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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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Just realised that if Anna is pregnant, four Keller girls are pregnant at the same time; Esther, Priscilla, Suzanna & Anna. This probably isn't uncommon in fundyland but it must be exciting for their parents to be expecting four grandchildren. (I'm not always snarky. Despite very different religious beliefs I like the Keller parents.)

Not to mention the fact that Daniel's adopted son is no more than 5 months old. That's 5 in a year, which just blows my mind. I think that it would be really cool to have that many cousins the same age. I know that the Kellers may not "accept" Daniel or Suze's babies, but it seems like the kids seem to want their children to grow up together. Although I can totally see Priscilla and David keeping their children away from their cousins.

I also hope that if the cousins are so close, Suze's and Daniel's children might end up positively influencing their fundie cousins. Free Sophia/M-3/BabyWaller!

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shedemei, thanks for posting that video of George Carlin. George was hilarious and he spoke truth to power. What a loss it was when he died

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Fox is not all Hannity et al. I've been watching some of the Fox coverage because Shep Smith is great. (I may have a small thing for him...) He is probably fairly conservative, but he cheered, on air, during his show when Obama came out for marriage equality. He was pretty emotional about it actually.


I :romance-heartbeating: Shep! Fox's motto is "Fair and Balanced" and really, he is the only one I think that lives up to it. I don't expect O'Reilly or Hannity to live up to it beccause they are talk, not news. But I find some of the other news people on Fox to be quite biased...or perhaps I just don't like them as much as Shep.

I flipped back and forth between channels during the coverage and based on what I saw, everyone was handling it nicely. I was rather impressed.

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119 sheeple liked this pic. Really? What is it to like? Josh is a conceited ass!

I had to check my own phone to see if this happened on it and its all from the same person bet he took Anna's phone and did it him self.

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I had to check my own phone to see if this happened on it and its all from the same person bet he took Anna's phone and did it him self.

And iPhone call logs do not look like this. There is no way this came from Joshie's beloved iToy.

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Mine does Graciebeth its done really close up and he doctored it of course.

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I'm not sure if that's really his call log, but my first thought was Anna's freaking out about something and wants him to answer the damn phone.....Popularity, my arse.

That's what I thought as well, it's Anna calling his ass or someone at the car lot.

Answer your damn phone on a weekday, idiot!! :twisted:

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I :romance-heartbeating: Shep! Fox's motto is "Fair and Balanced" and really, he is the only one I think that lives up to it. I don't expect O'Reilly or Hannity to live up to it beccause they are talk, not news. But I find some of the other news people on Fox to be quite biased...or perhaps I just don't like them as much as Shep.

I flipped back and forth between channels during the coverage and based on what I saw, everyone was handling it nicely. I was rather impressed.

I don't have Fox News where I live, but I did watch it in the US to see what the commotion about it was all about, during the Bush years. In fact, I remember being in upstate NY watching it druing "Katrina" and I remember Shep Smith...I thought that if their on air staff were all like him it couldn't be so bad. I was wrong, as a lot of them are GOP tools, but to be honest these are not "newscasters" but rather "news commentators" (thinking about Hannity and O'Reilly here.)!! But Sheppard Smith was great in la Nouvelle-Orléans. They also have Bill Hemmer, whom I called "the most boring newsperson" when he was on CNN. Keep him, Fox News. The one that really pisses me off the most for some reason is the one with white hair and glasses, he's on at 5PM I think? I forgot his last name but I think his first name is "John" or "Neil" ?? Saw him 2 or 3 times on the air, gosh he is vile. :o

Loved, loved the "Karl Rove meltdown" that happened last election night. Must have watched the clip on youtube dozens of times. Every time I keep thinking "karma for the 2000 elections, Karl!"

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That's what I thought as well, it's Anna calling his ass or someone at the car lot.

Answer your damn phone on a weekday, idiot!! :twisted:

It was on vibrate because he was taking his mid morning after breakfast pre lunch nap nap. Twattering and posting shit online while playing NRA games on your iphone is very draining.

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shedemei, thanks for posting that video of George Carlin. George was hilarious and he spoke truth to power. What a loss it was when he died

+1...God, I just loved him. He made me think about things differently when I was a teen when a friends older brother was watching the ebil librul while I was visiting. One of the first steps on a pretty long road. What makes me ticked is the topics he was highlighting then are still pretty much the same level of fucked up today. There just seems like such a long way to go and I guess I want instant change, dammit. Can't find a foot stomping smilie.

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It was on vibrate because he was taking his mid morning after breakfast pre lunch nap nap. Twattering and posting shit online while playing NRA games on your iphone is very draining.

Ahhh, thank you for the laugh! :lol:

Also, he is such a jackass.

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Josh is going to be shirking work to be in DC on Friday for another pointless task.

Josh Duggar â€@joshduggar

Excited to join pro-life leaders in Washington on Friday at the National March for Life! Join us in praying to end abortion! #MarchforLife

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And iPhone call logs do not look like this. There is no way this came from Joshie's beloved iToy.

Yeah that doesn't look anything even remotely the way mine looks either...

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[ @ ] joshduggar Full faith & credit? #USA 59min

[ @ ] rayofgrace Yikes! 47min

Is he seriously a moron? Why is this hard to understand? FDIC insurance was established by congress under Reagan. Shouldnt he like Reagan? Does smuggles not understand that, should the insurance fail the government has pledged to back the deposits up to the allowable amount. I guess banking history isnt part of the curriculum at SODRT.

Keep hoarding gold in a shoebox, smuggles.

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Josh is going to be shirking work to be in DC on Friday for another pointless task.

Wouldn't it be the same that one genius who had people all praying for a rain in drought season in TX?

:roll: Prayers! It solves everything!1!

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Well, the FDIC was first established as part of FDR's New Deal, so it's clearly an ebil socialist program.

Thats true... Stuff those mattresses Joshie!

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Sweet Christ on a cracker! The DC March for Life is this Friday? Gaaaah--I work on Capitol Hill and it takes superhuman stregth to get through those days without wretching a giant bleeding fetus poster out of some Catholic school teens' hand and beating her to death with it.

They bus in the Catholic school kids by the thousands for this. After the march, they leave piles of their nasty graphic posters all over the Hill and the National Mall. Can't expect the self righteous to clean up after themselves, I guess!

I don't know if having the Duggars around will make it better or worse. But if I spot them, I will be sure to take pics!

I have a couple of coworkers who find the whole annual carnival of holier-than-thouness too much to bear, and they take the day off.

The high temp forecast for Friday in Washington is 30 degrees F (-1 C), so please don't wear flip flops, Duggar gals!

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Oh FFS are they really going to load the whole brood up in a bus and drive to DC for this shit? I wonder if Davilla will meet them for an extra exclaimation point on the "we're doing it right and you are going to hell."

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Oh FFS are they really going to load the whole brood up in a bus and drive to DC for this shit? I wonder if Davilla will meet them for an extra exclaimation point on the "we're doing it right and you are going to hell."

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole family goes. They love being ubber anti-choice activists. I recall there was picture of Josiah and one of the younger boys holding an anti-choice sign at a rally a few years back. Of course, Mullet would love to be there and talk about how children are blessings and how everyone should have a shit load of kids.

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There is a chance of snow here in DC on Friday. Please, flying Spaghetti Monster, let's have a blizzard. Maybe the Bates will drive up from East Tennessee as well--its only about 8 1/2 hours for them.

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What exactly is the March for Life doing? Is it doing anything useful, like raising money for pregnant women who cant afford a baby but are choosing to keep it? Donating toys, clothes and food to children who are in poor families or are in foster care?

Im guessing not, theyre probably just offending the eyes of everyone who looks with pictures of "aborted fetuses". Josh, the pictures arent of actual aborted fetuses because most abortions happen when it does not even resemble anything human. Theyre usually late term miscarriages or fetuses which were very much wanted but had medical conditions incompatible with survival and would not have survived outside of the uterus, and I bet you wouldnt be happy if people used Jubilee's picture for that.

I wish people would stop dragging children to these protests. Its disgusting and wrong. I dont think a five year old needs to know what an abortion is, because there is no way they could understand it properly. Stop corrupting your childs innocence, I think seeing a picture like that would be way worse for a child than seeing a woman in pants and a top showing her cleavage or seeing two men kissing. Normal people culture is not damaging your child. This sort of stuff and all of the focus on purity is damaging your child.

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Sweet Christ on a cracker! The DC March for Life is this Friday? Gaaaah--I work on Capitol Hill and it takes superhuman stregth to get through those days without wretching a giant bleeding fetus poster out of some Catholic school teens' hand and beating her to death with it.

They bus in the Catholic school kids by the thousands for this.

I apologize for being one of those kids. I went to high school in Arlington, and we used to get half the day off if we'd go into the march.

I'm so sorry for my participation.

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I have to share this story: Once, on a class trip in undergrad, we were in front of the SC and there were abortion protesters, all kneeling in prayer. My professor handed a girl her camera and took a picture of her kneeling behind them, flipping the bird and opening her jacket - which happened to be a Planned Parenthood shirt.,

We loved it.

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