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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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:o Anna even chimed in! After 30 some odd comments, she posted:

Usually she and Smuggar just post something controversial and let the conversation go where it may.

Aww, Anna thinks 180 is worth people's time. I guess someone raised under Gothardism could be excused for thinking anything moving on a screen is quality.

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I'm not too familiar with George Carlin's work :oops: I do know of his "seven dirty words", some of which I use A LOT. I'm gonna have to youtube his work. He sounds like someone I might agree with on a lot of things :)

My favorite of his is "Stuff".

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You so reminded me of George Carlin...he thought the pope should raise all the babies the hard core catholics felt obligated to have. Brilliant.

I've often thought I would love to perform an experiment where we could measure just how much the pope's "love" for children is worth in reality. I would kidnap the pope and the college of cardinals, and equal numbers of atheist men and gay men of similar ages. Each man would be locked in a room set up as a1 bedroom apartment (with lav, a kitchenette, a washer/ dryer) with 10 6-month old babies. There would be nappies and bottles and formula and all the things you would need to take care of them for a month. My hypothesis is why I could never set this up (aside from the ridiculous kidnap these people angle): I bet while the other groups of men would have made the well-being of the infants their top priority, almost all of the Catholic hierarchy would let the children starve to death - I predict they would make no effort to keep the babies alive or in comfort. They would cite natural law ('men "can't" look after babies!) or talk about the beauty of suffering.

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I laugh whenever "March for Life" or similar anti-choice events are held. Those events are pointless because Roe v. Wade will never be overturned. I agree with livingoutofplace's comment. Anna pimping out 180 doesn't do shit either. The only people will watch 180 and agree with it are people who are already anti-choice. I have read a lot of anti-choice stuff and short films and it hasn't changed my opinion.

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Aww, Anna thinks 180 is worth people's time. I guess someone raised under Gothardism could be excused for thinking anything moving on a screen is quality.

I love when your only response to a debate is to throw propaganda. Independent though... not a bad thing!

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I laugh whenever "March for Life" or similar anti-choice events are held. Those events are pointless because Roe v. Wade will never be overturned. I agree with livingoutofplace's comment. Anna pimping out 180 doesn't do shit either. The only people will watch 180 and agree with it are people who are already anti-choice. I have read a lot of anti-choice stuff and short films and it hasn't changed my opinion.

It may not be overturned, but if you look at the current agenda, anti-abortionists aren't going after R v. W, they're focusing on creating laws that subvert it and make it so difficult to get an abortion that it may as well be overturned. Don't discount these people, they are working very, very hard and are succeeding in a lot of places.

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I laugh whenever "March for Life" or similar anti-choice events are held. Those events are pointless because Roe v. Wade will never be overturned. I agree with livingoutofplace's comment. Anna pimping out 180 doesn't do shit either. The only people will watch 180 and agree with it are people who are already anti-choice. I have read a lot of anti-choice stuff and short films and it hasn't changed my opinion.

I'm afraid it will be reduced to such a point that it might as well be overturned. The anti-choice contingent continues to whittle away at abortion rights, both philosophically (personhood amendments) and physically (restrictions on abortion providers). And so many people are afraid to identify as pro-choice--we have to organize as much as the anti-choicers do or we will no longer have to right to choose.

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Here you go:

Wish there was a smile for power fist salute...All I got is dancin' nanners :banana-rock: :banana-rock: :banana-rock:

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Eagerly awaiting Josh's twitter freak-out over the inauguration.

Just watch fox news & you can get a sneak peak. Josh has no original thoughts, he just regurgitates what he sees on tv without analyzing critically or fact-checking it.

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I love when your only response to a debate is to throw propaganda. Independent though... not a bad thing!

I would pay good money to see Anna try and string together an argument using only her own words.

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The other duggars were there, there are some pics on instagram where people tagged them but I can't post the pics from my phone.

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[ @ ] joshduggar When I put my phone on vibrate...lol 5h

[ @ ] soccerfreak667 Omg 5h

[ @ ] isabelle_staab Haha mr. Popularity 5h

[ @ ] _maiziewenger_ I called u omg 5h

[ @ ] bensbamagirl Someone was blowing up your phone! Ha! 4h

[ @ ] justinohella5 Josh did u butt dial and there calling u back 4h

[ @ ] thedanisaurus Someone is popular lol 2h

[ @ ] tammieloohoo Creeeeeeper !!!!! 2h

119 sheeple liked this pic. Really? What is it to like? Josh is a conceited ass!

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119 sheeple liked this pic. Really? What is it to like? Josh is a conceited ass!

I'm not sure if that's really his call log, but my first thought was Anna's freaking out about something and wants him to answer the damn phone.....Popularity, my arse.

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Just watch fox news & you can get a sneak peak. Josh has no original thoughts, he just regurgitates what he sees on tv without analyzing critically or fact-checking it.

I can't. I just can't. I think I threw up a little. (But you're totally right about what his royal Smuggums will present as fact.)

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Fox is not all Hannity et al. I've been watching some of the Fox coverage because Shep Smith is great. (I may have a small thing for him...) He is probably fairly conservative, but he cheered, on air, during his show when Obama came out for marriage equality. He was pretty emotional about it actually.

I watch all the networks more or less equally, and honestly, unless you are doing stuff like comparing Hannity to Rachel Maddow, there aren't enormous differences when it comes to straight news reporting. The problem s a lot of people can't tell the difference between news shows and opinion shows. Even Bill O'Reilly is not nearly as bad as generally portrayed. John Stewart does touring shows with him--they are friends! His interviews with Obama and Hilary Clinton were great and pretty fair. Of course, I agree with maybe .00001% of his views, but I like hearing the other side, and he is a good,source for that ecause he is at least usually respectful and doesn't make shit up. (unlike Hannity)

Josh is going to have to limit even his Fox viewing if he wants to ensure no new ideas seep in.

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steelehaley Got to meet a couple of the Duggar girls today! #artl #marchforlife #prolife #duggars 23h


kayleighfurrow #picstitch #marchforlife #duggars! Meet the Duggars at march for life!!:) basically the best day ever!!!! #lovethem 1d

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I can't believe with all the people at the rally and potential pictures we haven't heard a confirmation of Anna being pregnant. Maybe if they took a picture Anna asked for privacy? I see her acct is private again.

I hate how they think this is somehow helping. Why don't they give real help to the cause. I would like to see Anna pack up the kids and go drive a high risk women to her dr visit or watch a pregnant women's kids while she works or is on bedrest. Why not take the Duggar crew of self trained handyman to with additions/home remodel for these growing families. Or see Anna help give a mom a 2 hour break who has a downs or disabled child that she cares for 24/7 and did not abort. I hate the assumptions that it is all teen moms sitting at the abortion clinic. I think the Duggars would be surprised at how many women are over 25. Many over 40. I'm still left with such a low impression of these pro-life groups from my experience 10 years ago. I found out I had EDS 4 while pregnant and was at very high risk. We packed up & moved to a bigger city for high risk care. It was hard with 2 house payments, one lower salary,but I wasn't calling the pro-life groups for money, or clothes, or a crib. I wanted time. Not one had anyone who was volunteering time. My husband was working but it was 1 hour away. I needed rides to my dr appt , or help getting my only child on and off the bus, no...all they offered was a bag of clothes and some sort of crib. The pregnancy took a toll on my body and Im not even at 50% of what I was before 10 years later.

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On the Anna looks pregnant thread there is a pic someone put up of Priscilla and Anna where they are wearing matching maternity shirts and the caption says they are expecting at the same time (meaning preggo at the same time, not due at the same time)

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I actually watched fox news all day today and they were actually balanced. Not one snarky comment, they even had souvenirs and said that they wanted them. That probably explains why smuggums hasnt posted something... he didnt have anything offensive to parrot!

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I actually watched fox news all day today and they were actually balanced. Not one snarky comment, they even had souvenirs and said that they wanted them. That probably explains why smuggums hasnt posted something... he didnt have anything offensive to parrot!

His fragile little mind must be so confused....

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I can't believe with all the people at the rally and potential pictures we haven't heard a confirmation of Anna being pregnant. Maybe if they took a picture Anna asked for privacy? I see her acct is private again.

I hate how they think this is somehow helping. Why don't they give real help to the cause. I would like to see Anna pack up the kids and go drive a high risk women to her dr visit or watch a pregnant women's kids while she works or is on bedrest. Why not take the Duggar crew of self trained handyman to with additions/home remodel for these growing families. Or see Anna help give a mom a 2 hour break who has a downs or disabled child that she cares for 24/7 and did not abort. I hate the assumptions that it is all teen moms sitting at the abortion clinic. I think the Duggars would be surprised at how many women are over 25. Many over 40. I'm still left with such a low impression of these pro-life groups from my experience 10 years ago. I found out I had EDS 4 while pregnant and was at very high risk. We packed up & moved to a bigger city for high risk care. It was hard with 2 house payments, one lower salary,but I wasn't calling the pro-life groups for money, or clothes, or a crib. I wanted time. Not one had anyone who was volunteering time. My husband was working but it was 1 hour away. I needed rides to my dr appt , or help getting my only child on and off the bus, no...all they offered was a bag of clothes and some sort of crib. The pregnancy took a toll on my body and Im not even at 50% of what I was before 10 years later.

There's been confirmation, but it was accidental and got taken off facebook. And Anna probably doesn't have time to drive people to appointments between chasing after two (and soon 3) kids. Smuggar seems to have a lot of time on his hands, though...

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Just realised that if Anna is pregnant, four Keller girls are pregnant at the same time; Esther, Priscilla, Suzanna & Anna. This probably isn't uncommon in fundyland but it must be exciting for their parents to be expecting four grandchildren. (I'm not always snarky. Despite very different religious beliefs I like the Keller parents.)

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Just realised that if Anna is pregnant, four Keller girls are pregnant at the same time; Esther, Priscilla, Suzanna & Anna. This probably isn't uncommon in fundyland but it must be exciting for their parents to be expecting four grandchildren. (I'm not always snarky. Despite very different religious beliefs I like the Keller parents.)

Yeah, but are the Kellers going to count Suze's baby? Isn't she shunned or something? Or have I lost track of things?

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