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Huckabee creates Chick-fil-a appreciation day - NSFW


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Wrong. Nothing wrong with eating a BLT on occasion. What law am I breaking? Not gluttony, my wife makes sure of that (she's on a alternative health non GMO organic kick)

As for the rest of your statements about the Bible, study up more about those contradictions galore. And you have no idea how I was raised and what I heard from the pulpit.

*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

HAVE YOU EVER READ YOUR BIBLE?????????????????????????????? There's a whole episode in Acts chapter 10 where Peter dreams three times and sees a sheet lowered from heaven filled with all sorts of unclean animals and a voice from heaven says, "Rise, Peter, kill and eat." Peter replies, "Lord, I've never eaten unclean things!" Those unclean animals included PIGS.

Oh.my.God. Bacon comes from pigs. God forbade his chosen people from eating swine and said the animals were unclean. Devout Jews, to this day, do not enjoy the deliciousness that is pork bacon for this reason. (I have no idea if turkey bacon is a decent substitute.)

If you're eating bacon or ham or or pork chops or chitlins or ham hocks or chicharrones or all sorts of piggy goodness, you are breaking God's Law. I am not surprised, and I fully expect your next defense to be that Jesus did away with all that.

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Jericho, I'd like to hear your answer on my comments (page 33).

And PLEASE do not argue that it's not your words but the author's. You CHOSE to reply with his article, so I take all his arguments, inconsistencies and inexactitudes as your own.

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Your last sentence is totally an opinion and a weak one at that.

This sentence describes your entire existence on this forum. All you do is give your opinions that are based on faith, which is the weakest argument of all and generally not permitted in any real debate or courts.

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You're a clown.


Investigation Reveals Depth of Chick-Fil-A's Ties to Anti-Gay Causes

Highlights include:

1. Winshape (Chick-Fil-A's charitable arm): Over $1.1M Given To Anti-Gay Groups

2. Chick-Fil-A Reportedly Favors Married Employees, Investigates Their Personal Lives

3. Chick-Fil-A's Partnership With Focus On The Family

4. Chick-Fil-A's Sponsorship Of Anti-Gay Hate Group Affiliate

5. WinShape's "Traditional Marriage Only" Activities

Well don't eat there.

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Well don't eat there.

This has to be the most stupid thing you've said. We've stated about a MILLION FUCKING TIMES that we don't eat there. And we sure as hell don't need your approval for that.

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You know, there is a obesity crisis in our country, lots of people dying from weight related illnesses. Of course, not all of this is related to gluttony, but eating a lot of the Chick-fil-a food isn't going to help you be healthy. You would think, being the sort of company that wants people to live Biblical lifestyles, Chick-fil-a would have come out and said "Hey, we realize gluttony is a huge problem in our country. This is not a biblical lifestyle, so to show that we don't condone this, all of our combo meals will be healthy. All of our kids meals will be healthy. We will sell smaller portion sizes of our unhealthy food. The body is the temple of God and God does not want you to be a glutton so eat here when you need fast food and you will not have to worry about picking a combo that has half a day's worth of calories and more fat than you need in one day."

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I still want to know how the GAYS!!!! "attacked" biblical marriage. I'm in a biblical marriage and my marriage didn't get attacked at all.

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This has to be the most stupid thing you've said. We've stated about a MILLION FUCKING TIMES that we don't eat there. And we sure as hell don't need your approval for that.

This isn't anything I didn't already know. I have Truet Cathy's book and already knew how the company operates. They are very picky on how they select their operators. Thousands apply every year for about 100 spots. If someone does not like that, then find another job. There is nothing discriminatory going on, but when you have a company that large, you will always have lawsuits. I think they've done very well in the lawsuit department regarding the size of the company.

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This isn't anything I didn't already know. I have Truet Cathy's book and already knew how the company operates. They are very picky on how they select their operators. Thousands apply every year for about 100 spots. If someone does not like that, then find another job. There is nothing discriminatory going on, but when you have a company that large, you will always have lawsuits. I think they've done very well in the lawsuit department regarding the size of the company.

What does that have to do with you being stupid?

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Guest Anonymous

Since it hasn't been addressed:


Do you think that all of us should go post our pro-LGBTQ views on fundamentalist Christian forums the way you are posting yours here? Would that be healthy and productive, or useless trolling?

And do you think we would be allowed to do that the way you have been allowed to state your views and opinions here at Free Jinger?

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You know, there is a obesity crisis in our country, lots of people dying from weight related illnesses. Of course, not all of this is related to gluttony, but eating a lot of the Chick-fil-a food isn't going to help you be healthy. You would think, being the sort of company that wants people to live Biblical lifestyles, Chick-fil-a would have come out and said "Hey, we realize gluttony is a huge problem in our country. This is not a biblical lifestyle, so to show that we don't condone this, all of our combo meals will be healthy. All of our kids meals will be healthy. We will sell smaller portion sizes of our unhealthy food. The body is the temple of God and God does not want you to be a glutton so eat here when you need fast food and you will not have to worry about picking a combo that has half a day's worth of calories and more fat than you need in one day."

I have heard this same argument in contemporary Christian music over the years. Many people say you have to sing songs about God or Jesus and Biblical themes or you are not living a Christian life. Well, no you don't. There is nothing wrong with being a Christian and going on American Idol or signing a mainstream pop record deal and singing songs with no biblical messages. Maybe behind the scenes that artist donates to Focus on the Family or sings in Church, but what they mainly do is still sell pop albums.

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Since it hasn't been addressed:

And do you think we would be allowed to do that the way you have been allowed to state your views and opinions here at Free Jinger?

I have no idea. It depends on the forum and their rules (or judgement). If someone here wants to ban me, go ahead. I'm not going to complain. I'm only here because people seem interested in this discussion and keep it going with more questions and comments to me.

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With Chick Fil-A this is going to be a interesting situation because now we are dealing with a private company that is VERY staunch in their biblical beliefs. I do not see Chick Fil-A EVER backing down from their views. They are not your typical non-denominational company.

I'm saying that they leave issue of Gluttony to the individual. Chick Fil-A is not a ministry for gluttons. They are a secular business that provides fast food in a quality manor.

Which is it?

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I have no idea. It depends on the forum and their rules (or judgement). If someone here wants to ban me, go ahead. I'm not going to complain. I'm only here because people seem interested in this discussion and keep it going with more questions and comments to me.

Questions that you don't actually answer. Nor do you deflect the questions in an interesting way.

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Guest Anonymous

I have heard this same argument in contemporary Christian music over the years. Many people say you have to sing songs about God or Jesus and Biblical themes or you are not living a Christian life. Well, no you don't. There is nothing wrong with being a Christian and going on American Idol or signing a mainstream pop record deal and singing songs with no biblical messages. Maybe behind the scenes that artist donates to Focus on the Family or sings in Church, but what they mainly do is still sell pop albums.

Well thank fuck you're here to mansplain and be the ultimate judge of what's okay and what's not allowed for everyone in the world. I don't think you could possibly be more up yourself.

A curse of Legos upon you forever and ever.

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I have no idea. It depends on the forum and their rules (or judgement). If someone here wants to ban me, go ahead. I'm not going to complain. I'm only here because people seem interested in this discussion and keep it going with more questions and comments to me.

I for one would like you to answer those questions and comments.

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Guest Anonymous
I have no idea. It depends on the forum and their rules (or judgement). If someone here wants to ban me, go ahead. I'm not going to complain. I'm only here because people seem interested in this discussion and keep it going with more questions and comments to me.

Yes. People posting eye candy specifically meant to repel you (according to your stated views) and calling you a stupid fucker means they're interested. Wait, no. And no one gets banned here unless they break the ToU.

You admitted you're trolling, why don't you stop and go away? To facilitate that, since apparently you have no control over your own behavior, back on the foe list.

(You homophobic, bigoted, nasty, hypocritical, shitstain.)

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Well thank fuck you're here to mansplain and be the ultimate judge of what's okay and what's not allowed for everyone in the world. I don't think you could possibly be more up yourself.

A curse of Legos upon you forever and ever.

See why I love you? Wanna make out in front of jericho? :twisted:

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I for one would like you to answer those questions and comments.

Me too. I had one post in which I reiterated other people's comments. I could understand him not responding to the same question twice (as in when two people ask the same question, not when he gives a non-answer and then gets pissy when people ask him for an actual answer), but that still leaves a lot of unanswered questions and un-replied-to arguments. If you ask me, he's only bothering to reply to the easy ones. I wonder why. :roll:

Note: I'm not saying you have any obligation to answer them, jericho, no need to tell us all about your freedom. I'm just pointing out how bad it looks.

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Not at all. As a secular nation, do we punish all biblical sins? No.

So WHY make it LAW then? If you are not going to punish the sins as set out in your precious Bible, why make it law to begin with?

The "Bible times" were very different times than today.

OXYMORON ALERT! WHY and HOW all of a suddenly is it OK to refute the punishments laid out in The Bible (that you said you wanted as LAW and that come from the Breath of GOD himself!!!) because "The Bible times" were very different than today!?! Yet you don't agree that the Bible should update to the society norms of today? How can you hypocritically say that The Bible times were very different than today and say that you don't want those punishments as law, and yet previously stated you do want them as law and that the texts are God-breathed or whatever...

Which is it Jericho? AH I SEE!!! You want to CHOOSE specifically which parts of the Bible you want to follow! and therein is the rub!!!

FLIP/FLOP. I'm out, You're officially a hypocrite and there's just no dealing with hypocrites!

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I still want to know how the GAYS!!!! "attacked" biblical marriage. I'm in a biblical marriage and my marriage didn't get attacked at all.

Maybe...because now that you know the GAYS!!! can marry, you'll not want a biblical marriage anymore. It must be in the gay agenda somewhere that we must convert all the happily married Christians to our team :roll: Although he's not going to answer, I'm pretty sure that's what jericho believes. I would also like to know what the gay agenda is, where I can get a copy, and why all the gayz don't know about this mysterious agenda if it's so all powerful.

Does he seriously think there are secret meetings or something?

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Maybe...because now that you know the GAYS!!! can marry, you'll not want a biblical marriage anymore. It must be in the gay agenda somewhere that we must convert all the happily married Christians to our team :roll: Although he's not going to answer, I'm pretty sure that's what jericho believes. I would also like to know what the gay agenda is, where I can get a copy, and why all the gayz don't know about this mysterious agenda if it's so all powerful.

Does he seriously think there are secret meetings or something?

Of course. Thankfully you can recognize them by their square penises:

The physical side of homosexual is unnatural, like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.
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Yes. People posting eye candy specifically meant to repel you (according to your stated views) and calling you a stupid fucker means they're interested. Wait, no. And no one gets banned here unless they break the ToU.

You admitted you're trolling, why don't you stop and go away? To facilitate that, since apparently you have no control over your own behavior, back on the foe list.

(You homophobic, bigoted, nasty, hypocritical, shitstain.)

Okay, sorry I was a bother. Have fun.

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I have no idea. It depends on the forum and their rules (or judgement). If someone here wants to ban me, go ahead. I'm not going to complain. I'm only here because people seem interested in this discussion and keep it going with more questions and comments to me.

I'm going to hell for being a bitch, but this only prooves that you want to be an attention whore.
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