerkeley also have very strict zoning laws, (although Oaktown has allowed Wally World to infect it). I don't expect a Chick-fil-A here anytime soon, even in the 'hood where all the fast food joints have set up shop for the poor. I base this on the fact that In and Out is a California-based company, yet the closest location is out in Castro Valley.

I want to say the proposed Chick-fil-A (Channel 2 showed it this AM, already had signage up) is in Sunnyvale or Santa Clara. I don't think it's in San Jose proper.

So Jericho, zoning laws give the mayors of these cities every right to speak out about companies who are stupid enough to have CEO's who open their mouths and spout extremist views. Freedom of speech works both ways, boy-o.

Yep, that's the one I go to, when I brave the lines. (Lovely strawberry shortcake, too.(

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I liked how our troll went away when we started cranking out the gay and lesbian public displays of affection.

This works better than discussing nail polish colors!

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Jericho came back and still didn't say if he thought a nation where it was acceptable to murder and steal from Native Americans really was closer to God than a nation that doesn't do that but likes people who are gay? Why am I not surprised. :roll:

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Well if he keeps posting on this thread considering the shift in content, it will be yet another admission that he is merely here to attention whore.


Am I the only person who finds that completely and utterly HOT? :D

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I am going to try to clear my mind of all the hotness for a moment and form a coherent sentence.

The thing about what the Europeans did to the Native Americans is not the same as murder and theft in the minds of the very conservative christian. The Native Americans were heathens. As such, they were below the discoverers of the new world and had been brought the gift of salvation. The Europeans who had the gift of salvation simply had more rights given by god. This is actually quite biblical.

Remember that the most effective way to get one group of humans to torture, steal, kill and maim another is to convince them that the other group is less than human. On a very small scale, we do the same thing here by snarking. We call these people fundies. I am certain we hurt their feelings. I bothers us less because they are "fundies".

What we hope is that we have grown enough as a species to satisfy our need to argue with things like comedy and snark and with events such as the Olympics. We hope that we have evolved enough to understand that we have no special pass from our all powerful deity to take away the well being, comfort or safety of other human beings because they follow a different path.

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I am going to try to clear my mind of all the hotness for a moment and form a coherent sentence.

The thing about what the Europeans did to the Native Americans is not the same as murder and theft in the minds of the very conservative christian. The Native Americans were heathens. As such, they were below the discoverers of the new world and had been brought the gift of salvation. The Europeans who had the gift of salvation simply had more rights given by god. This is actually quite biblical.

Remember that the most effective way to get one group of humans to torture, steal, kill and maim another is to convince them that the other group is less than human. On a very small scale, we do the same thing here by snarking. We call these people fundies. I am certain we hurt their feelings. I bothers us less because they are "fundies".

What we hope is that we have grown enough as a species to satisfy our need to argue with things like comedy and snark and with events such as the Olympics. We hope that we have evolved enough to understand that we have no special pass from our all powerful deity to take away the well being, comfort or safety of other human beings because they follow a different path.

Please don't presume to speak for me on this by using the word "we". First of all, I don't believe in a deity. And I don't call them fundies to dehumanize them, I use that word because it's a shortened version of fundamentalist, which describes their world view. I also don't give a rat's ass if I hurt their feelings. This is not the same situation as what Europeans did to Native Americans. Fundamentalists would like this whole country to be the same as them, and have it mandated by law. This would take away basic human rights from women, children and ethnic groups other than Caucasian. Because of that, I'll use humor, snark, and out-and-out confrontation with these people to stop them from advancing their horrible agenda.

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You missed my point.

"We" is used in my paragraph as a collective term for humanity.

I am an atheist too.

Putting people in a group and giving them a nickname does diminish them.

I am all for snark, which is why I hang out here.

My point is that we need to be evolved enough to use words instead of weapons to let our point of view be known.

I know that I am human and prone to all of the foibles common to other humans.

The reason I snark on Fundies is that they condone real acts of violence as approved by their god. Yet, they act like I am shooting them with deadly force when I point out their absurdity.

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Most fundies are proud to be called fundies. And I know they don't see anything wrong with murder and stealing from people that they view as not godly. That was what I was trying to get Jericho to admit. That for him, those acts are not as bad as gay marriage. That people who did those things, are in his mind, closer to god than people who want to let people who are gay get married.

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You said Bakesale Betty. *drool* We have one about 5 minutes away; lines are almost always halfway down the equivalent of two blocks (between 49th and 51st). But it's worth the wait to pick up the best chicken pot pie I've ever had - and a couple of their dark molasses ginger snaps.

Oakland and Bezerkeley also have very strict zoning laws, (although Oaktown has allowed Wally World to infect it). I don't expect a Chick-fil-A here anytime soon, even in the 'hood where all the fast food joints have set up shop for the poor. I base this on the fact that In and Out is a California-based company, yet the closest location is out in Castro Valley.

I want to say the proposed Chick-fil-A (Channel 2 showed it this AM, already had signage up) is in Sunnyvale or Santa Clara. I don't think it's in San Jose proper.

So Jericho, zoning laws give the mayors of these cities every right to speak out about companies who are stupid enough to have CEO's who open their mouths and spout extremist views. Freedom of speech works both ways, boy-o.

According to my Googlage, it is going to be just south of 237 and east of N. 1st in San Jose

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though he tries to deny it you can tell he is a chip off the old block. If you support the young life ministry Then what can I say about your views on gays. Of course we want to help the gays as long as they are kept in their place.

"We do not in any way wish to exclude persons who engage in sexual misconduct or who practice a homosexual lifestyle from being recipients of ministry of God's grace and mercy as expressed in Jesus Christ. We do, however, believe that such persons are not to serve as staff or volunteers in the mission and work of Young Life."

Jeremiah Cillpam, Hollywood Chick-Fil-A Owner, Distances Himself From Dan Cathy's Comments

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/2 ... 10913.html

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though he tries to deny it you can tell he is a chip off the old block. If you support the young life ministry Then what can I say about your views on gays. Of course we want to help the gays as long as they are kept in their place.

"We do not in any way wish to exclude persons who engage in sexual misconduct or who practice a homosexual lifestyle from being recipients of ministry of God's grace and mercy as expressed in Jesus Christ. We do, however, believe that such persons are not to serve as staff or volunteers in the mission and work of Young Life."

Jeremiah Cillpam, Hollywood Chick-Fil-A Owner, Distances Himself From Dan Cathy's Comments

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/2 ... 10913.html

That's not going to work. The gay community in WeHo will be all over him and he'll either have to try and sell the franchise or make donations to GLBT groups. We saw this after Prop 8 when it came out that a popular WeHo restaurant owner had made donations to the pro-Prop 8 campaign.

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Am I the only person who finds that completely and utterly HOT? :D


This one I thought was hotter :)


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Am I the only person who finds that completely and utterly HOT? :D

Nope :drool:


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I wonder if this guy will boycott apple, google, jcpenny, oreo, and target. Media conspiracy!!!!!!!!! But when Santorum runs for president and Chick-fil-a donates to anti-gay organizations, and what with the crusades a thousand years ago; and fanatical Bush having Bible programs in the military; there's no Christian conspiracy! Nope! * :naughty: *

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This one I thought was hotter :)


They're both extremely hot. I can't decide which I prefer.

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Jericho came back and still didn't say if he thought a nation where it was acceptable to murder and steal from Native Americans really was closer to God than a nation that doesn't do that but likes people who are gay? Why am I not surprised. :roll:

He never provided evidence for the existence of the gay agenda, either. C'mon jericho, do you want anyone reading this thread to think evangelicals are batshit conspiracy theorists? I thought making your version of Christianity attractive to non-believers was important to you guys.

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Well obviously teh GAYS!!!! have covered up the proof that their agenda is taking over the world and persecuting the righteous folks who think society was closer to God when it was just out murdering and stealing from heathens.

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Well obviously teh GAYS!!!! have covered up the proof that their agenda is taking over the world and persecuting the righteous folks who think society was closer to God when it was just out murdering and stealing from heathens.

I think it's totally cool how they infiltrated the government with nary a whimper from Geo. Bush. Way to go gayz :clap:

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