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Huckabee creates Chick-fil-a appreciation day - NSFW


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First of all, Jericho - I'm Christian and you don't speak for me, buddy. News flash: The entire country is not Christian. And the entire country can't be forced to be, by law, because of a little thing called the Establishment Clause. So keep dreaming.

NYC's mayor spoke out against what Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco have already said - telling Chick-Fil-A to piss off. I can see Bloomberg's argument, and I understand this opens up the possibility of Christian mayors forbidding Muslim business owners from opening a store in their town. However, the mayors of these cities aren't saying "Chick-Fil-A is owned by Christians. Therefore, screw them." Chick-Fil-A's CEO made the decision to go public with his anti-gay and homophobic comments and it's a well-known fact that the company has donated millions to groups that have been deemed hate groups. If you have a business that's very open about their discriminatory beliefs and their disapproval of equal rights, that's a hostile business and I think they have the right to say "If you're going to look down at our residents like that, take your chicken sandwiches somewhere else."

Also, there's apparently a Chick-Fil-A in NYC already, but I've never seen it. *looks up location* Ok, it's down by NYU and I still haven't seen it. The only time I ever tried Chick-Fil-A was years ago in Washington DC and I wasn't too thrilled by it. I'm sure I'm not missing out on a lot.

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He last login was within minutes of us starting to post the same sex kisses. Either that scared him away, or we opened him to a whole new world of fap material. Either way, I don't think we'll be seeing him here anymore.

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Jericho never flounces for good. He will be back when he thinks he can show us how wrong we all are.

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He last login was within minutes of us starting to post the same sex kisses. Either that scared him away, or we opened him to a whole new world of fap material. Either way, I don't think we'll be seeing him here anymore.

We will in a couple of weeks, or maybe months when he thinks we've forgotten how insane he is. He'll show up on some other thread to tell us some Ultimate Truth about how Christians are persecuted, or how the gay agenda is evil or something along those lines. And then we will point out his stupidity with all those pesky facts and silly rational arguments, and then he will run away again, because his hatred really doesn't stand up well to logic. It's a special pattern of his.

I think next time I will start posting pictures of same-sex kisses right away.

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Guest Anonymous
He last login was within minutes of us starting to post the same sex kisses. Either that scared him away, or we opened him to a whole new world of fap material. Either way, I don't think we'll be seeing him here anymore.

He'll be back, he'll troll, someone will remember that hot guys kissing = jericho kryptonite, he'll leave for a while, rinse and repeat. He just can't quit us.

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Oh dear Jesus, save us from your followers. So, what constitutes "straying from the Bible"?

* Ratifying the 13th Amendment (did away with slavery and involuntary servitude in the USA)?

* Ratifying the 19th Amendment (gave women the right to vote)?

* Ratifying the 21st Amendment (overturned Prohibition)?

* Sweatt v. Painter / Brown v. Board of Education (did away with university/school segregation by race)?

* Griswold v. Connecticut (legalized the Pill for married women in the USA)?

* Loving v. Virginia (declared miscegenation laws unconstitutional)?

* Eisenstadt v. Baird (legalized the Pill for all adult women in the USA)?

* Social Security?

* Medicare?

* Medicaid?

Come on, tell me which of these strays from the Bible? As far as I'm concerned, we're a better country for all this, not worse.

Jericho: the US was not created over the Bible, m'kay? The Constitution was not created to follow christian principals. In fact most of the very bright men who signed the Const. considered themselves Deists and not Christian.


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The idea that the founders weren't all Christians is just another one of the gay agenda lies. :roll:

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Oh yes, the whole "The country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, therefore, the Founding Fathers wanted the Bible to be the law of the land!" argument. The right-wing and fundies love to throw that argument out, showing how clearly ignorant they are in their knowledge of American history!

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Hey, my friend and I created a FB group for an alternative on the first.

https://www.facebook.com/events/1249691 ... l_activity

basically, do something actually BIBLICAL (even if you are not a believer) and do something like take a bag of groceries to a food bank, visit a nursing home, whatever.

Thought some of my fellow FJians would like the idea.

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And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.

-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

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You know I'm still waiting for that gay agenda . . .

I know we've had a draft, but can someone less tired and in a filthy mood than I am ante up with one?

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If and when Jeri resurfaces, we'll have to kick him over to the common law thread and see how long he lasts there. Or get more of those posters involved here.

Or continue posting the homoerotica. Whichever.

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And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.

-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

Wow. This part of Jefferson is most certainly left out of Christian history texts.

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Hey, my friend and I created a FB group for an alternative on the first.

https://www.facebook.com/events/1249691 ... l_activity

basically, do something actually BIBLICAL (even if you are not a believer) and do something like take a bag of groceries to a food bank, visit a nursing home, whatever.

Thought some of my fellow FJians would like the idea.

I'm donating to the Trevor Project (which helps homeless GLBT youth) on August 1. One of my friends, aka the "gay mayor of Salt Lake City" suggested it. I'll probably also run over and get a chicken sandwich at KFC or Burger King or something.

Just in: Another friend of mine has a new name for Chick-fil-A: Chock-ful-A (pronounched chock-ful-uh).

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Wow. This part of Jefferson is most certainly left out of Christian history texts.

Someone should tweet this to Josh.

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Anyone else thinking that Jericho might indeed be Joshua Duggar?

No, I did lean a bit to the suggestion of Chris Jeub but he would never say he came here to snark on fundies, nor would Lard Lad.

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Jericho doesn't seem like he'd know an Oxford comma if it bit him on the ass, but his written English is generally better than Josh's.

And just to continue salting the earth here:


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I haven't read the whole thread, so forgive me if this has been discusses already. Are any FJers going to the same-sex kiss in on the 3rd?


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First of all, Jericho - I'm Christian and you don't speak for me, buddy. News flash: The entire country is not Christian. And the entire country can't be forced to be, by law, because of a little thing called the Establishment Clause. So keep dreaming.

NYC's mayor spoke out against what Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco have already said - telling Chick-Fil-A to piss off. I can see Bloomberg's argument, and I understand this opens up the possibility of Christian mayors forbidding Muslim business owners from opening a store in their town. However, the mayors of these cities aren't saying "Chick-Fil-A is owned by Christians. Therefore, screw them." Chick-Fil-A's CEO made the decision to go public with his anti-gay and homophobic comments and it's a well-known fact that the company has donated millions to groups that have been deemed hate groups. If you have a business that's very open about their discriminatory beliefs and their disapproval of equal rights, that's a hostile business and I think they have the right to say "If you're going to look down at our residents like that, take your chicken sandwiches somewhere else."

Also, there's apparently a Chick-Fil-A in NYC already, but I've never seen it. *looks up location* Ok, it's down by NYU and I still haven't seen it. The only time I ever tried Chick-Fil-A was years ago in Washington DC and I wasn't too thrilled by it. I'm sure I'm not missing out on a lot.

The New York Chick Fil-A is on the campus of NYU. It's probably in an indoor food court like most of Chick Fil-A's college campus stores.

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I've changed my mind. The new nail polish should be hot gay kissing, not adorable lizards. Sorry, lizards :(

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