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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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I'm gonna go with "ebil catholics #wrongbeliefs" for $500

I think it'd break his brain, what with its mind-boggling combination of Founding Father patriotism, defrauding torso, and borderline blasphemy. Of course, Josh would only be truly offended after looking up the meaning of apotheosis on his iPhone.

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So, I'm guessing Adolfo Hitler is Adolf's Italian brother or something? No?

Love the "Adolfo Hitler" bit!! :lol: :lol: What a stupid woman.

Wow, "man is degenerate without God", blablabla. Urgh. :twisted:

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Well that explains who paid for the plane tickets! I'm amused by this:

Notice how EVERYONE else has an organization, political title, or education credentials after their name??? Except smuggums - he's not even a "small business owner" or "reality show star." Nope, he's just Josh Duggar... no accomplishments whatsoever!

A "Janet Durig" from the "Capitol Hill Pregnancy Centre" is scheduled to pontificate. What is that centre? Located inside the Capitol to pester young sexually active House interns and yelling at them that they're degenerate harlots who'll burn in hell if they abort??

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A "Janet Durig" from the "Capitol Hill Pregnancy Centre" is scheduled to pontificate. What is that centre? Located inside the Capitol to pester young sexually active House interns and yelling at them that they're degenerate harlots who'll burn in hell if they abort??

Capitol Hill is a neighborhood in DC as well as The Place where the Capitol Sits. It's basically the area around the capitol for a few blocks. There is some residential (particularly on the east side) and local traffic. It's a lot of office buildings, too.

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Love the "Adolfo Hitler" bit!! :lol: :lol: What a stupid woman.

Wow, "man is degenerate without God", blablabla. Urgh. :twisted:

And, she's factualy incorrect. Hitler relaxed gun controls, except, of course, for Jews.

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A "Janet Durig" from the "Capitol Hill Pregnancy Centre" is scheduled to pontificate. What is that centre? Located inside the Capitol to pester young sexually active House interns and yelling at them that they're degenerate harlots who'll burn in hell if they abort??

You're right. It isn't an impressive list, overall, and is scraping the bottom of the barrel with Joshie.

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A "Janet Durig" from the "Capitol Hill Pregnancy Centre" is scheduled to pontificate. What is that centre? Located inside the Capitol to pester young sexually active House interns and yelling at them that they're degenerate harlots who'll burn in hell if they abort??



While we do not perform or refer for abortions, we provide women and men with complete, medically-accurate information about abortion. We believe it is everyone's right to have this information in order to make a fully informed decision.

"Medically accurate" as in abortion causes breast cancer?

Mission Statement: The Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center serves the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing intervention and abortion alternatives for women and men facing crisis pregnancies; prepares and trains parents through education for pregnancy, birth and beyond; expresses the love of Jesus Christ through emotional support and friendship; and encourages a lifestyle that reflects godly values, especially with regard to sexual behavior.

I'm sure her addition to the conference will be riveting and not at all predictable.

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[ @ ] joshduggar Just finished an hour with our friend & US Senator John Boozman in DC. Great time! 8min

[ @ ] 512smellme Y'all look great!! Looks like a beautiful, sunny day! 13s

As expected, joshie pretending to be sooper important by seeing his "friend" the senator!

Anna still looks like she's chewing gum

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Wait, so Josh is ditching both of his living kids to go & criticize people who are choosing not to become parents?

Shocker there.

In Joshes mind, the kids don't matter once they are born. Josh would like to see all social services disappear because he thinks that the people in those programs are lazy.

Edit to say that my avatar did not survive the transaction.

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Did you know you can't post on his timeline with pics of your own he won't allow it. You can comment of course but no pics damn.

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I'm wondering what exactly he could have to say. He hasn't done much of anything since being expelled from Michelle's uterus.

"Labour and delivery are easy - I even managed to sleep through them!"

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Notice how EVERYONE else has an organization, political title, or education credentials after their name??? Except smuggums - he's not even a "small business owner" or "reality show star." Nope, he's just Josh Duggar... no accomplishments whatsoever!

I like how there are only 2 speakers with an academic title, and the one who belongs to an actual university is an assistant professor. Whoever said they're scraping the bottom of barrel got it right.

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As expected, joshie pretending to be sooper important by seeing his "friend" the senator!

Anna still looks like she's chewing gum

That's just her jacked-up grill.

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Predictions for Josh's speech

-Tells the story of J'Caleb

-talks about his 18 siblings

-talks about his 2 kids

-then announces baby 3

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Predictions for Josh's speech

-Tells the story of J'Caleb

-talks about his 18 siblings

-talks about his 2 kids

-then announces baby 3

I think he'll talk about their pain at Jubilee - how "perfectly formed" she was, possibly even whipping out some pictures. They MAY delve into their own miscarraige experiences. He'll talk about some made up story about women coming to him or Anna saying how their show brought them to Jebus and/or convinced her to not abort her blessing, and how she now sends him christmas cards. And yes, announce baby 3.

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I really don't think he'll announce baby #3 unless it's on the 19K&C show. With all the speculation and few photos available, (plus those pulled off of FB pages)it's pretty obvious that they are deliberately not saying anything.

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I really don't think he'll announce baby #3 unless it's on the 19K&C show. With all the speculation and few photos available, (plus those pulled off of FB pages)it's pretty obvious that they are deliberately not saying anything.

I think they could have the announcement already taped for the show, and he's going to announce it IRL at the conference or whatever it is. It's not like a Z list celebrity couple having their 3rd child is really Today Show material. It'll be chronicled on 19KAC and the public will see it air a few months down the line. They've probably taped them announcing it to the family at the TTH. He's probably hoping to make as much of a media splash as possible, by announcing it without warning and in a way that drags his sorry excuse for politics into it.

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Josh is a confirmed speaker at the Family Research Council's ProLifeCon.


WTF makes him an expert??? I think i want to hurl....

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As expected, joshie pretending to be sooper important by seeing his "friend" the senator!

Anna still looks like she's chewing gum

Beautiful, sunny day?! White sky, snow on the ground, and someone thinks it looks sunny?!

It was snowy this morning and frigidly cold. Not the most pleasant DC morning on record. (I like snow; disliked 3 hr drive to work this morning)

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YAY!!! Lil Mr. "I dont need outside influences" is sure taken to dem wurdley sportz!


[ @ ] joshduggar Washington Capitals game! 7min

[ @ ] duckylou222 coolio 6min

[ @ ] trissy_pop_corn Awesome :) 47s

Hockey looks better at an angle... :?


[ @ ] joshduggar Go Capitals! #hockey 2min

Anna has some serious side eye going on!

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Who wears a suit and tie to a hockey game? Kind of funny considering he just wore jeans to a legislative session.

QFT you took the words right out of my little typing fingers!

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Who wears a suit and tie to a hockey game? Kind of funny considering he just wore jeans to a legislative session.

Priorities. He has them :roll:

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