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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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I don't get why we haven't seen (at least that I know of) any families that have used Japanese style Tatami mat beds. At least then the kids could roll them up during the day and have more room. And it seems to not have the element of danger that sleeping on shelving would have. Then again I wonder if they'd just never have the floor space to accommodate that many sleeping children in the teency houses. You know your house is too small or your family is too big when you can't adopt Japanese lifestyle choices as the Japanese live in microscopic homes.

My family did that during a 6-month transition period when we had all of us (more than a dozen) living in a single-wide mobile home. We used roll-out beds at night, folding camping chairs during the day. It was amazing to get into a real house with real furniture after that! And, gasp, personal space. :wink:

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I would also like to add that when you purposely dress down or are lazy for a formal or official event that you no longer count as respectful. Being respectful also means dressing in a way that is respectful of the level of formality.

I will never understand the people who are so lazy that they will attend evening (or even afternoon) weddings in jeans and a t-shirt and sneakers.Certain occasions call for a certain level of gravitas, and that is expressed in the way one dresses for those events.

My husband wore jeans IN our wedding.... black ones, with a dress shirt and sweater. I wore a dark purple dress and purple sandals. One of my bridesmaids wore a skirt and sweater, the other wore a tshirt and jeans. My mother in law wore a dress, my mother wore cotton pants and her favourite dolphin sweatshirt....

We don't really do fancy LOL :-p

I haven't a clue what the guests wore... I don't much mind to anyone's outfits... I remember the stuff above because it's in our pictures...

I guess I just don't get the fuss over clothes... and to me, a suit jacket and jeans IS pretty "formal" looking... But hey, everyone is different :)

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My husband wore jeans IN our wedding.... black ones, with a dress shirt and sweater. I wore a dark purple dress and purple sandals. One of my bridesmaids wore a skirt and sweater, the other wore a tshirt and jeans. My mother in law wore a dress, my mother wore cotton pants and her favourite dolphin sweatshirt....

We don't really do fancy LOL :-p

I haven't a clue what the guests wore... I don't much mind to anyone's outfits... I remember the stuff above because it's in our pictures..

I guess I just don't get the fuss over clothes... and to me, a suit jacket and jeans IS pretty "formal" looking... But hey, everyone is different :)

Your wedding sounds like it was fun, mine is going to be fairly similar, nice and casual :)

Its fine to set the standards for one's own event, but it is fairly rude to attend something and not follow the dress code. he looked under dressed, and it didn't help that his jacket was unbuttoned. For someone who probably wants political respect, I'm really surprised he didn't shave or invest in a suit.

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Josh Duggar â€@joshduggar

Morning workout featured long jog, running up & down hills, running up hills backwards, sprinting up hills, abs workout... then I puked :(

Thank you so much for sharing.

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Does anybody else actually say out loud "what has that dumbass done now? :roll: " when they see this thread updated every day?

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Josh Duggar â€@joshduggar

Morning workout featured long jog, running up & down hills, running up hills backwards, sprinting up hills, abs workout... then I puked :(

Um, I seriously doubt that. There is no way he's in shape enough to do a serious workout involving that much coordination. The people I know who run uphill backwards are hardcore physical fitness buffs...not pudgy doughboys who just started working out. Now if he meant he did all of this on an elliptical machine, I could believe it, maybe.

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Wow! You get used to what you grow up with, so that's probably why he wasn't bothered by a bunch of family members around. I can understand getting a little claustrophobic with a family of that size. This is so shallow, and I don't mean it to be so, but I thought, "Oh! 22 siblings? 22 birthdays to keep up with, not to mention nieces and nephews? I sure hope they draw names for Christmas if they give gifts. Wow." :)

His mom had 13 kids, and his dad died suddendly and she married a widower with 9 kids. The ages are spread out so there were usually 10-14 at home. Whole family has only been together twice for the parents funerals. When my MIL died Sadly the family fragmented by religious beliefs and lifestyle choices. My husband is in a group of 8 that are close. I buy a family gift, usually a board game or something like those baby cakes cupcake makers and then put some treats in the basket. My kids are only close to about 10 cousins which I buy gifts for (thanks to amazon and target toy sales).

I have always felt like my MIl was quiverful before quiverful was coined. She freaked out after a BC problem and said she wanted as many kids as she could. Luckily the uterus prolapsed after 13 and they were smart enough to dig out a basement under their 3/bed/2 bath and make 3 more bedrooms. The sad fact is when all of the parents died early(in their 50's and 60's) alot of the kids were lost. Some busted their butts to take advantage of college programs and grants and are the "snobs", some fell into a welfare cycle and have been stuck for a decade or more, and some turned to the party life they were denied due to strict religion. One thing I can say is NONE wanted to have big families, the largest is 4. The average is 2, and 5 kids over 30 have no kids and no plans for kids. The other fact no one is an active mormon. Some of the "snob" group still have conservative values and some don't drink but no one is a temple going mormon. It find it funny that twice a year the lds church calls to update the family roll and they call us because we are considered the most active(Im not even mormon) because our son attends boy scouts sometimes, we attend neighbors kids farewells or homecomings, and we go to church sponsored neighborhood picnics(which are held in my cul-de-sac so I feel like I should be neighborly).

Comparing to the Duggars, my husband's mega family, the younger kids the ones that have no want for kids, religion, and have gone the opposite way. My MIL even admitted she was so tired by the time the youngest were teens. My MIl loved her babies, there were no daughter slaves, MIl did the work. She said she would even freeze meals right before her due date so no one else had to cook when she gave birth.

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Josh Duggar â€@joshduggar

Morning workout featured long jog, running up & down hills, running up hills backwards, sprinting up hills, abs workout... then I puked At the thought of it all.

Fixed it

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Does anybody else actually say out loud "what has that dumbass done now? :roll: " when they see this thread updated every day?

LOL! My thoughts exactly. :lol:

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Thank you so much for sharing.

And that will be it for at least two months. He doesn't seem to realize small steps are what leads to big gains and true lifestyle change. Doing what he's doing will burn him out tomorrow if it already hasn't today.

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*snort* At least he's not shy.


[ @ ] joshduggar Early morning drive to the family gym 14h

[ @ ] ryino18 Does the whole duggar family own the gym @joshduggar 13h

[ @ ] colonellandre Nice! Your home gym is boss! 11h

[ @ ] ellenk1710 Have fun! 11h

[ @ ] bensbamagirl You're a better man than me! I got out of bed and made it as far as the couch! 10h

[ @ ] carlislemelanie You go Colonel!!!! ;-) @joshduggar 8h

[ @ ] penguin_lover055 @joshduggar is anna preggo 8h

Wait, he DROVE to the "gym" then ran up and down hills? Whatever Josh, next time just walk around the block.

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Wait, he DROVE to the "gym" then ran up and down hills? Whatever Josh, next time just walk around the block.

I'm wonder if he stopped by a Chick-fil-A/other fast food place after his "work out". It sure sounds like he'd be hungry, what with all that calorie burnin' and pukin' and what-not.

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I tend to think all that "running" was settings on one of the pieces of equipment also.

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I don't care whether he did it inside on the elliptical or outside, working out until you vomit is NOT HEALTHY! Josh is really going to struggle to lose weight and get fit when he doesn't seem to understand basic nutrition or how to exercise correctly. He doesn't realise that he doesn't know anything, which means he probably won't ask anyone for help or advice either. I actually feel some pity for him and his SOTDRT education.

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Hey quit yer complaining. Those kids have 2" of foam to sleep on. What about the absorbency factor of foam egg crate?

I think prisoners have better sleeping arrangements. If those were the sleeping arrangements for me when I was a child I think I would have robbed an ice cream truck or something to ENSURE I stayed in juvie until I was 18.

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Where is that shelf photo from?

I was really against trundles until I saw that photo, and now I wish those kids had trundles instead of shelves.

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Where is that shelf photo from?

I was really against trundles until I saw that photo, and now I wish those kids had trundles instead of shelves.

That is from the life In a shoe blog. What is really bad is they had another bedroom but they were using it as a library instead of putting some of the kids in it

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This is their version of a crib. But it's okay, because the baby will sleep through the night at 2 months old and then it's ready to graduate to a pack 'n play. Also:

Rooming together has always worked well for our children. After an initial adjustment period, they quickly learn to sleep through disruptions or go right back to sleep if awakened, and I think it makes for better sleep habits overall.

Can't sleep through the night in your pitiful excuse for a bed? DEAL.


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Wow, that does not look safe at all. People make a huge deal about not using expired cribs and here we have a family using those unstable folding chairs. I was checking out the blog, their family practices are questionable at best and rather horrifying at its worst.

Thanks for the links.

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Waaaaaaaaait...is that crib on folding chairs?? It looks rather unstable.

Just cause he cant pull himself up now, she had better hope that she doesnt discover that he can when he pulls himself up on the side of that "crib" and it falls over.

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We have seen both Mack and Michael in cribs, so hopefully Josh and Anna won't be stacking their kids on fold up card table chairs or on Costco shelving and foam pads. No wonder the In a Shoe girl was in a rush to move out; the youngest needed her shelf and I don't think they could stack any higher.

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This is their version of a crib. But it's okay, because the baby will sleep through the night at 2 months old and then it's ready to graduate to a pack 'n play. Also:

Can't sleep through the night in your pitiful excuse for a bed? DEAL.


I still have trouble sleeping through the night. It's not fun to deal with as an adult. I had the same problem as a kid, it was not fun to deal with it then. At least I could read a book or quietly play when I was a kid. I can't immangine having to lay still for that long. I still can't do it.

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