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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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I think the red at the statehouse was a nod to Republicans being in the majority for the first time since Reconstruction. Anna's FU instagram of Clinton on the same day pretty much cemented this line of thinking. Remember who we're dealing with here...

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Remember when they first got married and were all matchy-matchy? They've gotten better lately, but maybe they hope dressing alike will rekindle the honeymoon flame? O.o

Also, pretty sure Anna is pregnant. Maybe they're holding off announcing it because of the whole Jubilee debacle? Or maybe they're saving it as a bombshell in case TLC threatens to cancel the show?

My guess is they're holding it to use as a lead in to (attempt) to boost ratings for the flailing viewership. I predict a GMA appearance shortly before the premiere.

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I don't want to start a whole thread about it but Jana and John's birthday was January 12 and we MISSED it. Can't let something like that slide again. So... Happy birthday Jana and John. My birthday wish to them is that they get out of the cult of Gothard. And stop trying to name babies Jefferson Davis.

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I don't want to start a whole thread about it but Jana and John's birthday was January 12 and we MISSED it. Can't let something like that slide again. So... Happy birthday Jana and John. My birthday wish to them is that they get out of the cult of Gothard. And stop trying to name babies Jefferson Davis.

And not a single pic/tweet/pin/word from smuggums for their birthday. :naughty:

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I don't want to start a whole thread about it but Jana and John's birthday was January 12 and we MISSED it. Can't let something like that slide again. So... Happy birthday Jana and John. My birthday wish to them is that they get out of the cult of Gothard. And stop trying to name babies Jefferson Davis.

Thats OK. Michelle and Jimbob did too.

Happy belated birthday Jana and John David. Run away as fast as you can.

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And not a single pic/tweet/pin/word from smuggums for their birthday. :naughty:

He's probably still feeling miffed that John has a job he actually works at and a house he actually bought. And no wife or kids.

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He's probably still feeling miffed that John has a job he actually works at and a house he actually bought. And no wife or kids.

I think he pities John. He actually has to work, plus he doesn't have as much time to instagram.

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If Anna is not pregnant, she is trying to look pregnant for some reason. I can't believe she would just wear her shirt like that without noticing the way it makes her look. Considering that someone congratulated them a few weeks ago, I'd say this time it's probably for real. Why are they not announcing it? I guess maybe the Today Show is sick of them and maybe they want to wait until the show comes back (which I think I hear is supposed to be in March?) to spread the word on the interwebz. But yeah, she's got to be like 3 or 4 months at least, even taking into consideration that she always looks somewhat pregnant.

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She's definitely more than 5 months pregnant. I recently found out a good friend of mine who is naturally very thin is 5 months along and she honestly does not look pregnant at all. I'd say Anna's at least 6-7 months. Which makes it even stranger that there's been no announcement.

I wonder how they're going to announce the "gender" (which they don't realise is not the right term to use but they're so afraid to say s-e-x) of the baby this time? Mackynzie's was the pink cake, Michael was the skywriter... it's going to be pretty hard to beat the ridiculousness of the previous two. Don't normal people just ask their doctor and get a straight answer?

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This is Anna's third pregnancy to reach this point (if she's pregnant) so 2 months could look like 4 and 4 can easily look like 6 or even 7. A lot depends on whether she did anything to get her stomach muscles back in shape and I don't think she's looked like she did.

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She's definitely more than 5 months pregnant. I recently found out a good friend of mine who is naturally very thin is 5 months along and she honestly does not look pregnant at all. I'd say Anna's at least 6-7 months. Which makes it even stranger that there's been no announcement.

I wonder how they're going to announce the "gender" (which they don't realise is not the right term to use but they're so afraid to say s-e-x) of the baby this time? Mackynzie's was the pink cake, Michael was the skywriter... it's going to be pretty hard to beat the ridiculousness of the previous two. Don't normal people just ask their doctor and get a straight answer?

normal people = / = attention whores

I think a lot of the stuff they do is for the show. I remember the episode for her first pregnancy, one of the TLC staff (producer? can't remember) came out on the episode and said that Josh had called them to go to the car lot quickly because Anna had peed on the stick but she wanted Josh to see it first and then tell her, so he wanted to make sure he told her in front of the camera. I'm sure they'll top it off, it's the Duggars!

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There was some chatter not too long ago that smuggums was holding up the show with a contract negotiation. Its theoretically possible that shes been MIA from his instagram or only shown above the belly because he's trying to negotiate a birth/pregnancy contract separate from the show itself, or a bigger slice of the proceeds from the show for access. I wouldnt put it past him.

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SDC is closed from January to March, I think.

You can see that vault room from the desk inside the treasurer's office. I haven't been there in a decade but I've seen it before.

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There was some chatter not too long ago that smuggums was holding up the show with a contract negotiation. Its theoretically possible that shes been MIA from his instagram or only shown above the belly because he's trying to negotiate a birth/pregnancy contract separate from the show itself, or a bigger slice of the proceeds from the show for access. I wouldnt put it past him.

Am I wrong for thinking that he SHOULD do this? I mean, he's mid-twenties, with three (now four!) mouths to feed and all of his lazy hobbies to fund. I would be even more disgusted with him if he didn't at least try to take advantage of the situation to be more self-sufficient.

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If Anna is not pregnant, she is trying to look pregnant for some reason. I can't believe she would just wear her shirt like that without noticing the way it makes her look. Considering that someone congratulated them a few weeks ago, I'd say this time it's probably for real. Why are they not announcing it? I guess maybe the Today Show is sick of them and maybe they want to wait until the show comes back (which I think I hear is supposed to be in March?) to spread the word on the interwebz. But yeah, she's got to be like 3 or 4 months at least, even taking into consideration that she always looks somewhat pregnant.

If she is pregnant maybe they are holding that information for the premier/finale episode of their new season. The Duggar blog had secret! inside! information! that the show was tentatively scheduled to begin at the end of March.

There was some chatter not too long ago that smuggums was holding up the show with a contract negotiation. Its theoretically possible that shes been MIA from his instagram or only shown above the belly because he's trying to negotiate a birth/pregnancy contract separate from the show itself, or a bigger slice of the proceeds from the show for access. I wouldnt put it past him.

Interesting! If you don't mind me asking, where did you read this? I agree with Ellimenopy (I like the name btw, I had to say it out loud to get it) that it would actually be a good idea for him to do this. Especially if there is another M'baby on the way. However, because it is a good idea that would make it shockingly out of character for Josh. Just a note, I don't actually think it is that good of an idea to expose your family like that on TV but since he is going to do it anyway, he may as well get a little extra money out of it.

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If Anna is not pregnant, she is trying to look pregnant for some reason. I can't believe she would just wear her shirt like that without noticing the way it makes her look. Considering that someone congratulated them a few weeks ago, I'd say this time it's probably for real. Why are they not announcing it? I guess maybe the Today Show is sick of them and maybe they want to wait until the show comes back (which I think I hear is supposed to be in March?) to spread the word on the interwebz. But yeah, she's got to be like 3 or 4 months at least, even taking into consideration that she always looks somewhat pregnant.

Maybe suddenly she will go into labor on the bus, give birth while "taking a shit" in the tiny bus bathroom and get a crossover episode with I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. I haven't watched the show in the last couple years, but that might get me to tune in.

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Maybe suddenly she will go into labor on the bus, give birth while "taking a shit" in the tiny bus bathroom and get a crossover episode with I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. I haven't watched the show in the last couple years, but that might get me to tune in.

I can't stop laughing at this!!

And I can't stop reading here! Damnit, you guys, I have to go take a shower, stop writing interesting stuff!

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An extension on the current house perhaps? We all know what experts they are at building after watching them working on the TTH, the Bates house and at Habitat for Humanity. :lol:

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There was some chatter not too long ago that smuggums was holding up the show with a contract negotiation. Its theoretically possible that shes been MIA from his instagram or only shown above the belly because he's trying to negotiate a birth/pregnancy contract separate from the show itself, or a bigger slice of the proceeds from the show for access. I wouldnt put it past him.

I would be happy to see Josh be more assertive.

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They still need another room. Can't have brothers and sisters sharing, even if they are babies/toddlers!

They're only in a two bedroom house now, so the two kids could be sharing a room already or will be once Michael graduates to a real bed.

Anna grew up in a trailer with a fairly large family and the Duggars used to live in a three bedroom house. Even in the TTH, Jackson has been seen sleeping in one of the girls' beds.

Considering the modesty hang ups these people have, it is strange. But then again, the older Duggars girls once said they slept in polo shirts and skirts, so maybe that's how they get around it.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they're a little more relaxed when it comes to brothers and sisters because they're ~family and keep each other ~accountable...

That being said, though, it would be a pretty shitty childhood if you had to share one room with a lot of brothers and sisters. Two kids sharing a room is OK, but any more than that would be ridiculously crowded.

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Maybe they think visiting your state legislature is like going to a hockey game.

Ok, I would pay money to see Josh show up there wearing full face paint! If he threw a squid onto the legislature floor when a bill he liked passed, that would work too:)

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