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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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Apparently smuggums was unhappy that his thread had possibly gone off topic.


1) She still looks like she's chewing gum


3) Do they ever watch their own children?

eta - anyone else predict flaming cheese?

He seriously needs to shave. He cannot pull off the sexy scruffy look. Not at all.

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If the Smuggler's need girls and boys bedrooms, the rents could buy a convertible sofa and sleep in the living room. That is what the parents of some of my school mates did. I grew up in a neighborhood of small houses and largish Catholic families.

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They appear to be at the TTH. Guess they're dropping the littles off...

Sure their aunts can watch them.That way they get to stay up to some ungodly hour without sleep. It will help mommy and daddy sleep in tomorrow if they stay up late tonight.

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Apparently smuggums was unhappy that his thread had possibly gone off topic.


1) She still looks like she's chewing gum


3) Do they ever watch their own children?

eta - anyone else predict flaming cheese?

Anna looks years younger here than she did at the Arkansas State House.

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Anna looks years younger here than she did at the Arkansas State House.

I thought that too - I was wondering if it wasn't an old photo.

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I thought that too - I was wondering if it wasn't an old photo.

Anna looks like a 40 yo matron in the state house photo. Smuggers purposely wore a short sleeved shirt with a sports coat because he knows I hate it.

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Hmmm...they do look healthier in that pic, but for people who put such an emphasis on homemaking and being cheap they sure do eat out a lot.

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Hmmm...they do look healthier in that pic, but for people who put such an emphasis on homemaking and being cheap they sure do eat out a lot.

Ah, you only have to be cheap with your wife and children. The headship doesn't have to scrimp or save when its on himself!!!

The same reason headship won't be sleeping on a pullout in the living room to give the kids more room.... The headship gets the best and biggest room (and the helpmeet too, but only for easy access to sexy time) and the kids can be stacked on metal shelving in some out building if that's what has to be done.

In addition to Costco shelving we've seen fundie children living in bathrooms and windowless closets. I believe the "best" was the disabled daughter in a windowless pantry.

I don't get why we haven't seen (at least that I know of) any families that have used Japanese style Tatami mat beds. At least then the kids could roll them up during the day and have more room. And it seems to not have the element of danger that sleeping on shelving would have. Then again I wonder if they'd just never have the floor space to accommodate that many sleeping children in the teency houses. You know your house is too small or your family is too big when you can't adopt Japanese lifestyle choices as the Japanese live in microscopic homes.

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So many thoughts;

(1) I actually like Smugs with a beard (as he grew during the UK/Israel trip) but he really can't carry off the stubble look. He doesn't seem to realise that men who make this look good spend quite a lot of time shaping it. They don't just get up and not bother to shave.

(2) Jim Bob & Michelle have always made a big deal about date night every week. When Smugs ditches his kids and takes his wife out he is just doing something he has been taught is essential for maintaining a healthy marriage. I can almost give him a pass on this. The one problem I have is that they leave the little kids at the TTH. I keep thinking of that episode where Josie was throwing up and Michelle blamed Mackynzie because "she had a guilty countenance". Is that I safe place where the kids will be cared for? I definately wouldn't have left my kids under Michelle's care. Why not PAY Jana or Jill to come over and babysit?

(3) Am I right in thinking that the 4 storey bunks are actually one of two sets of bunks in that room and so there are actually eight kids sharing?

(4) Looking into the future Smugs & Anna will have to move or renovate. Even if they decide they can stack eight kids into one room (two sets of "cordwood bunks") how are they going to SOTDRT educate them. You won't get too many more people around their dining room table. Some at the table, some in the loungeroom working on the laps? In Yr3 they start using the computer for education and they don't have too much room for desks and computers. On the lounges using laptops? I really hope not.

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Anna looks like a 40 yo matron in the state house photo. Smuggers purposely wore a short sleeved shirt with a sports coat because he knows I hate it.

I didn't pay close enough attention to notice that. I hate it too. Tacky!

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Joshie is still trying to pull off scruffy guy look, but again he fails to pull off cool. He and Boob can't pull off cool. Again Anna has her weird smile.

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Anna looks years younger here than she did at the Arkansas State House.

I think it's because she appears to be truly smiling in this and not just her exhausted, "how did this become my life" smile she usually gives when she is with Josh.

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I think the Smuggars will stop at 5 kids or less. I think Josh is too accustomed to his current lifestyle. No way will be willing to work 14hr days to support a full quiver once the show ends. Nor will he want to go without the latest iphone, holidays, random luxury items, occasional peace & quiet.

Also I can see them moving into that big house they were fixing up last season.

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It's not bad, but it's also not for visiting the state capitol.

Why? He's clean, dressed up, being friendly and respectful or whatever... Does it have to be a fancy suit and tie?

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Joshie is still trying to pull off scruffy guy look, but again he fails to pull off cool. He and Boob can't pull off cool. Again Anna has her weird smile.

The stubble just makes him look even more a slimy twat than he looked before.

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(3) Am I right in thinking that the 4 storey bunks are actually one of two sets of bunks in that room and so there are actually eight kids sharing?

In fact, there were 9 kids sharing. The "bunks" are ~6 feet long, so 2 of the littles got to share. And that's after the youngest graduated to a bunk from sleeping in a pack 'n play in the kids' room beginning at 2 months. Apparently all the babies magically sleep through the night at that point :?

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Why? He's clean, dressed up, being friendly and respectful or whatever... Does it have to be a fancy suit and tie?

YES. A jacket+tie with khakis/slacks is appropriate dress for what he's doing. Notice how the 3 other guys in the photo with him are wearing a suit? And in the gallery shot, every man who's visible is wearing a tie, and no one is wearing jeans. Even the military people have on dress uniforms WITH TIES. If every other man in the place can manage it, why not Josh?

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Why? He's clean, dressed up, being friendly and respectful or whatever... Does it have to be a fancy suit and tie?

It's fine to visit the state house as a tourist and wear jeans or whatever. If you are attending the opening of a session, which he was, business attire is expected. That's how it works in my state. So yes, a suit and tie would be more appropriate. We know that he has the appropriate clothes, so he was just being lazy and trying to look "cool." He failed.

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I would also like to add that when you purposely dress down or are lazy for a formal or official event that you no longer count as respectful. Being respectful also means dressing in a way that is respectful of the level of formality.

I will never understand the people who are so lazy that they will attend evening (or even afternoon) weddings in jeans and a t-shirt and sneakers.Certain occasions call for a certain level of gravitas, and that is expressed in the way one dresses for those events.

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Anna looks years younger here than she did at the Arkansas State House.

Hanging out with my sweetie? Dude, they are at the TTH on a Friday night. That's just what I want to do on a Friday night... hang out with my inlaws. :?

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