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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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I'm going out on a limb here but....she's pregnant!

At this point, I feel like Anna's body and wardrobe are like a pregnancy version of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." By the time she actually is pregnant, I won't believe it until she's giving birth on the toilet again.

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IIRC It was Razing Ruth who described having a room to herself while her six brothers had to share. It created some resentment in the family. (Please correct me someone, if it wasn't R/Ruth.) I thought this was part of ATI teaching but I couldn't find it written down anywhere. Maybe it is just some families.

Anna ... I'm keeping my mouth shut this time because I called pregnant in January-February and was wrong. I do agree with those who say that if she isn't, she needs some serious fashion advice.

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You do understand that it is extremely common for people to have multiple children in a bedroom right ? Even in the idealized, sugary sweet, upper middle class 1960's world of the Brady Bunch they had 3 kids in a room.

If you can afford to give your kids their own room, awesome ! But if you are thinking that 3 little kids in a bedroom is some horrible thing for everyone, I think you have been a little too pampered and need to look outside your bubble.

Back in "the day" that used to be common. I live in an extremely small home by most standards (750 sq ft) - it was built in 1949 and had only one owner before myself and my husband. The family who built the house raised three children (two boys and a girl) in this two bedroom home. And at the time, it was the nicer part of town.

So sure - for some people (especially these days) it's a matter of mental health. But historically speaking? And in most cases? I think a bedroom with 3 kids wouldn't be that bad... that's why we send our children outdoors to play and burn energy.

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Back in "the day" that used to be common. I live in an extremely small home by most standards (750 sq ft) - it was built in 1949 and had only one owner before myself and my husband. The family who built the house raised three children (two boys and a girl) in this two bedroom home. And at the time, it was the nicer part of town.

So sure - for some people (especially these days) it's a matter of mental health. But historically speaking? And in most cases? I think a bedroom with 3 kids wouldn't be that bad... that's why we send our children outdoors to play and burn energy.

I slept 3 kids to a room for awhile. Did not enjoy it, though that could be because that room contained 2 more beds than it was designed to contain. Having your own room as a kid is arguably a luxury, even though it seems to be the norm today. I've known many families where kids had to sleep 2 to a room when they were small, but mine is the only family I know that stuck 3 kids in a room. It's definitely unusual. And the problem with Josh and Anna's future kids is that, if their parents don't continue their current path towards normality, they'll be stuck sharing a room when they're teenagers, which seems a bit unfair.

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Josh holding up contract negotiations may be because if Anna is pregnant (and it looks like she is) their family will be the main focus of the series. If that is the case then they should get paid more than when their family was only featured in one or two episodes. Maybe he learned last time that if his wife is going to be filmed birthing on a toilet then he should make sure they get maximum dollars out of it.

I'm another who thinks Michelle looks pregnant too, and that may be holding up both announcement and contract negotiations.

Announcement cause they are waiting til the foetus is viable so that they can do a joint announcement, negotiations because if the foetus is viable then the series will focus on the main Duggar family more than Josh's.

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Josh holding up contract negotiations may be because if Anna is pregnant (and it looks like she is) their family will be the main focus of the series. If that is the case then they should get paid more than when their family was only featured in one or two episodes. Maybe he learned last time that if his wife is going to be filmed birthing on a toilet then he should make sure they get maximum dollars out of it.

I'm another who thinks Michelle looks pregnant too, and that may be holding up both announcement and contract negotiations.

Announcement cause they are waiting til the foetus is viable so that they can do a joint announcement, negotiations because if the foetus is viable then the series will focus on the main Duggar family more than Josh's.

I think smugs wants his own show. He's stopped twattering and his FB is silent. Smells like a contract of some sort...

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Also, I currently have my three kids in one bedroom whilst our house undergoes renovations. It's not perfect, and I can't wait til they are in their own rooms so the constant bickering winds back a bit, but I don't think they are being harmed by it. If anyones sanity is on the line it's mine.

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Surely they wouldn't give Josh his own show? If people wouldn't watch the Bates why would they watch Josh and Anna?

I can see them getting a special or two, especially with a new baby coming, but not a whole series.

I'm sure Josh would jump at it if it was offered though. Especially if it was going to follow (and finance) him trying to kick off his political career.

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Id say that kids sharing a room is fine, if you want a large family, its going to be hard to find a house big enough, so making kids share is logical. How many in a room depends on the size of the room, I would say two or three at most as its the normal amount among my relatives. I think when youre having to put your kids clothes and toys in different rooms because theres no space for anything other than beds, its not a good thing. I dont think teenagers should have to share a room with toddlers though, I think they should be grouped into similar ages if possible.

Generally I would say that each child should have space for their own bed (a real bed, not shelves or one of those pull out beds that are hidden under the other bed in the day), their own wardrobe, drawers or a closet to keep clothes in, space for their own toys and personal belongings, and still have a decent amount of floor space to get toys out and play.

Id say if a bedroom is as huge as the Duggar bedrooms are, they should split it up into several different rooms so kids can share with a few others their age, its not the size of the bedrooms in this case, its how nobody should have to share a bedroom with 9 other people aged between 20 and 3. Also all of the kids should have beds, theres less beds than people.

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Surely they wouldn't give Josh his own show? If people wouldn't watch the Bates why would they watch Josh and Anna?

I can see them getting a special or two, especially with a new baby coming, but not a whole series.

I'm sure Josh would jump at it if it was offered though. Especially if it was going to follow (and finance) him trying to kick off his political career.

My guess is that it was a refocusing effort. How many more "adventures" can 20 something year olds go on? The kids are getting older and going nowhere in their lives so... they can only do a few on the cute lil ones. We've already done the dentist twice, she cant do a whole episode on homeskool. They suck at violin... The plot lines are gone. That leaves smuggums to save the day! Now we get to follow Anna to OB visits, see mac learn to read (gothard approved books), Famy sing to Mikey... the Japan trip rounds out the rest of the 9 episode season. Riveting!

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My guess is that it was a refocusing effort. How many more "adventures" can 20 something year olds go on? The kids are getting older and going nowhere in their lives so... they can only do a few on the cute lil ones. We've already done the dentist twice, she cant do a whole episode on homeskool. They suck at violin... The plot lines are gone. That leaves smuggums to save the day! Now we get to follow Anna to OB visits, see mac learn to read (gothard approved books), Famy sing to Mikey... the Japan trip rounds out the rest of the 9 episode season. Riveting!

The mere idea of Smugs with his own show causes me to spit up in my mouth a bit.

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The mere idea of Smugs with his own show causes me to spit up in my mouth a bit.

Maybe TLC is finally going to throw JB and Michelle under the bus and Josh is negotiating some VSEs in which he will dish on them.

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The mere idea of Smugs with his own show causes me to spit up in my mouth a bit.

Not me; I'd love it. I am oddly fascinated with their way of life and would watch with adult beverages and popcorn in hand.

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My husband grew up with 22 siblings. Most were boys, so boys were 5 or more to a room and girls were usually 2 (a few got lucky and had years with their own room). My husband said he wasn't too bothered at the time because they lived around other large families and it seemed the norm. Now he could never go back to it. We have 2 kids and 7 bedrooms. In fact he usually stays only a short time at family gathering because he get claustrophobic feelings when he is back in the old small family room with 40+ people.

That shot of Anna looks like she is pregnant, why did she tie the belt like that? If she didn't tie the belt it would be less obvious.

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2 or 3 kids in a bedroom is not that big of a deal, but when you're talking about child collectors it's never that simple. If J&A continue on the path they're on and never move house, they'll eventually end up with a double set of this:


And that's fucking ridiculous.

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My husband grew up with 22 siblings. Most were boys, so boys were 5 or more to a room and girls were usually 2 (a few got lucky and had years with their own room). My husband said he wasn't too bothered at the time because they lived around other large families and it seemed the norm. Now he could never go back to it. We have 2 kids and 7 bedrooms. In fact he usually stays only a short time at family gathering because he get claustrophobic feelings when he is back in the old small family room with 40+ people.

Wow! You get used to what you grow up with, so that's probably why he wasn't bothered by a bunch of family members around. I can understand getting a little claustrophobic with a family of that size. This is so shallow, and I don't mean it to be so, but I thought, "Oh! 22 siblings? 22 birthdays to keep up with, not to mention nieces and nephews? I sure hope they draw names for Christmas if they give gifts. Wow." :)

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2 or 3 kids in a bedroom is not that big of a deal, but when you're talking about child collectors it's never that simple. If J&A continue on the path they're on and never move house, they'll eventually end up with a double set of this:


And that's fucking ridiculous.

WTF! I can't imagine waking up scared in the middle of the night or having to use the restroom half-asleep and then banging your head on the upper bunk shelf. It's painful just to look at. Oooh, but I'm sure the kids LOVE it! I'd be so jealous of the top bunker. Can't imagine how they deal with that. "God wants you to sleep in the bottom shelf. He spoke to your father and told him...(can't think of something snarky to finish this with)"

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I'm trying to envision what the opening credits and theme song would be like for a Josh & Anna show. A montage of Josh with his feet on the desk at the dealership (smug grin on face), a shot of a harried Anna caring or the kids at home by herself, a shot of them all at Chick Fil A and a voiceover toward the end with Anna saying "...and i delivered every one!"

Also, Jesus Christ, those bunkbeds are fucking cruel & unusual.

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2 or 3 kids in a bedroom is not that big of a deal, but when you're talking about child collectors it's never that simple. If J&A continue on the path they're on and never move house, they'll eventually end up with a double set of this:


And that's fucking ridiculous.

Ahaaa. The original stacked like cordwood photo. Good times. >insert laughing dude smilie here.

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I think the pic of those bunks was the genesis of the poster title "Stacked like Cord Wood" when a poster reaches a certain level of posts. When the pic of her bunks was first posted on the old board, someone wrote something to the effect of, "Those children are stacked like cord wood in those bunks."

ETA, experiencedd, GMTA.

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Ahaaa. The original stacked like cordwood photo. Good times. >insert laughing dude smilie here.

God forbid your sibling wets thebed shelf.

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I'm trying to envision what the opening credits and theme song would be like for a Josh & Anna show. A montage of Josh with his feet on the desk at the dealership (smug grin on face), a shot of a harried Anna caring or the kids at home by herself, a shot of them all at Chick Fil A and a voiceover toward the end with Anna saying "...and i delivered every one!"

Also, Jesus Christ, those bunkbeds are fucking cruel & unusual.

Makes sense. I think Anna's been working on making her voice more sickly sweet like Michelle's.

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I'm queasy just looking at those bunkbeds. Claustrophobia all around.

For sharing a room generally, I think it's partially what you're accustomed to and partially temperament. I feel terrible for the introverted among families like the Duggars - finding a place to escape to in order to "recharge" must be difficult. I roomed with my best friend in college and loved my study abroad roommates but I also found I needed time pretty regularly by myself.

I'd think J&A would want a bigger house because a girl might defraud her brother or something

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God forbid your sibling wets thebed shelf.

Hey quit yer complaining. Those kids have 2" of foam to sleep on. What about the absorbency factor of foam egg crate?

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Apparently smuggums was unhappy that his thread had possibly gone off topic.


[ @ ] joshduggar Hanging out with my sweetie tonight! @mackynziesmom 2min

1) She still looks like she's chewing gum


3) Do they ever watch their own children?

eta - anyone else predict flaming cheese?

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