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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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In continuing the theme of "sunrise"... Smuggums is on a plane! I'm impressed that he ponied up (or TLC did) to send them to DC via air.


[ @ ] joshduggar Morning sunrise from 30,000 feet #abovetheclouds #sunrise 42min

[ @ ] sam_pascowee Incredible shot @joshduggar 16min

[ @ ] vasquezmommy Undeniably beautiful!! How Majestic is His name! 1min


[ @ ] joshduggar #sunrise #nofilter 41min

[ @ ] sweeshy Gorgeous!! 34min

Good luck flying back if theres a storm!

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[ @ ] mackynziesmom Just the two of us headed to DC! 2h

[ @ ] trissy_pop_corn Have fun :) praying for a safe trip 1h

[ @ ] thedanisaurus Beautiful couple! 1h

[ @ ] eriebeling Me too! #prolifemarch 48min

So it appears that the entire brood isnt going? Smugly isnt working and someone else is watching his kids so he can go play 'warrior for jebus' in DC. Love the flag pin, douchebag. Pinning a flag on your lapel doesnt hide the fact that youre a self righteous piece of shit.

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[ @ ] joshduggar Awesome sunrise! 3h

[ @ ] mommy3dee @joshduggar beautiful! It's in these moments of beauty that I feel God completely! 3h

[ @ ] rae9393 Jesus clouds 3h

[ @ ] serendipity_blooms Heaven on Earth 3h

[ @ ] rachelwv14 So beautiful!! God is so great!! 2h

Personally, the magnificence of Jesus slush never fails to take my breath away! Praise his meteorological wonder!


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So it appears that the entire brood isnt going? Smugly isnt working and someone else is watching his kids so he can go play 'warrior for jebus' in DC. Love the flag pin, douchebag. Pinning a flag on your lapel doesnt hide the fact that youre a self righteous piece of shit.

Josh is a confirmed speaker at the Family Research Council's ProLifeCon.


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:clap: :text-bravo: Those were my thoughts too.

Thanks, I'm glad you understand what I was going for! They're, like, brown-nosing God.

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Oh FFS. The. Government. Is. Not. Taking. Away. Guns. It is just trying to make it more difficult for crazy paranoid nut jobs to obtain them. Hand guns will still be legal. Rifles will still be legal. Guns with the capability of killing a large group of people in roughly one minute will not be (hopefully). High capacity magazines won't be. Background checks will be mandatory. None of this equates disarming the American people. The stupid, it burns! Also, Obama is in no way comparable to Hitler. Just stop it already. *headdesk*

What an ironic picture to show an "the government is coming to take away your guns!" post on Instagram! Sheriff Andy Taylor was known for NOT carrying a gun and Mayberry was supposed to be so crime free. Barney was for all practical purposes unarmed. His not carrying a loaded weapon was for his own protection.

At this moment, TV Land is showing a rerun where Andy's not carrying a gun is again mentioned. In fact, Andy mentions to the Mayor that that police are not armed with guns over in England, but instead are armed with billy clubs. He asks Mayor Stoner if he and Barney ought to start carrying sticks.

Btw, Andy Griffith was a staunch Democrat and he and Ron Howard made an ad for Obama in 2008.

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Josh is a confirmed speaker at the Family Research Council's ProLifeCon.


They're that desperate? I feel for the people subjected to Josh's dreadful pontification.

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They're that desperate? I feel for the people subjected to Josh's dreadful pontification.

I'm wondering what exactly he could have to say. He hasn't done much of anything since being expelled from Michelle's uterus.

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They're that desperate? I feel for the people subjected to Josh's dreadful pontification.

Well that explains who paid for the plane tickets! I'm amused by this:

Confirmed Speakers include:

Jeanne Monahan, President, March for Life

Dr. Russell Moore, Dean of the School of Theology and Senior Vice President for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)

Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.)

Jill Stanek, JillStanek.com

Kate Bryan, Communications Director, LiveAction

Kristan Hawkins, President, Students for Life of America

Josh Duggar

Dan Pennell, Life United

Roland Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Care Net

Janet Durig, Executive Director, Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center

Dean Nelson, National Black Pro-Life Coalition

Jason Jones, MovieToMovement

Dr. Michael J. New, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan-Dearborn

More to be announced

Notice how EVERYONE else has an organization, political title, or education credentials after their name??? Except smuggums - he's not even a "small business owner" or "reality show star." Nope, he's just Josh Duggar... no accomplishments whatsoever!

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Oh FFS. The. Government. Is. Not. Taking. Away. Guns. It is just trying to make it more difficult for crazy paranoid nut jobs to obtain them. Hand guns will still be legal. Rifles will still be legal. Guns with the capability of killing a large group of people in roughly one minute will not be (hopefully). High capacity magazines won't be. Background checks will be mandatory. None of this equates disarming the American people. The stupid, it burns! Also, Obama is in no way comparable to Hitler. Just stop it already. *headdesk*

So, I'm guessing Adolfo Hitler is Adolf's Italian brother or something? No?

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Ah Buzzard, I was just going to write the same thing! They could at least say Josh Duggar, Incessant Instagramer. Here's the event summary:

Pro-life internet activists will gather at Family Research Council headquarters on January 25th, 2013 for ProLifeCon, the premier conference for the online pro-life community. The event will be webcast live, and will feature experts and legislators to inform you about the cutting edge of the pro-life movement and give you ways to make a difference on blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the rest of the online world.

So I guess all you need to be a pro-life internet activist is to put random pictures up on your Facebook and instagram? Anyone else planning on watching the webcast? Is there a schedule anywhere that says when Josh is pontificating?

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Wait, so Josh is ditching both of his living kids to go & criticize people who are choosing not to become parents?

Shocker there.

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A free webcast, y'all!! Registration takes 30 seconds!

Joshie is going to have to get his butt out of bed unusually early for this 8:30 AM event (& we have snow on the ground already in DC, and more coming tomorrow).

Perhaps Anna's pregnancy will be announced during the webcast.

I predict lots of douche-y pics of Josh with the 2 Members of Congress who will be attending. One of whom is a Republican woman (of course Gothard gals would never been so bold as to run for Congress themselves.)

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Oh FFS. The. Government. Is. Not. Taking. Away. Guns. It is just trying to make it more difficult for crazy paranoid nut jobs to obtain them. Hand guns will still be legal. Rifles will still be legal. Guns with the capability of killing a large group of people in roughly one minute will not be (hopefully). High capacity magazines won't be. Background checks will be mandatory. None of this equates disarming the American people. The stupid, it burns! Also, Obama is in no way comparable to Hitler. Just stop it already. *headdesk*

Clearly she's self-aware enough to know that she and the rest of the Gothardites fall into this category. So I don't think she's completely wrong about the government coming for her guns.

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Ah Buzzard, I was just going to write the same thing! They could at least say Josh Duggar, Incessant Instagramer. Here's the event summary:

So I guess all you need to be a pro-life internet activist is to put random pictures up on your Facebook and instagram? Anyone else planning on watching the webcast? Is there a schedule anywhere that says when Josh is pontificating?

Joshie does have nearly 3000 friends on facebook doesnt that make him an expert?

Oh wait, a goat has 13,651...


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[ @ ] joshduggar Hello DC! (and snow :) 2h

[ @ ] katherinegracepipe Such a pretty picture 2h

[ @ ] hayhopp @joshduggar Lucky! I've always wanted to go there. :) 2h

[ @ ] raschofield Hope yall have a great time together! (: 2h

[ @ ] andyentrekin Heard its bone-chilling there 1h

Rule 1 of being a "social media expert" - DONT TILT THE FUCKING CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[ @ ] xxe_freeman18xx Are you guys in Washington, D.C. For the march for life? @joshduggar 50min

[ @ ] bensbamagirl #picoftheday 32min

No, random leghumper, its a fucking coincidence. He's really there to go to the Smithsonian and see the dinosaurs.

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Rule 1 of being a "social media expert" - DONT TILT THE FUCKING CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No, random leghumper, its a fucking coincidence. He's really there to go to the Smithsonian and see the dinosaurs.

Now, it would interesting if he did go to the Smithsonian to see the dinosaurs and ask why Jesus isn't riding on one of them.

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Now, it would interesting if he did go to the Smithsonian to see the dinosaurs and ask why Jesus isn't riding on one of them.

If he did go to the Smithsonian, he'd probably just say it was "neat" and "awesome". No original or deep thought going on in the space between his ears.

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I'd love to see his reaction to he Apotheosis of George Washington sculpture.

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Joshie does have nearly 3000 friends on facebook doesnt that make him an expert?

Oh wait, a goat has 13,651..


Josh Duggar, 23% as popular as a goat.

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