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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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I think the Duggars do their best to brush off the fact than Santorum is Catholic. They probably get happy when he shares the same opionions as them on certain subjects. But we all know if Santorum invited the Duggars to a Mass or another type of Catholic event, the Duggars would say no.

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Someone needs to pull a River Song on him and shoot that hat off his head. Please Josh at least wear a hat that fits!

I will admit to owning a cowboy hat. It's a simple wool hat that protects my face and ears from the New Mexico sun. I think I look a little silly in it because I am not a cowboy; but, josh wins a medal for looking so damn bad on that ill fitting hat.

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So.....you hope that people aren't "hateful" toward someone who had an abortion taking away everyone else's right to one?

Yeeeeah. Good luck with that.

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So.....you hope that people aren't "hateful" toward someone who had an abortion taking away everyone else's right to one?

Yeeeeah. Good luck with that.

That's interesting, though. Sounds like not everyone in the anti-choice movement is uncritical of her decision. I wonder what people say about her.

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Hmmm....I smell a possible troll here. Karen Santorum's medically induced early delivery is not widely discussed amongst the typical “Ronald Reagan is Number 1†crowd.

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I think the Duggars do their best to brush off the fact than Santorum is Catholic. They probably get happy when he shares the same opionions as them on certain subjects. But we all know if Santorum invited the Duggars to a Mass or another type of Catholic event, the Duggars would say no.

See, I don't see him saying no. I see him doing whatever lets him kiss ass best.

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Hmmm....I smell a possible troll here. Karen Santorum's medically induced early delivery is not widely discussed amongst the typical “Ronald Reagan is Number 1†crowd.

Yeah -- bringing it up to bring it up, not to defend them. The Christian version is asking to put X on the prayer list, because they Y.

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Perry Coghlan just posted this on Facebook.


If that figure is even half accurate, Josh and Anna are probably dizzy with the excitement of being involved in a mass event with others who share their beliefs, without their parents or kids along for the ride. It's an intoxicating feeling - I remember the first protests I went to as an adult, and there is something euphoric about being surrounded by thousands of people all endorsing your opinion.

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Perry Coghlan just posted this on Facebook.


If that figure is even half accurate, Josh and Anna are probably dizzy with the excitement of being involved in a mass event with others who share their beliefs, without their parents or kids along for the ride. It's an intoxicating feeling - I remember the first protests I went to as an adult, and there is something euphoric about being surrounded by thousands of people all endorsing your opinion.

Isn't it snowing in D.C ?

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Haha sitting in my NZ summer, I'm enjoying the snow pictures on my FB, hence the very quick there is no way that is real observation... Propaganda they fail at it.

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Pretty much anything posted by Perry Coghlan is bound to be a fail. I wonder where that picture actually came from? It would be brilliant if it was actually from a pro-choice protest.

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I know- I follow him on Facebook, and the daily ignorance is astounding, even by fundie standards. He really is incredibly red necky for a VF Patriarch too. Can't imagine him and Kim having high tea with Dougie and Beall.

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Yes it started snowing in DC around 2pm yesterday. I went to a catholic collge in DC, and every year I would wake up one day and look out my window to see hundreds of fundies(Catholic, and other types too) and pro life supporters. I remember a large portion being religious school children on a field trip.

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I immediatly thought, "Why is it so green?"

From the rainbow colors I'd say it's a gay parade! :lol: Well, isn't that ironic.
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He looks like he just got his teeth pulled. Serious chipmunk cheeks going on. He must be wearing something under that hat, like a face mask maybe?

Also, marriage couple? Sounds like a SOTDRT fail to me! or a shitty romcom.

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It was not snowing in DC until the afternoon yesterday. I'm not sure how much of Thursday's dusting was still hanging around, but since it's been cold, I would guess maybe a bit here and there, but National only recorded about .2". Dulles got 1.8". Since the Mall is right by the water, it wouldn't have looked a Winter Wonderland.

I have no idea if that is a real photo or not.

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It was not snowing in DC until the afternoon yesterday. I'm not sure how much of Thursday's dusting was still hanging around, but since it's been cold, I would guess maybe a bit here and there, but National only recorded about .2". Dulles got 1.8". Since the Mall is right by the water, it wouldn't have looked a Winter Wonderland.

I have no idea if that is a real photo or not.

But was the grass green?? Because that photo sure looks like there's green grass.

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I don't believe that photo is of D.C or this protest. Mainly because it looks awful green for winter and two, because it doesn't like D.C period.

I cannot find that photo or a number on how many people attended. March for Life and Fox News say over 500K, but those don't seem reliable.

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