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Huckabee creates Chick-fil-a appreciation day - NSFW


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Re Jericho's latest post re articles telling everyone to "stop boycotting Chick FilA, You're making us look bad!" Everyone has a right to their opinion. Personally, I think Dan Cathay brought this public mocking on himself and it is well deserved. He funds groups that fight to keep equal rights from people who are lesbian/gay. He has every right to behave as his religious beliefs dictate, but as a business owner, he should be savvy enough to realize this will cost him business.

Public support for equal rights for all will only grow stronger as time goes on. If people feel strongly that everyone deserves equal rights, and they know that ChickFilA funds groups that will fight to prevent those equal rights, then they will take their business elsewhere. It's a simple as that. In this tough economic times, it's unusual to see any business owner purposely chase off customers. What a homophobic dope.

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Jericho, yet again answers a question that was not asked, no one asked if all those things were considered sin in God's eyes.

The question was: Was the nation closer to God/more godly when those things were not only going on, but were accepted as not really a bad thing to do?

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I guess that wrecks your theory about the liberal gay agenda. I am still morally and legally free not to give money to someone who donates to hate groups and contributes to the societal disenfranchisement of people I care about.

What it shows is that Chick Fil-A took the high road by not responding and jut letting it play out, therefore letting the gay activists just look stupid with their relentless persecution and intolerance toward biblical based marriage. It's been a week and a half of nothing but gay activists and liberals bashing Chick Fil-A with only one initial response from the company. It's like a groups of thugs continually beating on a helpless child. Finally some liberals with half a heart stepped in.

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So are you actually going to answer the question that was asked instead of answering one that wasn't?

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What it shows is that Chick Fil-A took the high road by not responding and jut letting it play out, therefore letting the gay activists just look stupid with their relentless persecution and intolerance toward biblical based marriage. It's been a week and a half of nothing but gay activists and liberals bashing Chick Fil-A with only one initial response from the company. It's like a groups of thugs continually beating on a helpless child. Finally some liberals with half a heart stepped in.

Wait, I missed where people were saying biblical marriage (is that with multiple wives because that seems pretty darn biblical too) was bad and should be banned? How were people being "intolerant' of biblical marriage?

And really, Chick-fil-a if they are going to be all biblical should be speaking out against gluttony. Their food seems to lead down an unbiblical path.

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Jericho, yet again answers a question that was not asked, no one asked if all those things were considered sin in God's eyes.

The question was: Was the nation closer to God/more godly when those things were not only going on, but were accepted as not really a bad thing to do?

My opinion, yes. But that is just an opinion. Society always has its problems and man will always be sinful. Even today with Abortion, Homosexuality, Euthanasia, decline of the family (adultery, divorce, etc.)

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Wait, I missed where people were saying biblical marriage (is that with multiple wives because that seems pretty darn biblical too) was bad and should be banned? How were people being "intolerant' of biblical marriage?

And really, Chick-fil-a if they are going to be all biblical should be speaking out against gluttony. Their food seems to lead down an unbiblical path.

Um, the whole Chick Fil-A hoopla started with President Dan Cathy saying he supported biblical based marriage. Gay activists took that as an attack on gay marriage. Dan never even used the words "gay marriage". Of course we all know what he meant and I'm not trying to hide that, but gay activists were attacking biblical based marriage with is between one man and one woman.

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And really, Chick-fil-a if they are going to be all biblical should be speaking out against gluttony. Their food seems to lead down an unbiblical path.

Gluttony is over eating. Nobody at Chick Fil-A is asking you to eat too much food.

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What it shows is that Chick Fil-A took the high road by not responding and jut letting it play out, therefore letting the gay activists just look stupid with their relentless persecution and intolerance toward biblical based marriage. It's been a week and a half of nothing but gay activists and liberals bashing Chick Fil-A with only one initial response from the company. It's like a groups of thugs continually beating on a helpless child. Finally some liberals with half a heart stepped in.

By high road, he means lying. http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterhimler ... -facebook/

the gay activists just look stupid with their relentless persecution and intolerance toward biblical based marriage.

They are not trying to stop biblically based marriage, just to allow secular marriages to happen at the same time. If that is the most persecution you have had, then you are doing pretty good. It is certainly preferable to the way the Christian right treats anyone who is not Christian right.

It's like a groups of thugs continually beating on a helpless child.

Yes, because not buying a chicken sandwich is exactly like beating someone, and a multi-million dollar corporation is just like a helpless child. Seriously, do you even believe YOURSELF? :shock:

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What it shows is that Chick Fil-A took the high road by not responding and jut letting it play out, therefore letting the gay activists just look stupid with their relentless persecution and intolerance toward biblical based marriage. It's been a week and a half of nothing but gay activists and liberals bashing Chick Fil-A with only one initial response from the company. It's like a groups of thugs continually beating on a helpless child. Finally some liberals with half a heart stepped in.

Chick-Fil-A had sales of over $4.1 billion last year. They're a multi-state for profit business, not a scrappy little underdog. How exactly is Chick-Fil-A like "a helpless child"?

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Um, the whole Chick Fil-A hoopla started with President Dan Cathy saying he supported biblical based marriage. Gay activists took that as an attack on gay marriage. Dan never even used the words "gay marriage". Of course we all know what he meant and I'm not trying to hide that, but gay activists were attacking biblical based marriage with is between one man and one woman.

How did they attack biblical marriage, did they say marriage between one man and one woman was bad? That it should be illegal? That it wasn't natural?

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My opinion, yes. But that is just an opinion. Society always has its problems and man will always be sinful. Even today with Abortion, Homosexuality, Euthanasia, decline of the family (adultery, divorce, etc.)

So you really do think a society that murders and steals from Native Americans was better than today. I guess that goes for slavery too? And the times when children were dying in the streets and being maimed in factories?

At least you are being honest and we know where you stand. Why didn't you just say this a couple of pages back? Why try and hide what you believe?

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It is so much worse for people in love to get married, and people who are not in love to not be married, than to commit genocide.

Wow, Jericho. I don't think anyone will be able to take you seriously after this. Not that they did before.

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Wow, someone dug deep for that. Where is the proof that this was done by a Chick Fil-A employee?

Who else is posting on Chik-Fil-A's wall in defense of them using a stock photo? And why did they lie about the "recall"?

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Um, the whole Chick Fil-A hoopla started with President Dan Cathy saying he supported biblical based marriage. Gay activists took that as an attack on gay marriage. Dan never even used the words "gay marriage". Of course we all know what he meant and I'm not trying to hide that, but gay activists were attacking biblical based marriage with is between one man and one woman.

I have never met a gay person who was against me being married to a man. You know you are full of shit, right?

eta: in order to consider this an attack on traditional marriage, you need to successfully argue one of two things: A, that there is a gay agenda to make heterosexual marriage illegal, or B. that gay marriage will affect heterosexual marriages. Both are ridiculous and untrue.

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So you really do think a society that murders and steals from Native Americans was better than today. I guess that goes for slavery too? And the times when children were dying in the streets and being maimed in factories?

Look, the battle between native Americans and the settlers was not a nice pretty situation, but its wrong to assume one side was totally innocent and the other was a bunch of mean bullies. Don't fall into the modern PC version of the New World.

And a lot more children have died from Abortions in recent years than from those maimed in factories decades ago.

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Who else is posting on Chik-Fil-A's wall in defense of them using a stock photo? And why did they lie about the "recall"?

I don't know, maybe a Chick Fil-A fan? I could be anyone! Why assume it was an employee?

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Guest Anonymous

Look, the battle between native Americans and the settlers was not a nice pretty situation, but its wrong to assume one side was totally innocent and the other was a bunch of mean bullies. Don't fall into the modern PC version of the New World.

And a lot more children have died from Abortions in recent years than from those maimed in factories decades ago.


And why are you capitalizing random nouns all of a sudden?

And what in the actual fuck do you think you're accomplishing by continuing to spew your bigotry here?

**ETA: Capitalzing words makes them scary and bad! Oh noes!

The question was: Was the nation closer to God/more godly when those things were not only going on, but were accepted as not really a bad thing to do?

My opinion, yes. But that is just an opinion. Society always has its problems and man will always be sinful. Even today with Abortion, Homosexuality, Euthanasia, decline of the family (adultery, divorce, etc.)

**Edited once more for fucked up quotes.

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Look, the battle between native Americans and the settlers was not a nice pretty situation, but its wrong to assume one side was totally innocent and the other was a bunch of mean bullies. Don't fall into the modern PC version of the New World.

And a lot more children have died from Abortions in recent years than from those maimed in factories decades ago.

What we did to the Native Americans is considered genocide by modern historians and is no more two-sided than the Holocaust.

I did not know you could abort a five year old child. Here I thought abortion was for balls of cells with no awareness or ability to feel pain. Abortion is totally not the same as working a small child for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, and dumping them on the streets to die when they are maimed by factory equipment just so a wealthy man can get more money for yachts. Totally not the same. The world you want us to go back to was as cruel and ungodly as it could have been.

I don't know, maybe a Chick Fil-A fan? I could be anyone! Why assume it was an employee?

Why would a fan set up a fake identity complete with advertising stock photos? Wouldn't they use their own photo? And why did the fan disappear when they were called out instead of insisting they were a real person?

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Look, the battle between native Americans and the settlers was not a nice pretty situation, but its wrong to assume one side was totally innocent and the other was a bunch of mean bullies. Don't fall into the modern PC version of the New World.

And a lot more children have died from Abortions in recent years than from those maimed in factories decades ago.

You left out slavery.

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Gluttony is over eating. Nobody at Chick Fil-A is asking you to eat too much food.

But they package it and advertise it so that you are more likely to. Some of their value meals have over 1000 calories in them. More than people need to eat in one meal. If you throw in a dessert and you can get close to 2000 calories. That is gluttony right there in one meal. You would think that if Chick-fil-a was really all about biblical standards and encouraging people to live biblical lives they would have big warning signs that eating one of their value meals can lead to you eating more calories than you need at one meal and being gluttonous.

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And why are you capitalizing random nouns all of a sudden?

And what in the actual fuck do you think you're accomplishing by continuing to spew your bigotry here?

**ETA: Capitalzing words makes them scary and bad! Oh noes!

**Edited once more for fucked up quotes.

The bigoted homophobic asshole is just sooooooo persecuted!!!1111!!!!

No critical thinking skills either. The population of the world started to boom after the Industrial Revolution but really went up after vaccinations and other standards of living went up. So those 5 year olds that were killed by a piece of machinery wouldn't have been killed later on in history when there were protections in place. Same 5 year old would grow up to go on and have children (presumably) who would have more children, etc. So a raw numbers comparison is really just a straw man argument. You can't really compare the number of abortions performed in recent years to the amount of childhood deaths in a previous era without adjusting for population. And guess what! Abortion still occurred during that period of time. If you read any sort of history, people were still getting abortions (albeit a very dangerous practice) and they were advertised with 'code words' in newspapers and the like.

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