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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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I see Joshie posted an Instagram picture at approximately 9:30 of his morning metro ride. even though the event/webcast that he is participating in began at 8:30. Glad to know he's giving his full attention to his fellow speakers.

Come on! He might actually learn something if he sat through the entire conference... Why the hell would he want to do that? :roll:

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He's tweeting up a storm about this march for life shit. I almost unfollowed him because even though I enjoy the spying, I didnt appreciate my twitter feed littered with his pro-life crap this morning.

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He's tweeting up a storm about this march for life shit. I almost unfollowed him because even though I enjoy the spying, I didnt appreciate my twitter feed littered with his pro-life crap this morning.

Just keep in mind that it's abut 20 degrees here in DC and snow starting this afternoon. They're gonna freeze!

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Ok; I've loaded the conference a few times this morning just to check and see if I could catch Smuggums... While I don't agree with a single thing these people are preaching? They at least seem educated and knowledgeable. I can't imagine what they were thinking asking Joshie-Poo to speak with these people!! He can barely articulate a sentence and has no business being in the same building with people who can present well. I'm dying to know how his part of this went off...

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Come on! He might actually learn something if he sat through the entire conference... Why the hell would he want to do that? :roll:


[ @ ] joshduggar Morning metro ride in DC 1h

[ @ ] okaysh Cool - memories of living there when it was built! Hope the weather doesn't get too bad today. 54min

the people he took crooked pics of look less than amused.

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I think she is pregnant too! Mainly because of the obvious babybump.

And I keep having to remind myself that this couple are just one year older than me!

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I think she is pregnant too! Mainly because of the obvious babybump.

And I keep having to remind myself that this couple are just one year older than me!

Yeah, Josh looks way old. :( It's so sad.

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That guy he's standing with in the previous picture looks vaguely familiar - is he somebody that we would know of?

For a minute I thought it was Gothard, but it's not.

Those people on the metro probably aren't thrilled with having their picture snapped by a dumbass tourist while they're just trying to go about their business.

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from twatter

I'm confused why she is hiding the pregnancy. Josh must be getting some $$ from TLC for the annoucement. I also love how he just has the coach purse highlighted.

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That guy he's standing with in the previous picture looks vaguely familiar - is he somebody that we would know of?

Josh twattered that its Rand Paul

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Josh twattered that its Rand Paul

I get periodically furious when I remember that Rand Paul is one of my senators. :angry-cussingblack:

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It is that constant frat boy-douche bag, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who notably told the Secretary of State earlier this week in a hearing that he would fire her if he could. I'd love to see Secretary Clinton dismember him and pick her teeth with his bones.

The gentleman with the rather unfortunate ears is Sen. Boozman of Arkansas--the Duggars swarm about him often.

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I just threw that picture of them into a photo editor and lightened it /sharpened it (not the best, but it shows what we need to see). THERE IS A BIG BUMP! Tell me what you girls think...


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Wow, I think she looks like she's REALLY showing there! Look towards the bottom of Smuggar's tie. You can see the outline of her shirt!

ETA: Cone, I guess I should have read forward before I posted. lol I fully agree with you!

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The Canadiens won, by the way.

I *may* have posted a comment to that effect on his instagram. ;)

Pisses me off to no end that he gets to go to a hockey game when he could care less. Bet he didn't even know about the lockout.

Go Habs Go!

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Wow, I think she looks like she's REALLY showing there! Look towards the bottom of Smuggar's tie. You can see the outline of her shirt!

ETA: Cone, I guess I should have read forward before I posted. lol I fully agree with you!

I was thinking that he was using such dark/shitty pictures to hide the bump. Didnt think of a photo editor! :dance:

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At least Anna's skirt isn't dragging the floor in that pic. I swear if I see one more ankle length loose faded jean skirt on a Gothardite gal I'm going to hurl. Would it kill them to wear something with a bit of tailoring?

I just walked by a couple of young Muslim women in my building, all wearing stylish (and rather tight) longish skirts.

(Yes, I know that any hint of a woman's posterior makes Quiver Baby Jesus cry.)

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It is that constant frat boy-douche bag, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who notably told the Secretary of State earlier this week in a hearing that he would fire her if he could. I'd love to see Secretary Clinton dismember him and pick her teeth with his bones.

^^^ This!

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[ @ ] imjoshwalsh Heading to a quick radio interview before dinner. #marchforlife @joshduggar 15min

[ @ ] cathylivermore Trouble for sure! 13min

The hat... just... NO.

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I *may* have posted a comment to that effect on his instagram. ;)

Pisses me off to no end that he gets to go to a hockey game when he could care less. Bet he didn't even know about the lockout.

Go Habs Go!

Ha. I neither follow nor like hockey, but like the idea of a Canadian team kicking an American team's ass in front of Smuggar.

Google tells me 20°F is only minus six. I will laugh really hard if Josh complains about that. And that hat. It's horrid. I hope he leaves it on the whole time he's in DC.

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Smuggar's hat looks like a training version of some of the more vertically assertive Ultraorthodox hats. That, plus the day-old baby scruffy beard bits he's trying out makes me wonder idly if prayer curls can be far behind.

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