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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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Maybe he's jealous David and Pris got to go to Australia, so he's trying a crocodile dundee look.

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The hat... just... NO.

Why is Anna in the backseat? I could see if Anna had the kids in tow that she would want to sit in the back with them but the kids are not there.

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When I drive somewhere with my husband, we both sit in the front seat. And the hat , scarf AND tie ? WTF ? I can never decide if I just really dislike him, or pity him. I always feel like he is an insecure little geeky boy who, almost overnight ,through no fault of his own, is trying to turn into the cool guy grown man. It ain't working.

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But what about that tie?

Oh god, I didn't even see the tie until you pointed it out, I was so occupied with the hat!

What is he thinking?!

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Why is Anna in the backseat? I could see if Anna had the kids in tow that she would want to sit in the back with them but the kids are not there.

I'll sometimes sit in the back seat because the back seat has less leg room and if we have tall company they get the front seat.

Most of the time, though, I drive. I am an evil, evil woman.

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You know, it almost looks to me that the tie is a printed picture. I think it may be a white t-shirt with the tie printed on it.

ETA: I also think he is sort of giving off the Cousin Eddie vibe.

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I wonder who Anna is calling?

Josh is reminding me of someone but for the life of me I can't remember who.

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I wonder who Anna is calling?

Josh is reminding me of someone but for the life of me I can't remember who.

Village Idiot?

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I wonder who Anna is calling?

Josh is reminding me of someone but for the life of me I can't remember who.

She's calling Jesus to ask for a do-over because Josh looks like a douchebag in that get-up.

Josh is "ensemblely challenged".... sounds like something they said on the movie Clueless.

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[ @ ] _kendall_marie__ @mackynziesmom you and josh are the best marriage couple ! @joshduggar 8min

[ @ ] trissy_pop_corn You look stunning as usual :) 8min

[ @ ] brij12399 You are so pretty, Anna! @mackynziesmom 7min

[ @ ] abbybieberforever it must of been cold @mackynziesmom 6min

[ @ ] kendallcatmeow SERIOUSLY!? I was in DC 2 days ago and now u show up? Wow just wow... @oliviabach @mackynziesmom I've always wanted to see you! 4min

[ @ ] ronaldreagannumber1 Herman Cain's hat!

I pray that people aren't hateful towards Karen Santorum because of what happened with her pregnancy. I know how rude some people at those events can be. 3min



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How will Smuggar and Smuggette deal with all those heathen Catholics (especially those heathen Cathoilc Youth in their defrauding clothes) at The March for Life?

Douchecanoe Duggars.

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How will Smuggar and Smuggette deal with all those heathen Catholics (especially those heathen Cathoilc Youth in their defrauding clothes) at The March for Life?

Douchecanoe Duggars.

Isn't Rick Catholic?

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Isn't Rick Catholic?

Yup..... somehow, Smuggar hasn't figured that one out or Rick has told Smuggar "I'm really a Fundie in Catholic Clothing."

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Yup..... somehow, Smuggar hasn't figured that one out or Rick has told Smuggar "I'm really a Fundie in Catholic Clothing."

Somebody is stoopid!

Google says he attends latin/tridentine mass. The exact kind of Catholic fundies love to hate.

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What is a "marriage couple"??!!

And WHAT THE FUCK with the hat! It makes him look like one of those pervy dudes that thinks he's all suave and would probably grab your ass but think he's entitled to do so because he's so cool. :roll:

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"Great time" marching around pretending to be important!

Hate Smuggar, love to snark on him, but I will give him credit for how he looks in this photo, he does actual look thinner. Maybe the gym is working or maybe not.

My theory? J'Michelle and the minions are back to starving him while he's spending all this time on the road.

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