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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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What exactly is the March for Life doing? Is it doing anything useful, like raising money for pregnant women who cant afford a baby but are choosing to keep it? Donating toys, clothes and food to children who are in poor families or are in foster care?

Im guessing not, theyre probably just offending the eyes of everyone who looks with pictures of "aborted fetuses". Josh, the pictures arent of actual aborted fetuses because most abortions happen when it does not even resemble anything human. Theyre usually late term miscarriages or fetuses which were very much wanted but had medical conditions incompatible with survival and would not have survived outside of the uterus, and I bet you wouldnt be happy if people used Jubilee's picture for that.

I wish people would stop dragging children to these protests. Its disgusting and wrong. I dont think a five year old needs to know what an abortion is, because there is no way they could understand it properly. Stop corrupting your childs innocence, I think seeing a picture like that would be way worse for a child than seeing a woman in pants and a top showing her cleavage or seeing two men kissing. Normal people culture is not damaging your child. This sort of stuff and all of the focus on purity is damaging your child.

Dear Duggars, please skip your bullshit rally and donate all the money you would have spent on gas and lodging to purchase formula and diapers for those "blessings" in need. Put your money where your mouth is, either the children are worth saving or they arent. A breathing hungry baby is worth more than your ability to showcase how holy you are.

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How the fuck can they smile at an anti-abortion protest? I went to one major counter-protest of a pro-life rally where I was completely exhausted by the middle of the event, but I had to keep going. Then again, I guess it's more emotionally draining to be called "murderer" all day than to be the one calling other people "murderers." I hope they are REAL fucking proud of themselves.

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Yeah that doesn't look anything even remotely the way mine looks either...

Maybe it's the phone from the car lot on rd chatmans day off.

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I just went to Jimmy John's for a blandwich and realized that I'm now seeing things through the eyes of Smuggar. Like, there was a sign with a paragraph of jumbled words that was still readable because of the powers of the human mind (WOW!) and I thought to myself, this is exactly the kind of thing Josh would Instagram with an "lol" caption and then it'd get 200 hearts & leghumps of approval.

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I just went to Jimmy John's for a blandwich and realized that I'm now seeing things through the eyes of Smuggar. Like, there was a sign with a paragraph of jumbled words that was still readable because of the powers of the human mind (WOW!) and I thought to myself, this is exactly the kind of thing Josh would Instagram with an "lol" caption and then it'd get 200 hearts & leghumps of approval.

I've often threatened to have a fakejoshduggar instagram account and do shit like that. It would be HILARIOUS! But, you know, I have a job...

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I've often threatened to have a fakejoshduggar instagram account and do shit like that. It would be HILARIOUS! But, you know, I have a job...

That would be so awesome. Especially if a bunch of us FJers got to play fake leghumpers.

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Dear Duggars, please skip your bullshit rally and donate all the money you would have spent on gas and lodging to purchase formula and diapers for those "blessings" in need. Put your money where your mouth is, either the children are worth saving or they arent. A breathing hungry baby is worth more than your ability to showcase how holy you are.

QFT, Buzzard and ILoveJellyBeans. Quoted for the fucking truth.

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Dear Duggars, please skip your bullshit rally and donate all the money you would have spent on gas and lodging to purchase formula and diapers for those "blessings" in need. Put your money where your mouth is, either the children are worth saving or they arent. A breathing hungry baby is worth more than your ability to showcase how holy you are.

QFT. And, Duggars, while you're at it, why don't you, like, spend the time you'd be traveling and attending the rally doing something truly productive. Something like actually educating the kids at the dining room table... oh, wait, that's right, what DO they learn there, anyway?

Then again, we're talking about parents gullible enough to fall for Gothard's philosophy and a father selfish enough to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into a failed political campaign instead of into his family. Never mind.

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The iPhone missed call log looks like that...when all your missed calls are from one person. (Hard to explain, but if your log says "Anna Duggar (6)" and you touch the name, the list will look like what he posted). SO popular, SO special, SO sparkling, and as always, SO douchey.

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Anna is really taking this whole gun thing to heart.


[ @ ] mikayla_is_totally_cute_217 2nd like!!!! 10h

[ @ ] oreohope12 Haha I love this show 10h

[ @ ] alyssa_marie_gulledge God is supposed to protect you, right? Why do you need a gun? Why do people need automatic assault weapons. #ignoranceisbliss 9h

[ @ ] tammieloohoo Uhh oh, best go get Goober ! 9h

[ @ ] devoninski If guns make us safer , then shouldn't America be the safest place on earth? 9h

[ @ ] lynangel1023 To each his own! Protect thyself! 7h

[ @ ] heather_mariem To a previous commenter: Cause God gave us free will, and that means deciding from right and wrong. We need to protect ourselves from those that decide to do wrong. 7h

[ @ ] carlislemelanie It's common sense...kill or be killed!! 6h

[ @ ] lainey_crain25 @alyssa_marie_gulledge a gun doesn't have to be an automatic assault weapon to be a form of self-defense. My favorite handgun is a Taurus Judge, a small handgun that only shoots one bullet at a time. It's not even semi-automatic. As to God protecting us, this is true. But haven't you heard the saying, "The Lord helps those who help themselves"? There's some truth in that. Man left to himself is degenerate and sometimes without morals. There is no "goodness" in man, so we cannot trust him to do the right thing. Some men don't see a problem with obtaining weapons to carry out crimes. What stops a crime where a criminal carries a gun?? Another person with a gun. A gun is the ultimate equalizer: it is not evil in itself, but rather an enabler. The good or bad in a gun, then, is decided by the character of the person behind the gun. Do you know the reason Adolfo Hitler was so successful in becoming one of the most horrific dictators in history? He first disarmed his people...and they LET HIM DO IT. Once you surrender the right to defend you and your own against evil men, you've signed your own death warrant. #ignoranceisbliss but it would appear that you are the one in ignorance. It would behoove you well to consider both sides of a situation before spouting off your imagined pearls of wisdom. #justsayin #twosidestoeverystory #iknowyouresmart #thinkaboutit 2h

[ @ ] dreamofsnows @alyssa_marie_gulledge you're one of those professional victims. Think 2h

[ @ ] tonimac88 @lainey_crain25 I agree wholeheartedly! Very eloquently said!!! Bravo! 1h

Shouldnt she be posting about dead babies or something this week?

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Anna is really taking this whole gun thing to heart.


Shouldnt she be posting about dead babies or something this week?

Oh FFS. The. Government. Is. Not. Taking. Away. Guns. It is just trying to make it more difficult for crazy paranoid nut jobs to obtain them. Hand guns will still be legal. Rifles will still be legal. Guns with the capability of killing a large group of people in roughly one minute will not be (hopefully). High capacity magazines won't be. Background checks will be mandatory. None of this equates disarming the American people. The stupid, it burns! Also, Obama is in no way comparable to Hitler. Just stop it already. *headdesk*

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Seriously, I cant believe how batshit crazy people are about their damned guns. Phrases like "ultimate equalizer" scare the fuck out of me. If both people dont have a gun, then they could fight in good ole hand-to-hand combat, and probably no one would end up dead. THAT is the ultimate equalizer to me.

Guns make nothing equal. They end lives. Period. They are made to kill things that breathe. That is the entire purpose of them.

And, again, I'm still blown by the logic of these fundies. Save the babies. Kill the adults.

I'm not even going to go into how depressing the thought of man being innately degenerate and bad makes me. This is why I gave up Christianity for Lent so many years ago.... I do NOT agree that people are innately evil. "Evil" people develop mostly out of chemicals wrong in the brain and/or some horrific circumstances of their environment and upbringing. A baby is born innocent... it's what happens in the ensuing years that fucks them up.

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Dontcha know it STARTS with the super dangerous ones? After those are taken away, then they will slowwwwwly take away the rifles and the handguns! Then Obama will be in charge forever and we will be forced to worship him because HE IS THE ANTICHRIST PEOPLES!

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Josh is going to be shirking work to be in DC on Friday for another pointless task.

It's going to be colder than kraut here in DC on Friday....with some snow. Hang in there, heretic!

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It's going to be colder than kraut here in DC on Friday....with some snow. Hang in there, heretic!

They can only hope that the hellfire emanating from the ebil liberals in DC will keep them warm.

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They can only hope that the hellfire emanating from the ebil liberals in DC will keep them warm.



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[ @ ] joshduggar Awesome sunrise! 3h

[ @ ] mommy3dee @joshduggar beautiful! It's in these moments of beauty that I feel God completely! 3h

[ @ ] rae9393 Jesus clouds 3h

[ @ ] serendipity_blooms Heaven on Earth 3h

[ @ ] rachelwv14 So beautiful!! God is so great!! 2h

Smugly's idea of "sunrise" looks like 9am...

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Smugly's idea of "sunrise" looks like 9am...

:lol: Can't wait for the Like button so I can hit it for posts like these!

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I would like to thank our Dear Leader Kim Jong Un for this masterful beauteous sunrise that I have the good and undeserved fortune to look upon.

At least, that's what all those leghumps thanking God for everything remind me of.

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I would like to thank our Dear Leader Kim Jong Un for this masterful beauteous sunrise that I have the good and undeserved fortune to look upon.

At least, that's what all those leghumps thanking God for everything remind me of.

:clap: :text-bravo: Those were my thoughts too.

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Oddly, that "sunrise" was posted around 9:30. I doubt Smugly has the stamina to have ever witnessed a real sunrise. He needs his beauty sleep, after all!

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