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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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Why would sharing a room make for a "shitty" childhood? I think it takes a lot more than having a large family in a small space to ruin someone's childhood.

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I think the red at the statehouse was a nod to Republicans being in the majority for the first time since Reconstruction. Anna's FU instagram of Clinton on the same day pretty much cemented this line of thinking. Remember who we're dealing with here...

I'm so surprised that January 2013 is the first time since Reconstruction that the GOP holds the majority in Arkansas. For such a conservative state, it is surprising. I would've thought that it would have been maj. Repub. at least since 1992 when Clinton left Little Rock...

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I'm so surprised that January 2013 is the first time since Reconstruction that the GOP holds the majority in Arkansas. For such a conservative state, it is surprising. I would've thought that it would have been maj. Repub. at least since 1992 when Clinton left Little Rock...

Most elected Democrats in Arkansas are pretty conservative. Much more conservative than a typical elected Republican would be in someplace like New England.

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Most elected Democrats in Arkansas are pretty conservative. Much more conservative than a typical elected Republican would be in someplace like New England.

Yeah, I know, "blue dog Dem" is how they're called or something...Southern Dems are def. more conservative than North-easterners, for sure. I've noticed that their Congressmen are more on the right than their Senators. Wonder why??

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Why would sharing a room make for a "shitty" childhood? I think it takes a lot more than having a large family in a small space to ruin someone's childhood.

I'm talking like 3, 4, 5 + kids in a small room. You would have absolutely no privacy, no space to yourself, nothing of your own. Plus we are speaking in the context of Josh and Anna as parents.

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So they went to the Treasury and held money?


PS, I know we've all said Anna looks pregnant but good lord.

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There was some chatter not too long ago that smuggums was holding up the show with a contract negotiation. Its theoretically possible that shes been MIA from his instagram or only shown above the belly because he's trying to negotiate a birth/pregnancy contract separate from the show itself, or a bigger slice of the proceeds from the show for access. I wouldnt put it past him.

Interesting! If you don't mind me asking, where did you read this? I agree with Ellimenopy (I like the name btw, I had to say it out loud to get it) that it would actually be a good idea for him to do this. Especially if there is another M'baby on the way. However, because it is a good idea that would make it shockingly out of character for Josh. Just a note, I don't actually think it is that good of an idea to expose your family like that on TV but since he is going to do it anyway, he may as well get a little extra money out of it.

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Yeah, I know, "blue dog Dem" is how they're called or something...Southern Dems are def. more conservative than North-easterners, for sure. I've noticed that their Congressmen are more on the right than their Senators. Wonder why??

It's because their Congressmen only represent their district, while Senators cover the whole state. If there's only one or two urban areas in the state, you may get only one or maybe two semi-liberal Congressmen, with the rest very Conservative because they rep rural districts. Senators cover the whole state, and therefore have a mix of constituents, because they represent both the urban and rural areas. Even though the cities are a small geographic area, they have a large population which can swing the whole state more liberal.

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Yeah, I know, "blue dog Dem" is how they're called or something...Southern Dems are def. more conservative than North-easterners, for sure. I've noticed that their Congressmen are more on the right than their Senators. Wonder why??

Even though we would consider them conservative most old farm/land owners always tend to vote democrat. My theory is that it goes back to the fact that the democratic party 100 years ago was what the republicans are today. The democrats were proslavery and even today that mentality still exists. It was interesting hearing my farm neighbor talk about how he voted for clinton but wouldn't allow himself to vote for "that colored person".

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So they went to the Treasury and held money?


PS, I know we've all said Anna looks pregnant but good lord.

That's no food baby.


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OMG more than 2 small children in a room ? :shock: ! The horror !!

Wow, talk about elitist, or sheltered, or ummm something :roll:

lol it has nothing to do with being elitist? It's a matter of mental health. Being constantly cheek-by-jowl with multiple people and absolutely no privacy or alone time is very, very difficult. Add in factors like anxiety or ADHD/Asperger's/autism and it can be seriously traumatic.

I live alone, not because I can afford it but because my mental health is more valuable. I have moderate social anxiety and If I do not have my own space and time alone I suffer panic attacks or go into an extreme depressive state. It's not about elitism, it's about survival.

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lol it has nothing to do with being elitist? It's a matter of mental health. Being constantly cheek-by-jowl with multiple people and absolutely no privacy or alone time is very, very difficult. Add in factors like anxiety or ADHD/Asperger's/autism and it can be seriously traumatic.

I live alone, not because I can afford it but because my mental health is more valuable. I have moderate social anxiety and If I do not have my own space and time alone I suffer panic attacks or go into an extreme depressive state. It's not about elitism, it's about survival.

I commented earlier after your first remark about miserable childhoods ~ now THIS gives me more insight as to why you'd say that. Personalities, not everyone could live with others, even as kids.

Me, I had my own room as a child and I'd have loved to do the siblings in bunk beds thing...

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You do understand that it is extremely common for people to have multiple children in a bedroom right ? Even in the idealized, sugary sweet, upper middle class 1960's world of the Brady Bunch they had 3 kids in a room.

If you can afford to give your kids their own room, awesome ! But if you are thinking that 3 little kids in a bedroom is some horrible thing for everyone, I think you have been a little too pampered and need to look outside your bubble.

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Again, it can be a matter of mental health. Maybe some people do enjoy it and that's great. And not everyone can afford multiple-roomed homes, and that's also fine.

However, for a lot of people it can be extremely traumatising -- not from a point of privilege but rather from a point of mental health, and yes, children do experience these things. I'm not trying to be argumentative here, I'm just speaking out of my own experience and the experiences of people that I know from all financial situations.

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I grew up in a fundamentalist family as one of 8 children - we 4 girls had a bedroom and the 4 boys had their bedroom. Mama and Daddy had their own room and if there was an infant in the family - he or she slept in their room. We were as happy as most any other family - it's kind of a case of "it is what it is". Familys with large numbers of children just are not going to be able to put each child in their own room! It does teach early development of social skills necessary to living well in later life, in my opinion.

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So they went to the Treasury and held money?


PS, I know we've all said Anna looks pregnant but good lord.

I'm going out on a limb here but....she's pregnant!

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Okay I'm the weirdo who LIKES the look of a suit jacket with jeans :-p

It's not bad, but it's also not for visiting the state capitol.

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lol it has nothing to do with being elitist? It's a matter of mental health. Being constantly cheek-by-jowl with multiple people and absolutely no privacy or alone time is very, very difficult. Add in factors like anxiety or ADHD/Asperger's/autism and it can be seriously traumatic.

I live alone, not because I can afford it but because my mental health is more valuable. I have moderate social anxiety and If I do not have my own space and time alone I suffer panic attacks or go into an extreme depressive state. It's not about elitism, it's about survival.

But you have to admit, not everyone has that kind of anxiety or social problems. I fit closer to you on that spectrum than I am to a Duggar kid, because I was the youngest and the only girl. I've always had my own space. But plenty of people grow up cheek to jowl and do not suffer for it. A lot of them even like it. There are way worse things to be concerned about.

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Again, it can be a matter of mental health. Maybe some people do enjoy it and that's great. And not everyone can afford multiple-roomed homes, and that's also fine.

However, for a lot of people it can be extremely traumatising -- not from a point of privilege but rather from a point of mental health, and yes, children do experience these things. I'm not trying to be argumentative here, I'm just speaking out of my own experience and the experiences of people that I know from all financial situations.

I think you're in the minority, since humans are social animals at the core.

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