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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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My husband wore jeans IN our wedding.... black ones, with a dress shirt and sweater. I wore a dark purple dress and purple sandals. One of my bridesmaids wore a skirt and sweater, the other wore a tshirt and jeans. My mother in law wore a dress, my mother wore cotton pants and her favourite dolphin sweatshirt....

We don't really do fancy LOL :-p

I haven't a clue what the guests wore... I don't much mind to anyone's outfits... I remember the stuff above because it's in our pictures...

I guess I just don't get the fuss over clothes... and to me, a suit jacket and jeans IS pretty "formal" looking... But hey, everyone is different :)

My fiance and his groomsmen will be wearing boots and jeans for our evening wedding (as will pretty much every other male in attendnace), so I don't really see the big deal. That's how he's comfortable, that's what makes us happy. If people don't like it, we're going with our theme of "it's our wedding--if you don't like it, you don't have to come."

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That's cool if you wear jeans at your wedding etc.... I think that the majority of people are more formal at the wedding and I just find it mind boggling that when the wedding is clearly more dressy and half the guests arrive in really crappy clothes. Not just casual, but "i'm taking out the garbage" level of casual.

Its also disheartening to find that going to the theater, or other events no longer calls for getting dressed up even a little bit. Its as if we have absolutely no places left that are different than a trip to the Home Depot.

In the case of Josh at the Capitol though it was clear that it was a more formal event, one where men were to be wearing jackets and ties and pants that are not jeans. His jeans, sloppy open shirt, and general lazy sloppiness are his way of saying "FU" to the people who work for a living and are doing SOMETHING. The guys in military uniforms are doing something while Joshie just talks about how others should do this and that. Those senators are doing something. But, the Duggars, they are too good to do ANYTHING but sell out their kids and get pampered at inane "speaking engagements" and "writing" books and finding new ways of profiting from putting their children on display like zoo animals.

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I still have trouble sleeping through the night. It's not fun to deal with as an adult. I had the same problem as a kid, it was not fun to deal with it then. At least I could read a book or quietly play when I was a kid. I can't immangine having to lay still for that long. I still can't do it.

I am stunned. Even if the child can't pull itself up, what happens when a sibling comes in, looks over at the baby and either pulls the side of the bed or bumps the chairs?

It is easy to teach a child not to cry during the night by two months old: from the day they are born ignore them any time they cry. Don't feed them at night. Don't change nappies at night. Just ignore them. Babies who are ignored learn not to cry because there is no point. They will probably wake and sleep alternately all night but as they are not making any noise the parents can delude themselves that the child is "sleeping" during the night. (All of us reading here would describe this as child abuse but so are many of the activities we read about on these blogs.)

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^that is so sad. sounds like the babywise hogwash I was told about when we had our first child.

I d to sometimes have friends on facebook saying "oh it's so hard to sit outside Baby's room, he's been crying for an hour!" Go in the room dammit! pick up the child.ugh.

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I bought the babywise and pottywise books. I should have done more research, but just went by a family members recommendation. I got about 1/4 into babywise and just quit. I just couldn't believe anyone could think that was taking the best possible care of their child. It actually made me physically uncomfortable. I never cracked pottywise cause I thought was afraid I'd :angry-banghead:

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Smuggums had a very busy day today. No pics of food, but I'm sure he found himself a courtesy table somewhere to maw some doughnuts.

First, he went to church... and took pictures (and posted them) during the service.


[ @ ] joshduggar Glad to be in church today! 7h

[ @ ] thesredinsix @joshduggar Love Brother Paul! 7h

[ @ ] duckylou222 luv him 2 7h

[ @ ] duckylou222 @thesredinsix 7h

[ @ ] caitlyn_holly99 Tell Joseph that I said happy birthday!!! 4h

[ @ ] carlislemelanie God bless All involved in the march today...Godspeed!! Love from Atlanta, Ga.!! @joshduggar @mackynziesmom 3h

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Then... he and Sm'anna went to tell us what ebil sinners we are for daring to control our own bodies.


[ @ ] joshduggar Thousands of people lining up today in Little Rock for Arkansas March for Life! 4h

[ @ ] raschofield @joshduggar that's so awesome!! 4h

[ @ ] samjje Aww thats soo great 4h

[ @ ] caribassett Praise God! 4h

[ @ ] ellenk1710 What a great turn out @joshduggar :) 3h

Thousands? I'm gonna need an accounting on that...

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[ @ ] joshduggar Releasing balloons to represent states where the entire population equivalent has been murdered through abortion...55 million & counting. #ARMarchforLife 4h

[ @ ] _brendie_ Abortion is murder!!!!! 4h

[ @ ] annaclarkson13 No, it's not. People have a right to make decisions about their own bodies. You have no right to tell them any different. 4h

[ @ ] xxe_freeman18xx @joshduggar we are going to the march for life on Friday this week in DC(: I'm so excited! My family and I have been going every year since I was very little! :) 4h

[ @ ] dreamofsnows @annaclarkson13 yes it is murder. Just because its legal doesn't make it right. Think for once. 4h

[ @ ] annaclarkson13 @dreamofsnows if you don't think people have the right to make their own decisions then you don't deserve to live in this country. 4h

[ @ ] notaloserlikeyou Don't you know @annaclarkson13 ? When it comes to business, guns, and healthcare it's STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS! But marriages and womens bodies are to be regulated. 4h

[ @ ] chrissykehoe @annaclarkson13 your for it but the funny thing is... Your living and were not aborted! A child is a blessing. 4h

[ @ ] dreamofsnows @annaclarkson13 then I guess I should leave huh? Liberals are all alike. It's ok to have an opinion as long as you agree with it. 4h

[ @ ] ashaddison Of course it's murder. Look it up. Your killing something God created. 4h

[ @ ] dreamofsnows @ashaddison its sad people actually think it's not murder. Call it what it is and stop hiding behind "it's my body" crap. 3h

[ @ ] cyndeezie a heartbeat is visible on an ultrasound as early as 6 weeks. Heartbeat = alive 3h

[ @ ] ashaddison Exactly. They need to do research before they start defending a topic they no little about. 3h

[ @ ] louw22 @annaclarkson13 it's murder if you don't want kids then use prevention. Don't use murder as prevention. 3h

[ @ ] sarahthevaliant The whole "it's my body" thing just can't be valid. You do not have two hearts, two sets of DNA, or two sets of the vital systems our bodies need to survive. The pro-choice argument has nothing to do with choice in the end, because the "pro-choice" agenda is depriving other human beings of their God-given liberties to life. It has nothing to do with choice, and if it did, that choice isn't the parent's to make. The fact is America has devalued human life to the point of killing off what they perceive to be inconvenient, or a mistake, or __________, hiding behind the disguise of the term "Pro-Choice." 3h

[ @ ] m_hyatt @sarahthevaliant couldn't have said it better myself! 3h

[ @ ] busymumof7 What about if the person in questions life was in danger ?? As in someone who needed treatment for cancer say?? Is it right then to let them die?? And leave other children without a mother?? I don't agree with abortion for birth control etc but when it's for medical reasons and before 12 weeks gestation 3h

[ @ ] sarahjlandy Most people get abortions because they are bored and want to disappoint their god. #facts 3h

[ @ ] busymumof7 Links please to these so called facts? Not a fair remark really is it to say most people do it because their bored!! Educate yourself on these matters first @sarahjlandy 3h

[ @ ] sarahjlandy I was joking. Sick of these people thinking that they know other people's bodies and situations. Abortion isn't something people choose just because they are "bored". It is a long and painful decision that people make based on so many other factors. I was using satire, @busymumof7, I most definitely agree with you. 3h

[ @ ] busymumof7 @sarahjlandy oh right sorry it's late here lol that's the problem when writing it doesn't always come across as you meant it (well to people like me anyway) . Just wish more people saw it the same way as us 3h

[ @ ] sarahjlandy @busymumof7 exactly! No worries sarcasm through text is probably not one of the best ideas haha. 3h

[ @ ] joyisathomeblog It is crazy that in America it's illegal to kill the egg of a bald eagle, yet a baby with a heartbeat isn't considered a life? I never comment on these types of things, but as a woman who dealt with infertility before getting pregnant, I most certainly know that an unborn baby is life, all religion aside. And the phrase of having a right to choose irks me.. You can choose to not get pregnant. Abortion is not birth control. 3h

[ @ ] busymumof7 @sarahjlandy 3h

[ @ ] dreamofsnows @joyisathomeblog so true. 2h

[ @ ] sans_chess_piece Bald eagles are endangered, people aren't. 2h

[ @ ] summerspics Nothing, no circumstance, no reasoning makes it okay to end the life of another human. These children cannot speak for themselves! 2h

[ @ ] raschofield If someones pregnant and unable to care for the baby, ADOPTION is an option.. So many loving couples out there anxious for a child to love. Abortion is always wrong... There is no excuse to kill an unborn baby. 1h

[ @ ] beth1592 No one has the right to comment or decide whether a women chooses to have a child or not. It is her choice and no one else's. 1h

[ @ ] sans_chess_piece @Beth1592 right on. 1h

[ @ ] con1178 What choice does the baby have? Unborn children are people. Have you ever watched "silent scream"? Abortion exploits women. 57min

[ @ ] issymommy30 @beth1592 um no not true abortion nowadays is being used as birth control. When people should be refraining from sex or using birth control. Why should a innocent baby for because a girl decided to have sex. If your not mature enough to deal with the complications of sex don't have it. And girls who get pregnant through rap or incest is such a small percentage. Someone has to speak for the ones who can't speak for themselves. 50min

[ @ ] issymommy30 @beth1592 be quiet not everyone agrees with that statement. Abortion is wrong plain and simple. 50min

[ @ ] tzu07 @beth1592 I agree as well. A woman should have the right to choose. It is her body 17min

I count 10 balloons.

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[ @ ] joshduggar March for Life! 4h

[ @ ] carlislemelanie You guys Rock!! Pro life!! Protect all babies!! Go Duggars!! March For Life!! @joshduggar @mackynziesmom 3h

[ @ ] ellenk1710 What a beautiful day to have a great event! #prolife @joshduggar @mackynziemom 3h

[ @ ] sarahjlandy Usually I think of babies as things that r outside of my body that poop and pee and breathe without my body's assistance. Not a lumpy thing on the wall of my uterus but ok I guess if that's what they r that's cool too. 3h

[ @ ] jabenton Anna is so pretty! 3h

[ @ ] imjoshwalsh Yes! 2h

[ @ ] tammieloohoo WoooHooo ! 2h

Nothing like smiling at a protest rally!

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[ @ ] joshduggar 40 No More! #ARMarchforLife 4h

[ @ ] aperfectlily I am curious what 40 no more means ? 4h

[ @ ] chrissykehoe I am guessing its for anti abortion with the other photos! Glad they are fighting for the babies that couldn't speak! 4h

[ @ ] dearchelseymarie It's been 40 years since roe vs wade. It means we have had 40 years of legal abortion an they don't want anymore 4h

[ @ ] smmor08 I agree with @joshduggar 3h

[ @ ] sarahjlandy Babies should SAY goo, not BECOME it. 3h

[ @ ] funkynotz @sarahjlandy Well said! 2h

[ @ ] beth1592 A woman's choice! Her body =her rules. Cave people think otherwise that's why it's legal :) and to those who replied to me earlier saying its the girls fault, what about the guy you sexist idiots! I'm gonna have a parade because its legal 22min

Slogan fail. Correct, it is 40 no more, because this little thing called "time" passes and soon it will be 41 years of owning by own medical decision!

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Time to scream at Anna & her leghumpers again ...

okaysh @emmasuepooder That is wonderful: welcome to the journey!! I find the website BibleGateway.com very helpful; you can look up verses or entire chapters in lots of translations and see how different scholars have interpreted the original materials. I find that helpful since I know none of the languages of Bible times and that is what I did with this verse. Most people have preferred translations and you may come to find one most helpful to you. [Lots of Christians (and in some cases entire congregations) do use the King James which was the first translation into English] 23h

The first English translation of the bible was done by William Tyndale. He was inspired when he saw Luther's German translation in 1522. IIRC He published the New Testament in 1526. He translated parts of the Old Testament but was executed before he could finish. I have read that his translation heavily influenced those who translated the KJV. The King James version (not translated by the king, Jim Bob, but by a panel he assembled) was translated between 1604 and 1611 and published 1611.

People can read whatever translation they like. I really don't care. It does bug me when people claim KJV is correct because it is the oldest. Does this make Tyndale's more correct? It amazes me that SOTDRT people don't even get the religious history correct.

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Shouldn't these people focus more on the children that are living now? You know, all those starving children. 870 million people in the world don't have enough to eat. 16.2 million children in America, alone (yeah, just children, just America). Yeah, hey, guess what?! That's happening right now. Yeah, RIGHT NOW. While you go to some stupid rally about something that doesn't even affect you! You think that women who can't afford or don't want to keep a baby should not have abortions just because you believe it's a sin. Are you going to feed and clothe that baby? Are you going to provide for it financially? Oh, what's that? You don't want the mother to go on food stamps or other government assistance, even though she can't afford to feed that baby you forced her to keep? How fucking wonderful of you! What a great fucking idea! I hope you enjoy that fast food shit you (most likely) ate after your rally. Asswipe!

/rant over

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Time to scream at Anna & her leghumpers again ...

The first English translation of the bible was done by William Tyndale. He was inspired when he saw Luther's German translation in 1522. IIRC He published the New Testament in 1526. He translated parts of the Old Testament but was executed before he could finish. I have read that his translation heavily influenced those who translated the KJV. The King James version (not translated by the king, Jim Bob, but by a panel he assembled) was translated between 1604 and 1611 and published 1611.

People can read whatever translation they like. I really don't care. It does bug me when people claim KJV is correct because it is the oldest. Does this make Tyndale's more correct? It amazes me that SOTDRT people don't even get the religious history correct.

:naughty: You're letting fact, logic, and history get in the way of them believing whats convenient again. YOu are now sentenced to 3 episodes of Tosh.0

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I never know whether to be pissed off or amused by those Marches for "Life". On one hand, they are massive douchebags for thinking that something with the awareness of a turnip should have more rights than a thinking, feeling human being. On the other hand, their beliefs are kind of adorable when you separate them from the fact that they have influence in some States.

Smuggar, it's bad enough your religion gives you control over one other person's body. Stop trying to enslave the rest of us. Stop pretending going to a demo once a year and copy-pasting other people's words into twitter makes you an activist. Go to work.

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Smuggums had a very busy day today. No pics of food, but I'm sure he found himself a courtesy table somewhere to maw some doughnuts.

First, he went to church... and took pictures (and posted them) during the service.


That is not the Duggar home-church or warehouse-house. What is up with that?

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Shouldn't these people focus more on the children that are living now? You know, all those starving children. 870 million people in the world don't have enough to eat. 16.2 million children in America, alone (yeah, just children, just America). Yeah, hey, guess what?! That's happening right now. Yeah, RIGHT NOW. While you go to some stupid rally about something that doesn't even affect you! You think that women who can't afford or don't want to keep a baby should not have abortions just because you believe it's a sin. Are you going to feed and clothe that baby? Are you going to provide for it financially? Oh, what's that? You don't want the mother to go on food stamps or other government assistance, even though she can't afford to feed that baby you forced her to keep? How fucking wonderful of you! What a great fucking idea! I hope you enjoy that fast food shit you (most likely) ate after your rally. Asswipe!

/rant over

You so reminded me of George Carlin...he thought the pope should raise all the babies the hard core catholics felt obligated to have. Brilliant.

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Shouldn't these people focus more on the children that are living now? You know, all those starving children. 870 million people in the world don't have enough to eat. 16.2 million children in America, alone (yeah, just children, just America). Yeah, hey, guess what?! That's happening right now. Yeah, RIGHT NOW. While you go to some stupid rally about something that doesn't even affect you! You think that women who can't afford or don't want to keep a baby should not have abortions just because you believe it's a sin. Are you going to feed and clothe that baby? Are you going to provide for it financially? Oh, what's that? You don't want the mother to go on food stamps or other government assistance, even though she can't afford to feed that baby you forced her to keep? How fucking wonderful of you! What a great fucking idea! I hope you enjoy that fast food shit you (most likely) ate after your rally. Asswipe!

/rant over

+1 I couldn't say it any better... Especially the bolded part.

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You so reminded me of George Carlin...he thought the pope should raise all the babies the hard core catholics felt obligated to have. Brilliant.

I'm not too familiar with George Carlin's work :oops: I do know of his "seven dirty words", some of which I use A LOT. I'm gonna have to youtube his work. He sounds like someone I might agree with on a lot of things :)

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Here you go:

Why, why, why, why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place? Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked. Conservatives don't give a shit about you until you reach 'military age'. Then they think you are just fine. Just what they've been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life... pro-life... These people aren't pro-life, they're killing doctors! What kind of pro-life is that? What, they'll do anything they can to save a fetus but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it? They're not pro-life. You know what they are? They're anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don't like them. They don't like women. They believe a woman's primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state. Pro-life... You don't see many of these white anti-abortion women volunteering to have any black fetuses transplanted into their uteruses, do you? No, you don't see them adopting a whole lot of crack babies, do you? No, that might be something Christ would do. And you won't see a lot of these pro-life people dousing themselves in kerosene and lighting themselves on fire. You know, morally committed religious people in South Vietnam knew how to stage a god-damned demonstration, didn't they? They knew how to put on a fuckin' protest. Light yourself on fire! Come on, you moral crusaders, let's see a little smoke to match that fire in your belly.

If a fetus is a human being, how come the census doesn't count them? If a fetus is a human being, how come when there's a miscarriage they don't have a funeral? If a fetus is a human being, how come people say "We have two children and one on the way" instead of saying "We have three children?" People say life begins at conception. I say life began about a billion years ago and it's a continuous process. Continuous, just keeps rolling along.

Catholics and other Christians are against abortions and they're against homosexuals. Well who has less abortions than homosexuals? Leave these fucking people alone for Christ's sake. Here is an entire class of people guaranteed never to have an abortion and the Catholics and the Christians are just tossing them aside. You'd think they'd make natural allies. Go look for consistency in religion.

And you might have noticed something else. The sanctity of life doesn't seem to apply to cancer cells, does it? You rarely see a bumper sticker that says 'Save the tumors.'. Or 'I brake for advanced melanoma.'. No, viruses, mold, mildew, maggots, fungus, weeds, E. Coli bacteria, the crabs. Nothing sacred about those things. So at best the sanctity of life is kind of a selective thing. We get to choose which forms of life we feel are sacred, and we get to kill the rest. Pretty neat deal, huh? You know how we got it? We made the whole fucking thing up!
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I wonder where JB and M were with their crew. It's not like them to not pimp their kids out to make a political point. Maybe they were so fashionably late they missed the whole thing.

Why, why, why, why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place?

What's he talking about? The Knights of Columbus are sexay.

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I wonder where JB and M were with their crew. It's not like them to not pimp their kids out to make a political point. Maybe they were so fashionably late they missed the whole thing.

What's he talking about? Them Knights of Columbus are sexay.

My dad was thinking about joining them after he retired- though I think his friends at church were more in love with the fun hats, fun swords, and another excuse for old men to party. I don't think he joined- he's still running the Knights of Lithuania branch at church. KoL includes women.

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:o Anna even chimed in! After 30 some odd comments, she posted:

[ @ ] mackynziesmom I would encourage each of you to take a few minuets of your time and watch 180 the movie! It would be well worth your time!!! 2h

Usually she and Smuggar just post something controversial and let the conversation go where it may.

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