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Josh Duggar Instagram and Facebook (Part 7)


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Ha. I neither follow nor like hockey, but like the idea of a Canadian team kicking an American team's ass in front of Smuggar.

Google tells me 20°F is only minus six. I will laugh really hard if Josh complains about that. And that hat. It's horrid. I hope he leaves it on the whole time he's in DC.

Hahaha, didn't know that he saw my home team kick the Capitals' ass!!

Go Habs Go indeed!! :clap: :clap:

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Ugh he looks like a squirrel with his cheeks full of nuts.

You mustn't insult Alvin's relatives. Even chipmunks have more class than Smuggly. :naughty:
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Hate Smuggar, love to snark on him, but I will give him credit for how he looks in this photo, he does actual look thinner. Maybe the gym is working or maybe not.

My theory? J'Michelle and the minions are back to starving him while he's spending all this time on the road.

I think he only looks thinner because he is wearing a black suit and the background is black. He blends in. You can't see where his body ends and the curtain begins.

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It looks like this pic from 2004: commondreams.org/headlines04/0425-01.htm

but not exactly.

More pics: treeofmamre.wordpress.com/

Oh edit: My husband informs me that you can search by image so I did with the one at the second blog that looks most like the one from the OP and it appears to be some kind of homosexual rights protest in Paris.

http://histoirepatrimoinebleurvillois.h ... paris.html

http://histoirepatrimoinebleurvillois.h ... homosexuel

So that's fun. I hope I'm right because that would be great.

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That is the exact same picture. :lol: I guess they are lying for Jesus again. If possible, someone should point this out to them, that this wasn't taken at a pro-life rally in DC.

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It looks like this pic from 2004: commondreams.org/headlines04/0425-01.htm

but not exactly.

More pics: treeofmamre.wordpress.com/

Oh edit: My husband informs me that you can search by image so I did with the one at the second blog that looks most like the one from the OP and it appears to be some kind of homosexual rights protest in Paris.

http://histoirepatrimoinebleurvillois.h ... paris.html

http://histoirepatrimoinebleurvillois.h ... homosexuel

So that's fun. I hope I'm right because that would be great.

That is amazing!

I was hoping it would be something he would disagree with.

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From the rainbow colors I'd say it's a gay parade! :lol: Well, isn't that ironic.

Found the picture. My Spanish is rusty, but it appears to be a picture of an anti-gay-marriage demonstration in France. If you look at the parts that the anti-choicers cropped out, this demonstration is clearly not in Washington.



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It looks like this pic from 2004: commondreams.org/headlines04/0425-01.htm

but not exactly.

More pics: treeofmamre.wordpress.com/

Oh edit: My husband informs me that you can search by image so I did with the one at the second blog that looks most like the one from the OP and it appears to be some kind of homosexual rights protest in Paris.

http://histoirepatrimoinebleurvillois.h ... paris.html

http://histoirepatrimoinebleurvillois.h ... homosexuel

So that's fun. I hope I'm right because that would be great.

That looks exactly like the cropped pic in the Preborn Rights FB. I had a feeling it wasn't a US picture. Something about it, the scenery didn't look like typical of anywhere in the states. It was definitely not winter in D.C scenery or D.C.

So...wonder how Perry or the group will react once they are caught using a faux image or learning that image isn't from where they think it is. Denial or ignoring is my guess.

Eta to add: And from google translate: It's an anti-gay marriage protest. I'm sure they love that idea, but it's still not a D.C abortion protest.

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Re: the hockey game instagram - if he tilts those photos any more, he will be holding his phone perpendicular to the ground. Say it with me kids, per-pen-DIC-u-lar.

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Found the picture. My Spanish is rusty, but it appears to be a picture of an anti-gay-marriage demonstration in France. If you look at the parts that the anti-choicers cropped out, this demonstration is clearly not in Washington.



It's very much not Washington-it snowed yesterday so it wouldn't be that green. Also, the buildings don't look anything like those in D.C., especially not where they are marching. Are they that stupid or do they think the rest of us are that stupid?

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Found the picture. My Spanish is rusty, but it appears to be a picture of an anti-gay-marriage demonstration in France. If you look at the parts that the anti-choicers cropped out, this demonstration is clearly not in Washington.



Oh fucking yes, somebody please make a big deal about this on facebook. This is too good. If the American March for Fetuses is anything like the Canadian one, they'll be inflating their numbers by a factor of about 5.

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That's rich! I'm tempted to go find pictures of rallies for things that would offend them and pass them off as the March for Stupid People on FB. To answer one of the posters above, not only are they stupid, but they also think we're stupid; which just makes them stupider.

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[ @ ] joshduggar Chillin with my friend Ben Steiger 4h

[ @ ] notaloserlikeyou Where's your hat, @joshduggar ? It looked so good on you! 4h

[ @ ] mama2gurls You and Anna are the cutest couple! 4h

[ @ ] teamdojo1 Aww!! What was he doing in DC? @joshduggar @mackynziesmom 4h

[ @ ] ellenk1710 Absolutly beautiful you two are!! 2h

He just cant have a single picture where he isnt a douche, can he?!?!? He took the hat off, but the thumbs up sign... ugh.

Are they is a dorm of some sort? I cant believe he would associate with anyone that went to an ebil college!

eta - thats the same sweater from the Ark capitol and treasury pics, right? She really keeps that thing buttoned up!

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I hope the leghumper telling Smuggar how great the hat looked on him is being sarcastic. :lol: He looked like a sleazemeister in it.

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I hope the leghumper telling Smuggar how great the hat looked on him is being sarcastic. :lol: He looked like a sleazemeister in it.

I think that's a FJ user ;)

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I hope the leghumper telling Smuggar how great the hat looked on him is being sarcastic. :lol: He looked like a sleazemeister in it.

I think the "leghumper" is one of us. notaloserlikeyou is the name of a member here, IIRC.

Someone should remind Smuggar that horizontal stripes often make people look heavier.

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I think that's a FJ user ;)

D'oh! I should have figured, but it can be hard to tell with all the deadly earnest leghumping that goes on! :)

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[ @ ] joshduggar Students for Life! 1h

[ @ ] eat_sleep_swim_eat_repeat @mackynziesmom 1h

Isnt it about time for Joshie and his prego wife to return to his living children?

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Re: the hockey game instagram - if he tilts those photos any more, he will be holding his phone perpendicular to the ground. Say it with me kids, per-pen-DIC-u-lar.


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Isn't that a woman's hat?

It just occurred to me where I've seen that hat. Silver Dollar City. There are very nice artisan shops and there's a leather shop with leather and felt hats. That's where he got the hat.

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Isnt it about time for Joshie and his prego wife to return to his living children?

This room looks like it should be in a whore house.

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