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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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YAY!!! Lil Mr. "I dont need outside influences" is sure taken to dem wurdley sportz!


Hockey looks better at an angle... :?


Anna has some serious side eye going on!

That is not fucking fair. That makes at least 2 pro hockey games that they've gotten to go to for free and the only thing they really know about hockey is that it's kind of like broomball :|

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Dear Smuggar and Smuggaress,

Walk around the slum parts of DC for a bit for me. You'll see homeless children walking around, begging for money or for food. Go visit a third world country where you will see children begging you to buy something from them, just so they can get money to get food for their starving family. I hope then you'll both stop caring so much with saving a fetus and instead worry about helping those children who have come out of the womb and are barely making it daily with little food and water. Then again, who am I kidding? You're both stubborn and are willing to fight for a woman's choice on aborting a fetus than help those children who are struggling to survive. Well, actually, the only time you do care is when you show them to Jesus but that doesn't count.

In other words, you both are sorry excuses for human beings and I do mean that in the kindest way possible.

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[ @ ] mackynziesmom I would encourage each of you to take a few minuets of your time and watch 180 the movie! It would be well worth your time!!!

In case you would like to take her advice, here are a few minuets:




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In case you would like to take her advice, here are a few minuets:




They didn't change my mind on abortion. Maybe I didn't listen to enough?

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As expected, joshie pretending to be sooper important by seeing his "friend" the senator!

Anna still looks like she's chewing gum

Anna looks just like her mother.... and that's not a good thing.

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That's just her jacked-up grill.

It always looks like she's chewing gum to me, too, but now that I've taken a closer look, it looks like she juts out her lower jaw a bit and really pulls her lower lips back. Almost like she's going for a Michelle Duggar Keep Sweet Smile (Trademark)!

And that's what I used to do when i was a kid & an adult wanted me to show them where i lost my baby tooth.

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They didn't change my mind on abortion. Maybe I didn't listen to enough?

I think you need to actually dance.


That's it.

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I hate to break it to Joshie is that if J'ichelle could not expel the last one naturally she would had to have a medical approved abortion to save her life. Because she could do it with the help of medication and did it at home it was termed a miscarriage. If that did not work she would had to go to the hospital and have an ebil abortion. He needs to think about that as he and wifiepoo are marching. They might be in the same situation some day.

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I saw the others posted - but not this one yet...


joshduggar Great dinner in Georgetown! 2h

feedthatbaby Hope your having fun....we r watching a repeat as we speak of 19kids...where your brother runs for office! So fun 2h

edybug Beautiful sight 2h

simplystavish Yum love that place 1h

emmasuepooder It's rumored Anna is pregnant. Is she :)? 1h

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I saw the others posted - but not this one yet...


joshduggar Great dinner in Georgetown! 2h

feedthatbaby Hope your having fun....we r watching a repeat as we speak of 19kids...where your brother runs for office! So fun 2h

edybug Beautiful sight 2h

simplystavish Yum love that place 1h

emmasuepooder It's rumored Anna is pregnant. Is she :)? 1h

Missed that one! She really has J'chelle's hunch going! I cant tell from the way the coat is tied but she doesnt look as "big" as she has in some of the other pics. I'm not so sure about the bun in the oven.

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At least two people who actually know the Duggars in person have now said that Anna is pregnant (one congratulated them, one stated outright that she is pregnant). There's also the picture of her and Priscilla in matching maternity shirts. So I think it's fairly safe to assume at this point that she is pregnant.

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Missed that one! She really has J'chelle's hunch going! I cant tell from the way the coat is tied but she doesnt look as "big" as she has in some of the other pics. I'm not so sure about the bun in the oven.

Yep, she definitely has the hunch thing going -which is annoying!

That said? It's been noted by people who know the Duggars in person (as well as the facebook photo that's since gone missing) that she is indeed pregnant. (So, it's only a matter of time before we get the announcement.) I think the hunching may be to throw us off the bump - but it's still fairly visible.

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ANNA. For fuck's sake. Stand up straight. Why do you want to be your mother-in-law so damn badly? Jeez. Does Josh have Mommy issues, or is she trying to become a mini-J'chelle because she assumes that this is expected of her as oldest daughter-in-law? Or does she truly think Michelle is the paragon of grace and light?

Honestly, I know opinions are mixed here about Anna, but I don't see any indication that she's miserable or Over It. She's tired, but her eyes are smiling. Obviously only she knows, but from what I've observed she seems smugly confident in her life, and perhaps considers herself the envy of others.

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That is not fucking fair. That makes at least 2 pro hockey games that they've gotten to go to for free and the only thing they really know about hockey is that it's kind of like broomball :|

Charitable comment for the day: Josh looks really good in that photo.

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Maybe we should nickname starting using the nickname Annachelle.

How about A'chelle? Then it even sounds like Michelle!

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How about A'chelle? Then it even sounds like Michelle!

:( But I don't want anyone to sound like Michelle. One baby voice is enough.

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Charitable comment for the day: Josh looks really good in that photo.

Peace sign guy amuses me. I wonder if Josh was photo-bombed or does Josh know him?

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I think he'll probably talk about Jubilee and J'Caleb. I would be kind of surprised if he talked about Anna's miscarriages... one of the only things I can say to his credit is that he doesn't seem to bring up the painful things she has gone through... I've only seen it addressed by Anna herself. I don't think Josh would have any idea what to say about a real life tragic experience, anyway. The kids in that family are not taught to acknowledge or deal with their feelings, they seem embarrassed by them. I'm sure whatever he has to contribute at the conference is just recycled crap he's heard other people say.

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Oh, damn you, Josh Duggar, I had a dream about meeting you and Anna last night. In the dream, Anna looked like she was 40 years old. And there were three smugger children.

But, seriously, I am upset that I had any dream that involved the Duggars.

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Filomena is a very nice restaurant in Georgetown (see menus here: http://www.filomena.com/index.html). I'd love to know who picked up the check. I don't quite understand why you would eat dinner in one end of the city, and then go to a 7PM hockey game way across town though. I wonder who is driving them around? The Canadiens won, by the way.

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I see Joshie posted an Instagram picture at approximately 9:30 of his morning metro ride. even though the event/webcast that he is participating in began at 8:30. Glad to know he's giving his full attention to his fellow speakers.

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